Pen & Paper Bullshit

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 338:06:57
  • More information



We play pen and paper bullshit and record it. That's why this podcast is called Pen & Paper Bullshit.


  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 11

    13/01/2023 Duration: 01h36min

    The expedition has once again returned to Nagalisitu, finding it changed beyond recognition once again; gone is the secrecy and hoarding of knowledge but not the unity they had hoped to create by introducing bureaucrats and farmers. Will they be able to find a way to shake up the status quo for the good of Nagalisitu and her people?

  • 13th Age: Wild Hunt 98

    13/01/2023 Duration: 01h49min

    The party returns from Hell, reunites with an old friend, and reunites with an "old friend." The end game is in sight.

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 10

    16/11/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    The expedition is on the look out for someone to teach the people of Nagalisitu how to fight... except they aren't? They instead decide that maybe they do need to teach the Nagalisitites the value of human life and ethics before they hand them swords and military tactics. It should be fine?

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 9

    14/10/2022 Duration: 01h30min

    The expedition returns from Nagalisitu and prepare themselves to venture to Castana, the home of Edonis and Santina's extended family. Their goal is simple: reunite a family and also hire some mercenaries to further develop Nagalisitu. Should be simple!

  • RuneQuest: Now Comes the Fire 15

    09/10/2022 Duration: 01h14min

    Sea Season is here and the Company of the Rainbow Scale is finally settling in to Storm's Age. This peace is broken by the arrival of an old man from the Hiordling clan with a tale of woe: a Lunar legion has attacked the clan, intent on stealing some of its most sacred treasures. Always eager to take the Lunars down a peg (and perhaps make some money), the Rainbow Scale prepares a rescue mission to save whatever Hiordlings remain.

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 8

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h27min

    The expedition finds itself at odds with each other; Edonis, trapped in a deathmask, has decided that he should rule Nagalisitu as its God-King, much to the displeasure of the others. The solution is obvious: a heist to steal Edonis back and remove him from Nagalisitu. Of course, Santina, Edonis' many times great granddaughter has other ideas. Things go as well as you would expect.

  • RuneQuest: Now Comes the Fire 14

    26/08/2022 Duration: 01h43min

    The Company of the Rainbow Scale have spent a long year trying to find a new home, but with little success, but a chance encounter in the city of Wilmskirk may reverse their fortunes, leading them to the long forgotten Storm's Age. Can they gain control over their new, would be home or will they too be consumed by it?

  • 13th Age: Wild Hunt 97

    12/08/2022 Duration: 02h14min

    The party finds themselves sucked into a strange world, where they must once again kill the Queen of Hell. Of course, unlike last time the Queen has a giant undead dragon and a legion of ghostly wraiths; that's without even considering if they can even kill the Queen for good this time.

  • The Esoterrorists 2e: A Captive of Sin 2

    07/08/2022 Duration: 01h32min

    The Simonian Bible is within reach and the crew's big payday is right on its heels. The only thing standing in their way? Cleveland's central evidence lock up, a pair of Catholics, and, quite possibly, the man who hired them. No one ever said making ten million was easy.

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 7

    05/08/2022 Duration: 01h41min

    The expedition finally arrives in Archive, just in time for the Assembly of Cities; waiting for them are thousands of eager zealots, the remnants of the original Society of the Black Owl, lead by Abbot-Librarian Pleavold X, ready to revolutionize Nagalisitite society once again. Of course, despite being the God-Kings of Nagalisitu, introducing a new pillar of society is never easy, especially when one of their own has much different ideas.

  • RuneQuest: Now Comes the Fire 13

    30/07/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Dark Season is once again here and the warband has made camp in Enjossi lands, following their adventure with the elves. It promises to be a long and cold season, but with plenty of mead and food, unlike the previous year. That is, until a Lunar pursued by a group of bandits stumbles upon their camp. 

  • 13th Age: Wild Hunt 96

    23/07/2022 Duration: 02h14min

    The fight is on! The party takes on the Queen of Hell, set on killing an Icon and freeing Hell from her reign. But the Queen isn't giving up easily, having spent centuries preparing. Its time for some regicide.

  • 13th Age: Wild Hunt 95

    15/07/2022 Duration: 01h46min

    We're back! The party has finally reached the last circle of Hell, ready to face off against the Queen of Hell and tear down her crystal city. But, someone from Hugh's past is waiting for him, someone he thought he'd never have the chance to apologize to. Can the rest of the party keep Hugh safe, even as he risks being swept up into the games of Icons once again?

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 6

    24/06/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    The expedition returns to Nagalisitu for the third time, but it is not the Nagalisitu they remember; in their absence, Nagalisitite society has become obsessed with religion and community above all else. As they prepare to attend the Intercity Games in Archive, they find themselves questioning if introducing mercantilism to Nagalisitu is the right thing to do.

  • The Esoterrorists 2e: A Captive of Sin 1

    28/05/2022 Duration: 01h47min

    Cleveland is a city down on its luck, and no place is worse off than the local occult underground; liars, thieves, and plain dealing villains, all hungry for the next big score. So, when a job worth 10 million each comes along, Everett Drobny, Max Hirsh, and Irena Sobol are quick to take it. But something smells rotten from the go and the group soon discovers a conspiracy much vaster and deeper than they could dream of. Will they manage to save themselves or will they be nothing more than captives of sin?

  • RuneQuest: Now Comes the Fire

    20/05/2022 Duration: 01h37min

    As Earth Season comes to a close, the Company of the Rainbow Scale must rest and resupply in order to survive the looming Dark Season; thankfully, they still have ties of kinship to the Enjossi, who are more than happy to supply them and give them a safe place to rest for a while. But, it quickly comes apparent that the Enjossi's new chief has started a war he has no hopes of winning and that it is up to the Rainbow Scales set things right.

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 5

    12/05/2022 Duration: 02h15min

    The expedition heads to Craunia, seat of House Sern and Umbrolio's ancestral home. They come to negotiate a deal with the Whole Prince of House Sern, in an effort to obtain farmers and bureaucrats to teach the people of Nagalisitu about economics and money. Unfortunately, the Whole Prince is very intent on doing colonialism and extracting every bit of wealth Nagalisitu has to offer House Sern, while keeping them poor and unknowledgeable and, of course, easily controllable. Have the party bitten off more than they can chew?

  • 13th Age: Wild Hunt 94

    29/04/2022 Duration: 01h33min

    You know how every podcast has an episode based on the hit movie The Lorax? This is that episode! The party have entered the Circle of Fraud, home of a forest of infinite trees; unfortunately, the Queen of Hell has never seen a resource she won't immediately exploit for military gain. Can the party hope to bring life back to this once verdant land?

  • Reign 2e: Nagalisitu 4

    28/04/2022 Duration: 01h59min

    The Outsiders are set on making peace and forging a lasting tribe for Nagalisitu; their last obstacle is the Grafulo Skal, a tribe that absolute hates them and enjoys such things as slave raiding and doing fascism. Can they be reasoned with or will Nagalisitu's peace and unity be forged with their blood?

  • 13th Age: wild Hunt 93

    15/04/2022 Duration: 01h50min

    Time for another fight! This time, the party goes up against Headmistress Sweaters and her trio of chosen heroes, including the Chosen One, the feared Hamish Grubbly-Plank! Can they defeat these horrible foes, or will they require the outside help of someone - or something - else?

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