The Jordan Harbinger Show



Join Jordan Harbinger (critically-acclaimed host, formerly of The Art of Charm) as we get deep into the untapped wisdom of the worlds top performers -- from intelligence operatives to legendary musicians, iconoclastic writers to visionary changemakers. We deconstruct the playbooks of the most successful people on earth -- and learn new strategies, perspectives and insights you cant find anywhere else. Then, take these practical insights into your own life and live what you listen.


  • 980: Sister Was Wild — Should You Adopt Her Child? | Feedback Friday

    19/04/2024 Duration: 01h30min

    Your pregnant sister-in-law was a wild child growing up and suffers addiction. Would adopting her baby disrupt your family life? Welcome to Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Whenever you're hit with a double-whammy of physical illness and depression, remember that psychology is, in fact, biology. Metacognition is the key. Your pregnant sister-in-law was a wild child growing up and suffers from addiction. Would adopting her baby disrupt your own family's tranquility? What's the most drama-free way to get your professional contacts on board with the changes you've made since coming out as

  • 979: Adam Gamal | My Top-Secret Fight Against Terrorism Part Two

    18/04/2024 Duration: 01h17min

    What's it like to be one of the only Muslim Arab Americans fighting terrorism in the US' most secret military unit? Adam Gamal shares here in part 2 of 2! [Part 1 can be found here.] What We Discuss with Adam Gamal: How Adam Gamal went from being an Egyptian refugee who barely spoke English to an operative in the United States' most secret special forces unit. The unit's tasks range from counterterrorism and hostage rescue to counter-narcotics operations. The ethical and emotional complexities of covert operations. How top secret operatives navigate cultural nuances while making personal sacrifices for the greater good. The importance of intelligence, adaptability, and the unseen battles fought every day to ensure American safety. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here:  This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors:  Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — a

  • 978: Adam Gamal | My Top-Secret Fight Against Terrorism Part One

    16/04/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    What's it like to be one of the only Muslim Arab Americans fighting terrorism in the US' most secret military unit? Adam Gamal shares here in part 1 of 2! What We Discuss with Adam Gamal: How Adam Gamal went from being an Egyptian refugee who barely spoke English to an operative in the US Army's most secret special forces unit. The unit's tasks range from counterterrorism and hostage rescue to counter-narcotics operations. The ethical and emotional complexities of covert operations. How top secret operatives navigate cultural nuances while making personal sacrifices for the greater good. The importance of intelligence, adaptability, and the unseen battles fought every day to ensure American safety. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this sh

  • 977: Do You Strive for a Love That Can't Survive? | Feedback Friday

    12/04/2024 Duration: 01h24min

    We have a follow-up from our episode 904 listener on her Persian boyfriend's hesitation to advance their six-year relationship. Welcome to Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday: What are the benefits of raising a resilient child? Daily Dad Ryan Holiday counts the ways. An update from the listener who wrote in on episode 904 regarding her Persian boyfriend's reluctance to commit to the next step of their six-year relationship. (Hint: it's got very little to do with his family's acceptance of her non-Persianness.) As a Mandarin-speaking American quickly rising within a Chinese-owned organization, you find

  • 976: Bruce Ladebu | Stories of Hope in the Fight Against Slavery

    11/04/2024 Duration: 01h31min

    Children's Rescue Initiative founder Bruce Ladebu joins us to discuss the 20 years he's spent liberating hundreds of people from slavery and trafficking! What We Discuss with Bruce Ladebu: Human trafficking and slavery affect around 40 million globally, generating $150 billion per year. Exploitation includes forced labor, domestic servitude, and sex trafficking of all ages. Heartless and often sadistic traffickers prey on the most vulnerable and desperate populations, including disaster-stricken children and marginalized minorities. Corruption and apathy among local authorities and law enforcement allow this atrocity of an industry to thrive. Rescuing trafficking victims is perilous work, but Bruce Ladebu's team has saved hundreds over the past 20 years. Extensive physical and mental rehabilitation in the aftermath is often necessary for these survivors to cope with the trauma they've endured. Children's Rescue Initiative is Bruce's organization that provides funding for a variety of programs that help to re

  • 975: Cal Newport | Reclaiming Time and Focus with Slow Productivity

    09/04/2024 Duration: 01h34min

    How can we achieve work/life balance when we're always so dang busy? Slow Productivity author Cal Newport helps us achieve without burning out here! What We Discuss with Cal Newport: Why we need to redefine what productivity means in an age of constant connection and unclear boundaries between work life and home life. How the pandemic's remote work "solutions" exacerbated — on a societal level — an already simmering host of workload issues. How committing to doing fewer things makes work more sustainable and increases its overall quality. How to increase the volume of email you can process while minimizing the productivity-killing need to context switch. Innovative work models that may be key to better balance and slow productivity in the near and distant future. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relat

  • 974: Emotional Support Animals | Skeptical Sunday

    07/04/2024 Duration: 48min

    Are too many people abusing laws that allow service animals to accompany the legitimately disabled? Michael Regilio walks us through this Skeptical Sunday!  On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss: If you've noticed a proliferation of people threatening legal repurcussions if they aren't allowed to go absolutely everywhere with their emotional support animals, you're not alone. They're just hoping you don't know the difference between emotional support animals and service animals. Service animals are trained to perform specific tasks for people with disabilities and are legally protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), while emotional support animals provide comfort to their owners but do not have the same level of training — and are not covered by the ADA. There are some legal allowances for emotional support animals, but they vary depending on the state. Those who abuse the system by insisting their emotional support animals be allowed to accompany them everywhere undermine people wh

  • 973: Kid's Not Possessed, She Just Needs a Safe Nest | Feedback Friday

    05/04/2024 Duration: 01h30min

    Your alcoholic sister's in an abusive relationship, and you worry your nieces are in danger. What can you do? Welcome to Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Your alcoholic sister's in an abusive relationship, and you worry your nieces are in danger. What can you do? Taking over from a clueless old boss can be challenging. How can you forge ahead without tinging new business relationships with his old-boss smell? “Your dad gave me an STD! Wanna share a toilet?” Your immigrant parents seem to have your best interests in mind. It's a shame they're so racist. Have any questions, comments, or s

  • 972: Mustafa Suleyman | The Coming Wave of Artificial Intelligence

    02/04/2024 Duration: 01h26min

    How has artificial intelligence (AI) become the 21st century's greatest dilemma? Microsoft AI CEO and The Coming Wave author Mustafa Suleyman weighs in! What We Discuss with Mustafa Suleyman: A deep dive into the evolution of AI and understanding how AI learns and predicts. AI's potential impact on everything from everyday jobs to gaming to national security to solving global challenges. The ethical considerations of allowing AI to replace humans in the workforce — particularly as it gets more sophisticated and more capable of taking on more complex tasks. How AI will shape the course of the arms race between the superpowers. The critical need for responsible innovation, international safety standards, and cooperative governance to harness AI's benefits while mitigating its threats. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free n

  • 971: Laughter is Life's Lubricant | Feedback Friday

    29/03/2024 Duration: 01h12min

    A dinner party with friends was interrupted in one of the most embarrassing ways possible — and then it went viral. Welcome to April Fools' Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday (April Fools' Edition): A dinner party with friends was interrupted in one of the most embarrassing ways possible — and then it went viral! You could be upset about the all-day wardrobe malfunction nobody bothered to tell you about, or you could choose funny. Remember that time you ended up in jail and they took your offhand joke about wishing you were dead way too seriously? That escalated quickly. So you think you c

  • 970: Annie Jacobsen | The Nuts and Bolts of Nuclear Annihilation

    28/03/2024 Duration: 01h44min

    Are you afraid of the possibility of nuclear war? Chances are good you're not scared enough. Journalist Annie Jacobsen is here to change all that! What We Discuss with Annie Jacobsen: What checks and balances keep us safe from nuclear attacks — and prevent such attacks from being initiated accidentally? Why nuclear war preparedness and response plans are woefully inadequate under even the mildest potential scenarios. The mechanics and strategies of nuclear warfare and the fantasy of space-based defense systems. The terrifying concept of nuclear EMPs and their consequences. The chilling reality of nuclear winter and its aftermath on those unlucky enough to survive the first blasts. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please l

  • 969: Scott Walker | Persuasion Tactics of a Hostage Negotiator

    26/03/2024 Duration: 01h27min

    If you want to understand communication, emotional regulation, and bargaining under pressure, join us here with former hostage negotiator Scott Walker! What We Discuss with Scott Walker: The role of trust in successful negotiations. How emotional intelligence plays into hostage negotiations. The minimalist toolkit of a hostage negotiator. Navigating legal and ethical boundaries in negotiations. The perils of fame in kidnapping situations, and the importance of ransom discipline and social media caution. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

  • 968: Bottled Water | Skeptical Sunday

    24/03/2024 Duration: 56min

    Does the $200 billion bottled water industry provide a superior product to what comes out of your tap? Andrew Gold investigates on this Skeptical Sunday! On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss: Is the bottled water industry a $200 billion sham? Fluoride in water: myths and facts. Bottled vs. tap, and purified vs. filtered: quality, safety, and environmental impact. The benefits of spring water over other types. The dangers of drinking too much water. Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at and let him know! Connect with Andrew Gold on Twitter and Instagram, and check out On the Edge with Andrew Gold here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts! Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute N

  • 967: Dad's Years of Abuse Have Come Home to Roost | Feedback Friday

    22/03/2024 Duration: 01h27min

    Now in his 80s, the abusive dad who made your life Hell is experiencing domestic violence at the hands of his younger wife. Welcome to Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Are you making the right decision, or are you making the decision right? Now in his twilight years, the abusive dad who made your life Hell is experiencing domestic violence at the hands of his younger wife — though he would never admit to being victimized by a woman. What should you do? You're great at actively listening and asking questions to keep a conversation rolling — until the focus turns to you. How d

  • 966: Patrick Winn | Wa State: When a Drug Cartel Becomes a Country

    19/03/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    How has a drug cartel operating as its own country thwarted hostile actions by its neighbors and the CIA? Narcotopia author Patrick Winn is here to explain! What We Discuss with Patrick Winn: Burma vs. Myanmar. The CIA's role in Wa State's formation. How Wa State went from a poppy-harvesting cartel to a self-sufficient, defense-capable narco nation. The evolution of Wa State's drug branding and distribution that outsells Starbucks and McDonald's. The future of Wa State and its potential global impact. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

  • 965: Seeking Repentance for Unfair Life Sentence | Feedback Friday

    15/03/2024 Duration: 01h35min

    Your friend is legally chained to a life of debt for something he did in his youth. Is there an ethical way to ease his burden? Welcome to Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Your friend is legally chained to a life of debt for killing one person and disabling another when he fell asleep behind the wheel in his youth. While everyone agrees he should be held accountable, it seems cruel and unusual that his only hope for relief is death. Is there an ethical way to ease his burden? [Thanks to bankruptcy attorney Erin Hoskins for helping us with this one!] On your big wedding day, how should y

  • 964: Miles Johnson | The Secret World of International Crime

    14/03/2024 Duration: 01h33min

    How do globally organized criminals stay two steps ahead of the law? Chasing Shadows author Miles Johnson takes us into the underworld for answers! What We Discuss with Miles Johnson: The global impact of drug trafficking and sanctions busting. How the DEA internationally operates more like the CIA than the FBI. The Syrian conflict: a tangled web of alliances and interests. Innovative low-tech money laundering schemes and the shadow economy. The evolution of criminal networks and the role technology plays in their prosperity. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

  • 963: Charles Duhigg | Unlocking the Secret Language of Connection

    12/03/2024 Duration: 01h36min

    How can we build rapport and optimize our connection with others? Supercommunicators author Charles Duhigg brings us the practical steps here! What We Discuss with Charles Duhigg: The three categories of conversation: practical, emotional, and social. The biological underpinnings of communication — such as neural entrainment — that make humans unique. How to become a better active listener through looping — ask a question, repeat back what you just heard the person say in your own words, and ask if you got it right. The difference between matching and mimicry in communication — and which one will serve you better. Understanding and overcoming stereotype threat. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please lea

  • 962: Timeshares | Skeptical Sunday

    10/03/2024 Duration: 53min

    Are timeshares ever not a scam? Kevin Rapp joins us for Skeptical Sunday to delve into their pros and cons without the high-pressure sales gauntlet! On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss: The hidden costs of timeshares. The unconsidered benefits of timeshares. The unexpected demographics of today's timeshare owners. The trials and tribulations you'll probably face if you try to exit your timeshare investment. Weighing the pros and cons — and reading the fine print — to decide if a timeshare might be right for you. Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at and let him know! Connect with Kevin Rapp at his website or Twitter, and be sure to subscribe to his newsletter at Substack! Full show notes and resources can be found here: This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: Sign up for S

  • 961: Dark Prognosis of Friend's Postpartum Psychosis | Feedback Friday

    08/03/2024 Duration: 01h20min

    Postpartum psychosis is a serious disorder that can make mothers kill their children. So why aren't we talking more about it? Welcome to Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: In the wise words of James Clear (and Adam Smith, probably): "Don't spend what you haven't earned." A friend you've known for years killed her baby under the influence of a disorder called postpartum psychosis. The media is having a field day reporting her as a murderous monster, but why isn't it taking the opportunity to raise awareness of this condition so others can avoid repeating the nightmare she and her family ar

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