Coach Corey Wayne

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 820:01:31
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Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. To Get My Audio Book, "How To Be A 3% Man," For Free @ Amazon w/Audible Trial, Click Here:


  • Getting Over & Preventing Future Heartbreak

    19/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to recover from an emotionally painful breakup and learn from your mistakes so you can find greater fulfillment and happiness in your next relationship.

  • Accepting Your Present Situation

    19/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    Why accepting your current life situation will give you peace and allow you to stay present in the moment so you can find joy and happiness no matter how close or how far you feel you are from achieving your goals and dreams. Why worrying about the future and being fearful and focused on what may or may not happen prevents you from enjoying your life.

  • It's Your Vibe, Not Your Looks

    19/10/2018 Duration: 17min

    Why being unsuccessful with women is not about your looks if you think you are ugly or unattractive, but it is really about the vibe of unhappiness and unworthiness that you give off that is the real reason for your lack of success with women. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who has convinced himself that he is too ugly and unattractive for women to be interested in him romantically. He says that he has a great sense of humor and has no problem making the ladies laugh and smile. He works out and takes care of himself physically. He also is only 23 years old, but he’s never had a girlfriend before. He says he also wonders if it is something that he portrays subconsciously that is getting in the way of women liking him and finding him attractive enough to date. He says his lack of success is getting to him and that he really is not sure what the problem is. He wonders if it is just a matter of luck and he has to wait for the one in a million type of woman to come along that

  • Why You Do What You Do

    19/10/2018 Duration: 16min

    Why it’s essential to have big enough “whys” to accomplish your grandest goals and dreams and why success is almost impossible without them. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss the essential nature of having emotionally compelling reasons why you want what you want in life in order to achieve it. I discuss how to properly set your goals, which are what you really want, and how to create emotionally reasons why you want it that are so compelling, it gives you leverage upon yourself that will help you to take continuous relentless action towards its attainment, even when you are fearful, uncertain and don’t feel like it. This is the method I have used for over twenty-five years to continually achieve every personal and professional goal I have ever set for myself.

  • When She's Not That Into You

    17/10/2018 Duration: 20min

    How to tell if a woman is really into you, if you really have chemistry and should continue seeing her and what it means when on some dates she gives you the cheek and on others she kisses you on the lips.

  • How Do I Forget My Ex?

    17/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to move on after your girlfriend dumps you saying you are a "fucked up narcissistic manipulative guy," but even though you are seeing a counselor for your depression, suicidal thoughts and on Prozac, you feel like its only making you a zombie and you're getting nowhere.

  • Become The Center Of Her Life

    17/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to become the center of your girlfriends life so she wants to spend most of her free time with you instead of her friends, family, etc.

  • What Women Want

    17/10/2018 Duration: 23min

    What women really want and how to give it to them according to women who are honest about masculinity, jerks, being too nice and what they find attractive in men. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who shared three Elite Daily articles written by women on what really turns them on and attracts them to assholes and bad boys even though most women claim they really want a nice guy. What I loved about these articles is that these women really understand attraction and how it works. They also explain from a woman’s perspective why the nice guy turns them off even though on paper, the nice guy is everything a woman is supposed to want, but they still reject them. These three articles backup everything I say as to what women really want from a woman’s perspective. Three different women who confirm in their honest and straightforward articles everything I teach in my book, “How To Be A 3% Man.”

  • I Walked Away & Got Her Back!

    17/10/2018 Duration: 09min

    How to properly walk away and never look back after being dumped by your significant other so they contact you later on down the road to give them another chance. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who originally found my work after getting dumped by the woman of his dreams over a year ago. He thought everything was going great, but then he came home one night to a “Dear John” type of letter dumping him. He contacted her once and told her what he wanted as I discuss in my video, “The Best Strategy To Get An Ex Back.” He then went back to dating other women and walked away. A few months later she contacted him out of the blue. They have been together ever since. She is head over heals in love with him. They are going to be moving in together soon so they can start their new life together. He shares what he did and said to get her back and how he permanently changed his beta male mindset into an alpha male mindset that continues to pay dividends.

  • Why She Chases & Then Runs Away

    17/10/2018 Duration: 06min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses what to do when your ex girlfriend still calls and stops by to see you at work sometimes, but she gets cold and distant after you see each other, and she also tells you another guy she is seeing "makes her happy."

  • How Women Know You Like Them

    17/10/2018 Duration: 14min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how women can tell that you are interested in them & why the less you communicate about your interest & feelings, the more they will be curious about you & want you more!

  • Moving On

    17/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    What you should focus on when you are moving on from a breakup with someone who made it impossible to stay together so you can get back to feeling good about yourself, your life and find someone better. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares how my book has helped him to move on from a breakup that was not of his choosing. Over the past month he was depressed and upset over a budding new relationship that went sideways. He talks about how he went out one night with a “no fucks to give” type of attitude after he got tired of feeling sorry for himself. He met a woman who was actually on a meet up with a new guy that was not going well. The dude even bought him a drink. She wasn’t digging the new guy and took him outside. She asked him for his phone number and started making out with him right on the spot. She told him that he would not regret giving her his phone number. About an hour later she invited him over. He shares what he did and said to seduce her successfully.

  • When Texting, Wait For Her Response

    17/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses why you must wait for women to respond to you when you text them. If you don't and send multiple texts when you do not hear from them they will reject you for being needy and insecure.

  • Getting Yourself Right Emotionally

    12/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    How to get yourself right emotionally after suffering a tragic loss, setback, bad breakup, getting fired from your job, unexpected health challenges, etc., and how this is essential to enabling you to get yourself into a positive enough mental state to move forward towards creating the life and lifestyle you really want.

  • How To Lose All Of Your Fears

    12/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to lose your fears of approach anxiety & other people so you become confident & more successful with women.

  • Exercising Emotional Self-Control

    12/10/2018 Duration: 10min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to maintain your emotional self-control and composure in order to keep women sexually attracted.

  • The Top Reasons Why Men Get Rejected

    12/10/2018 Duration: 20min

    The top reasons why men get rejected by women who they actually had a chance with and how you can avoid their mistakes so you can easily seduce the women you want. The most common reasons that cause men to ruin their chances to seduce women who actually like them.

  • The Friendship Vibe Vs. The Lover Vibe

    12/10/2018 Duration: 14min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses the subtle mistakes guys make that ruin attraction when they vacillate back and forth between acting like a friend vs. a lover that lead to women getting turned off, breaking up with them, ruining their chances to turn a girl "friend" into a girlfriend or getting an ex back. How to make sure you're not bullshitting yourself into thinking she likes and wants you more than she really does so you can attract or re-attract her successfully.

  • I Feel She's Messing With My Head

    12/10/2018 Duration: 30min

    What to do if your ex is calling and texting you even though she is dating someone else, but not coming over to hangout, have fun and hook up when you invite her to. How to know when to stop asking women out and how to handle their phone calls after that so you can finally get them to ask you out on a date, instead of them acting so flakey and making you feel like they are messing with your head.

  • 10 Reasons Why Women Chase More

    12/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    Ten (10) typical reasons why women tend to chase more in dating and relationships than men do, and how understanding this natural dynamic between masculine and feminine energy, can make your dating and relationship life free from worry of rejection or getting dumped unexpectedly. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a female viewer who has been following my work for over a year and has bought my book. She says that she agrees with almost everything I teach, except with what I teach about women chasing men more in dating and relationships. She says that she does not like it when men over-pursue and act too beta-male-like. She says that she has noticed that in some countries in Europe, men tend to be more passive at home and let the women lead, which she finds is a turn-off. She brings up some interesting points and thinks men should be more the way she says she wants, but in the same email she talks about how guys that actually behave that way are a turn-off and act like babies. I discus

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