Georg Mtb

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:25:33
  • More information



Hi ich heiße Georg und komme aus Südtirol, Italien. Ich fahre seit nun 3 Jahren Enduro Mountain Bike. In diesen 3 Jahren bin ich einige Trails rund um den Vinschgau gefahren, habe einige Sachen falsch gemacht und noch viel mehr gelernt.In meinem Podcast stelle ich euch meine Lieblingstouren vor, spreche über meine Erfahrungen beim Biken, berichte über meine Fehler und teile meine Tipps und Tricks die ich über die Jahre durch Freunde und durch "Trail and Error" gelernt habe.Ich bin kein Mountain Bike Profi,dennoch möchte ich das mit euch teilen was für mich funktioniert hat.


  • #042 - This decision could have cost me my life

    31/10/2018 Duration: 09min

    In this episode I talk about the heavy storm which hit the Alps from Monday to Tuesday, uprooting trees, flooding villages etc. I already new that there will be a lot of fallen branches on the trail and probably a few smaller trees which have been uprooted and blocking the trail. But when I came to ride the trail itself I was shocked. I didn't excpected it to be that bad. Let's see how long it takes to get the trail "ridable" again. More details about the desctruction level in this episode. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #041 - The pattern keeps repeating itself

    29/10/2018 Duration: 05min

    On my last ride I had to face it: It was raining for one and a half day straight I couldn't skip the interval training. That was no option and will never be an option. I talk about how I managed not to get wet, besides that I talk about what my main focus will be on the next rides, why I assumed that I will perform worse than I did. Very interestingly a pattern which I noticed lately keeps repeating itself over and over again. The pattern relates to my overall performance, where putting in more effort will result in worse results as if you change that one little thing. Furthermore I talk about "the connection" which I guess have lost throughout the last year or probably never had. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #040 - Changing 20 year old habits is hard

    27/10/2018 Duration: 05min

    In this episode I talk about how the construction side which is still going on has cost me a lot of stamina so far, but I also have to admit that I'm partially responsible for that. Beeing more present is still a big topic in my life and I try to apply it to more and more areas of my life, including mountain biking. So far I cannot say if it helps or not but here I talk about what my assumptions are for the next few weeks on what to expect from this thesis testing. Furthermore I'm still uncertain how important the active restday is to my training, as it looks like if I'm skipping one session the next ride isn't as good as if I would have done the active restday training. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #039 - You don't know this if you never have been in the mountains

    25/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    In this episode I talk about a very unique weather phenomenon which you only experience in the mountains, and even there it is rare. It changed the riding conditions by 180°. In my favor. To be specific; the complete opposite to the ride 2 days ago. Besides that I talk about on a new experiment I'm currently trying to figure out one thing which looks like was holding my performance back since my birth. Furthermore I talk about the downhill experience after my crash which will benefit not only me in the long term. Another point I'm talking about is the fact that the trail is perfectly ridable if this one thing will be done. I still have to talk to the guy in charge who will make it happen. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #038 - Thinking is the enemy

    23/10/2018 Duration: 10min

    In this episode I talk about my last ride which had it all. Beautiful scenery due to the autumn colors and a crash. I try to reconstruct how that could have happened on a trail which I rode probably a million times. Furthermore I talk about how the crash is related to a book I'm currently reading. Besides that I talk about a recurring thought I'm always having which quickly vanished when I actually get to tride my bike. And yesterday, the 22nd of October was the very first day of Autumn in my opinion. 15°C/59°F made me overthink about what to wear on this ride. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #037 - I'm sorry

    20/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    In this episode I talk about why I messed up and didn't kept my promise I made to you, and why I didn't published an episode the last few days. Furthermore I talk about how the alternative exercise during the business trip turned out how different it was in contrast to mountain biking in the woods and what discovery I made which will probably affect me until next Monday. At the end I share with you a thought I'm carrying around since a few weeks which will intensive my training a lot. And which will require huge goals to achieve. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #036 - At Christmas it will happen ...

    15/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    In this episode I talk about new methods to improve my pace which I didn't consider before and have basicaly nothing to do with the training itself. I talk about how the forst road killed my pace and I had a hard time recovering from exagerating before. Absolutely strange is the fact that looking at the stats my app recorded don't match my reality while I was riding. Besides that I found something in my stats which will extend the interval training until march (5 months to go) ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #035 - Connecting with likeminded people is key

    13/10/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this episode I talk about how huge of a difference it can make if you share you goals with likeminded people who share the same passion. Furthermore I talk about how the ride went and how an upcoming business trip will challange my in a completely new way. Check out this episode to find out how I'm takling the training during the business trip, how my rear tire is make problems at the beginning of each ride. Besides that I've experienced a completely new feeling, a very strange type of focus. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #034 - Your assumption about me is completely wrong

    11/10/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this episode I talk about how starting 15 minutes later made a huge difference for my overall ride and what the uphill is currently like. ---------------------------- Furthermore I have to revoke a statement which I made in one of the last episodes as today it turned out not to be true anymore. (amazing how fast my body is adapting) ---------------------------- I talk about how a foam roller or black roll is a good way to "repair" your muscles from within to increase their mobility. ---------------------------- And then I talk about that you probably assume that after riding every other day the interval are getting easier. Which is completely wrong. I also talk about how I use a certain emotion to get better and push trough the hard parts. ---------------------------- Also an important part since the last few days is my new mindest which keeps me pushing further than anybody else even if things get harder. ---------------------------- And todays lesson was: From now on always bring a bike light, I'm talkin

  • #033 - Benefits/disadvantages of choosing a higher gear

    09/10/2018 Duration: 04min

    In this episode I talk about how the warm up is getting easier and easier, why the temeperatures in Octobers are still that high, why I try to think back when my stamina was the best to reuse pricinples which I have given up and what the benefits/disadvantages are of choosing a higher gear ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #032 - It was so relaxing

    06/10/2018 Duration: 04min

    In this episode I talk about what happens if the weather forecast predicts rain, what has happened to me during the warm up the whole last week and I didn't recognize it. Furthermore I reveal if the skipped active restday was the reason for my bad performance and I talk about a very pleasant experience which I completely forgot while pushing harder and harder on each ride. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #031 - Another trick to improve my downhill riding

    04/10/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this episode I talk about how the last few rides have been different from the overall interval training experiemnt (making a few assumptions about what the reasons could be) furthermore I talk about a strange type of exhaustion which I've only experienced the last few days, I emphasise a little trick for better uphill performance. By the way the rear bike light arrived 5 days in advance, and it is extremely powerfull. Furthermore I found another flaw in my downhill riding technique which is easily curable, I talk about future ideas for the podcast to be more value driven. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #030 - Are the restdays the reason for this ?

    03/10/2018 Duration: 04min

    In this episode I talk about what my podcast is really about. No EWS racing news, but more of my personal experience. Furthermore I shed some light on my new downhill approach which I introduced today, how I embrace safety during night rides. Besides that I talk about an issue I'm having since a week or so, my assumption so far: caused by the active restdays ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #029 - How night riding is changing my riding performance !

    30/09/2018 Duration: 06min

    In this episode I talk about why bringing a jacket on my ride is now a must, how hunters and mountain bikers can both life in peace while riding and shooting, how todays ride wasn't as smooth as I'm used to from my previous rides, how finaly taking the time to service my bike would improve my riding experience, what is necesarry to ride safe through the night and how something as simple as a night ride is changing my whole downhill riding style. ............................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #028 - How can the air still be that warm ?

    29/09/2018 Duration: 04min

    I'm currently restarting my interval training session with 5 minute intervals. To absolutely have the evidence that this type of training gives me the best results. Furthermore I talk about how the riding will be in the next few weeks as the days get shorted and shorter. Besides that I talk about which action is requered to prepare the trail for perfect winter riding and I talk about a strange phenomenon which surprised me a lot during this ride. ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #027 - Changing my mind

    27/09/2018 Duration: 06min

    In this episode I talk about why this episode is so late, what was different in yesterdays ride and which change I took while riding to have the evidence if interval training is worth the effort. Furhtermore I talk about why I will keep on riding even if it is getting colder and colder. Furthermore I talk about which kind of episodes will come next ! ....................................................................................... Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #026 - 25 seconds

    25/09/2018 Duration: 06min

    And there it is. Finally we have the evidence that the 3rd type of interval training is improving my ride by 25 seconds ! Is it really ?! In this episode I talk about how the ride in summary went, what effected my ride and based on those insight how I will proceed with the training in the next few days. Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #025 - Motivation gets you started [...] keeps you going

    22/09/2018 Duration: 08min

    I this episode I talk about how the weather isn't like the years before, what the single most important trait in my opinion is if you want to reach your goals no matter if it is in sports or life. Furthermore I talk about how amateur ebiker are risking their live probably without beeing aware of the risk they expose themselfs. . Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #024 - Chasing the sun

    21/09/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this episode I have to admit that I don't maintain my bike as it should be maintained and sometimes it turns out to run better if it is not maintained at all :D. Besides the interval training I talk about why autumn is the best and most beautiful season and what the so called "Golden Hour" has to do with it. And why the "Golden Hour" is so rare at my place. . With this episode I also want to present you a new kind of sport I've delveloped to make boring tarmac road downhills more fun. :D . Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

  • #023 - Am I God ?

    19/09/2018 Duration: 06min

    This time I talk about what happened to me that lets me think thath I have godlike power, influencing one of natures most powerful forces. Besides that I figured out that my flat pedals don't provide the grip I need anymore and I talk about how I'm going to solve that without buying new parts. . Instagram: georg1sc YouTube: Georg Schwienbacher (Link in Instagram Bio)

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