California Underground



Whether you're a conservative, libertarian, moderate Democrat, or just someone with common sense, the California Underground is dedicated to pushing back on the extreme left that has overrun our state. We talk California politics and some national politics and how we can stop extreme leftists from ruining our beautiful state.


  • Episode 36 - King Newsom Issues Color Coded Confusion on Reopening, DNC vs RNC, CA Wealth Tax = Death of California?

    28/08/2020 Duration: 51min

    King Newsom finally released guidelines on how businesses can reopen, but there's something curious about them. Instead of focusing on deaths and hospitalizations (which was the original reason for "flattening the curve") it now only focuses on positive cases. Positive cases don't mean anything. It's time for local officials to step up and protect their constituents.  There couldn't have been a bigger difference between the RNC and DNC. The main one being the DNC portrayed an America where we continue to hide in our houses with our faces covered in fear of a virus with a 99% survival rate, and the RNC which portrayed a triumphant America where we get past this and back to normal.  California's proposed wealth tax is only on the super rich (for now), are we entering the end days of California? Show Links SB 731 - Sign the Petition to Protect Our Law Enforcement! Californi

  • Episode 35 - Updates on Newsom Tax Avoidance, POTUS Going Dark, Prop 15 Will Be the Biggest Property Tax Hike in California History

    07/08/2020 Duration: 44min

    Update on Newsom and his tax scheme to avoid paying taxes on his "gifted" mansion. Is he signing Executive Orders so that he can avoid any penalties for being delinquent on his taxes? SCR 93 is DOA after California Democrats prevent it from even getting to the floor for a debate.  AG Beccera is up to his old tricks by trying to mislead the public with his well crafted propositions. This time he is trying to fool the California public into voting for the biggest property tax hike in California history by claiming they will be creating new revenue sources to help fund education. When in reality it's a massive tax hike only millions of Californians that would negatively affect you in one way or another.  Show Links Update on Gavin Newsom Avoiding Taxes Attorney General Beccera Can’t Be Trusted to Name Propositions https://californiagl

  • Episode 34 - Don't Let Democrats Off the Hook for Lockdowns, End of State of Emergency, Newsom Violating Tax Law (and how you can help call him out)

    31/07/2020 Duration: 46min

    CAGOP have an enormous opportunity to gain some momentum and a foothold in the state of California. All they have to do is make sure they don't let Democrats off the hook for being the Party of Lockdowns. Governor Newsom is their leader they need to be connected to him as much as possible.  Is King Newsom's reign finally over? Senate Concurrent Resolution 93 looks to end the State of Emergency and return power to the legislature.  Newsom may be in some legal hot water for tax avoidance by using his LLC "PlumpJack" illegally to funnel a $3.7 million mansion to him tax free. Plus some guidance on how you can get the authorities involved to look into it.  Show Links Senate Concurrent Resolution 93 Gavin Newsom Avoiding Taxes Fill out form 3949-A

  • Episode 33 - Republicans Need to Learn the Long Game, COVID Exposing the Rot of California Government

    10/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    While it may be tempting to launch an all out revolution in California to "turn it red" the truth is turning any state around is going to require a long game that the Republicans need to learn how to play. Change takes time, but COVID may be providing the best opportunity to do so. With people frustrated with draconian orders, and government ineptitude to be able to help its citizen, there is a great opportunity to present a better vision for California.  Show Links Governor Newsom Now Owns the COVID 19 Pandemic Too San Francisco for Its Own Good

  • Episode 32 - Second Wave of Protests (But Not BLM This Time), Explanation of Where Newsom Gets His Power, Recall Newsom 2020

    02/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    In this episode we discuss how the second wave of protests will not be from BLM, but instead Californians who are tired of this on/off, locked down/reopening, limbo we seem to be in. With most officials turning a blind eye to large protests yet punishing law abiding citizens with closures of their businesses, when will people say they have had enough? There's a lot of confusion about where Newsom is getting this what seems to be unlimited amount of power. We dive into the statutes of the State of Emergency and see where we go from here.  An official recall petition is circulating the state to recall Newsom...does it have a chance to pass? Show Links Powers of Governor Under State of Emergency Act Why a Newsom Recall Could Succeed

  • Episode 31 - Who Made Health Officials King and Queen of California, CA Assembly Chips Away at Second Amendment, Newsom's Paper Tiger Mask Mandate

    23/06/2020 Duration: 47min

    It seems health officials across the state have given themselves the impression that they are now anointed complete rulers over our everyday lives and the Constitution no longer applies to them. Where are our elected leaders to rein them in? In the midst of a pandemic, California Assembly continues to chip away at Second Amendment rights in California.  Is Newsom's "order" as scary as people are making it out to be? Or is it all bluster? Show Links        Assembly Passes Two Bills With More Firearm Restrictions Newsom Order Mask Mandate Statewide

  • Episode 30 - Peak Hypocrisy Post COVID, Mask Lawsuit Update, Reparation Bill Passes in California

    12/06/2020 Duration: 56min

    Many people who have been watching the news are starting to see the absolute hypocrisy of the actions of our elected officials. Protests that were for reopening businesses were deemed selfish and dangerous, protests for George Floyd are righteous and altruistic. Most are getting fed up with it and are starting to see through it all.  Quick update on the mask lawsuit that was filed in federal court in San Diego.  A bill passes the California Assembly to create a task force to look into reparations for slavery. Is this type of identity politics helpful in times like this when you are trying to bring people to solve issues? Show Links  California Assembly Passes Bill to Examine Reparations

  • Episode 29 - Interview Regarding Mask Lawsuit in San Diego

    09/06/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    My firm recently filed a federal lawsuit against the County of San Diego regarding the mandatory requirement of masks when in public. This episode is a audio copy of the interview done with Brittany from the Instagram handle rooted.wings, discussing out stance while taking questions from viewers. 

  • Episode 28 - The Executive Order on Social Media and What It Could Mean and Whether It Will Have Any Effect

    30/05/2020 Duration: 49min

    This show is all about the Executive Order regarding 230 protection for social media companies. We break it down and discuss what it was created for and why it's being brought into question now. Also whether or not it will end up working has yet to be seen. 

  • Episode 27 - Playtime Is Over, Alan Dershowitz Gets the Police Power All Wrong

    23/05/2020 Duration: 56min

    With more and more information coming out about the severity of this pandemic, people are starting to wake up to the reality of what is really going on, and they aren't happy. As we continue to see the sharp drop off from the doomsday predictions back in March, citizens are starting to ask why their governments aren't letting them out.  Alan Dershowitz, respected attorney and professor, gets it completely wrong on the notion that the Constitution does not grant you the right to not have the state "plunge a needle into your arm." We discuss the police power and how far government can go, and it's much less than Dershowitz says.  Show Notes Alan Dershowitz States Government Absolutely Has the Power to Plunge Needle In Your Arm  Text from California Supreme Court Case Miller v. Board of Public Works of City of Los Angeles:

  • Episode 26 - Mask Fear Result of Safe Space Culture, Garcia Win Sign of Things to Come?, Legal Arguments Against Lockdown

    16/05/2020 Duration: 56min

    When you realize the reason people are so obsessed with you wearing a mask is a direct result of the safe space culture it all starts to make sense. It's not about them being empathetic, it's about being selfish for their own safety over everything else.  Mike Garcia winning California 25th could be a sign of good things to come, but we have a long way to go to even begin turning the tide here in California.  Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay at home order. Does this mean anything for California? We dive into the legal arguments and dissect what they all mean.  Show Links Ruling in Wisconsin Audio clip of Justice Brandley: Quote from Case: "There is no pandemic exception . . . to the fundamental liberties the Constitution safeguards. Indeed, 'individual rights secured by the Constitution do not disappear during a public health crisis.'These individual rights, including the protections in the Bill of Rights made applicable to the state

  • Episode 25 - Why San Diego Order Is Unconstitutional, Gavin Pushing Auntie Pelosi's Mail In Voting, California Post Corona

    11/05/2020 Duration: 56min

    This past weekend we wrote a letter to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and the Health and Human Services detailing why their Order is not founded in science, data, real world facts, and violates both the US and California Constitution. You can read the entire letter by clicking this link.  Newsom is looking to enact his aunt's dream of mail in voting across the nation by starting in California.  If you think the shutdown is scary, the aftermath of the California economy may be even worse. With incredible income inequality and a disappearing middle class, California is already teetering on disaster and now coronavirus may push it over the edge.  Show Links Newsom Orders Mail In Voting California’s Pandemic Response Will Enrich Elites at Expense of Working Class

  • Episode 24 - 1984 in Our Country, Double Standards, OC Beach Closure, Gavin Refuses to Manage State Budget Conservatively

    01/05/2020 Duration: 49min

    As we head into week....6 of stay at home order? More people are beginning to wake up and feel they are being severely oppressed and robbed of their rights. Protests breaking out all over the state.  Gavin may have poked a hornets nest by singling out the OC and reawakening its strong Republican foothold.  In an interview with Seth Myers, Gavin talks about how our $24 billion surplus is gone and the federal government needs to bail him out so he can get all his progressive policies on his wish list.  Show Links/Suggested Articles California Doctors Say Sick and Elderly Should Be Quarantined, Businesses Open Newsom Announces 4 Phases to Reopening the State

  • Highlight from Episode 23

    29/04/2020 Duration: 57s

    How much life are we willing to sacrifice for every 1 coronavirus death?

  • Episode 23 - Stats Don't Lie (But People Do), Freedom 48 Hours in California, Election Integrity, Politics or Bankruptcy?

    25/04/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Would you choose letting 3 people die to 1 coronavirus death? Most wouldn't. Stats are used to scare people into acting one way or another, but on closer look it's important to know what you are giving up to help one statistic at the cost of another. Proponents of the Second Amendment were excited for all of a couple days when Judge Benitez ordered an injunction stopping all background checks on ammo purchases in California. But thanks to President Trump and his federal appointments, the stay issued by the Ninth Circuit may not be around forever.  Ballot harvesting...mail in ballot...what does it all mean for the integrity of elections? Governor Newsom has a tough choice to make regarding whether he will choose politics or a bankrupt state, because he can't have both.  Show Links Protests All Over the State A new site set up for protest organizing. Follow them on Instagram at @fullyopenca Election Integrity

  • Highlight of Episode 22

    21/04/2020 Duration: 57s

    Discussion of natural rights under the Declaration.

  • Episode 22 - Inalienable Rights Being Trampled On, Reopening America (And California), California Withholding COVID Information?

    18/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    Governments have forgotten the inalienable rights that they were created to protect as they continue to impose draconian measures.  President Trump is ready to start reopening America, and California may not be far behind if they are to try and prevent economic and fiscal collapse.  Is California withholding essential information that the public should know of? Show Links Governor Newsom Outlines Requirements to Reopen Economy California Needs to Reopen Because It’s Flat Broke California Lawmakers Aim to Ban Wet Markets in the State So Much Is Unknown Because Newsom Keeps a Lid On It

  • Episode 21 - The Constitution Is Dead, Left Using Corona To Push Progressive Agenda

    11/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    With every passing day, our Constitutional rights continue to whither away as we succumb to the rules and regulations being put into place by our governments.  Along with the continued assault on our rights, the Left has figured out this is the perfect opportunity to push their progressive agenda as far as possible; gun control, open borders, climate change, all of it is there.  Story Links Newsom Thinking About Giving Cash Payments to Illegal Immigrants in California Second Amendment Activists Suffer Setback

  • Episode 20 - CA Scrapped Mobile Hospitals In 2011, Governor Newsom Sees Opportunity for Progressive Agenda, the CA Paradox with COVID-19

    05/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    While governors like Cuomo and Newsom are complaining that they don't have the necessary equipment to battle the coronavirus, California had mobile hospitals specifically created to meet the emergency needs of the state for this specific purpose but was scrapped because of "budget reasons" in 2011.  Newsom and Pelosi both see opportunity to push through a progressive agenda during this pandemic. Search "Cloward-Piven Strategy" and see how politicians are seeing this as an opportunity to change our political and societal landscape going forward.   How is California faring so well when a state like New York is quickly becoming a mess? Is it only because of social distancing or are there other factors at play? Links to Stories California Dismantled Mobile Hospital System in 2011 Governor Newsom: This Is An Opportunity for Reimagining a More Progressive Era

  • Episode 19 - Enjoying Your Free Trial Of Socialism? Don't Be Afraid to Question the Statistics and Speak Up

    29/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    A popular meme is floating around asking "Are you enjoying your 30 day free trial of socialism?" It's a good question because if anyone wants to know what's it like to live in a socialist country, this is pretty darn close.  A lot of politicians are trusting doomsday scenarios and bad predictions, it doesn't mean you should either. It's already been shown that a lot of the doomsday predictions are based on faulty models. It is your right and duty to ask questions and not be afraid to be skeptical of what is going on out there.  Local News Stories AB5 Keeps Health Care Professionals from Workings Under Single Payer California Would Be In a Permanent State of Emergency San Diego to Start Using Drones to E

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