California Underground



Whether you're a conservative, libertarian, moderate Democrat, or just someone with common sense, the California Underground is dedicated to pushing back on the extreme left that has overrun our state. We talk California politics and some national politics and how we can stop extreme leftists from ruining our beautiful state.


  • Episode 14 - Warren Tap Dances Around Tax Hikes, Climate Change Unpopular, Bait and Switch with Gas Tax, and Death of the Uber Driver

    23/10/2019 Duration: 59min

    Like the good socialist Elizabeth Warren is, she dances around how you are going to get all this free stuff without raising taxes on the middle class. Mostly because she knows that by saying so will be political suicide with her as the front runner. Her opponents know this and are hitting her hard on it too.  When everyday people are given the choice between fighting climate change and self preservation, majority of people pick self preservation. What a shocker right? Gruesome Newsom pulls a fast one (that everyone should have expected) and diverted money from the gas tax to pay for stuff that will help combat climate change. Also in other Gruesome news, he signed into law AB 5 which will further destroy working Californians ability to make a living by effectively banning independent contractors from being able to work.  Show Links Warren’s Plan Will Cost Trillions According to Liberal Think Tank

  • Episode 13 - Impeachment Mania, AOC's "Just Society", Gruesome Newsom Recall, More Anti Gun Laws in CA

    14/10/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    In this lucky episode we dive into the impeachment mania and why strategically Nancy Pelosi has painted herself into quite the corner that she can't get out of. Is impeachment already DOA? Then we talk about something that was swept under the rug with all the impeachment mania and that is AOC's Green New Deal 2.0 AKA her "Just Society" bill and why it looks like something out of California.  Gruesome Newsom has been busy putting all the blame on PG&E for blackouts across the state, all the while he signs 15 anti-gun bills into law in California. Gray Davis was recalled for less, and now we can make a Newsom recall a reality.  SIGN THE CERTIFIED RECALL NEWSOM PETITION AT WWW.RECALLGAVINNOW.COM This is not some phony petition which is worthless, this is the real deal! If it gets the requisite signatures Newsom will be recalled! Spread the word! Show Links NBA Bows to Chinese Overlords

  • Episode 11 - The California Democratic Primary and What It Tells Us About the State of the Party

    17/06/2019 Duration: 49min

    This episode talks all about how the California Primary for the Democratic Nominee affects the Presidential race, for better or for worse. But even in a state that is deep blue, the Democrats are not without their problems. There is a war going on nationally and locally within the Democratic Party of which faction wins. Is it the establishment, corporatist, faction or the far left socialist faction? And if the Democratic Party chooses a California style Democrat for President, how badly will they be beaten in the general election? Links California Democratic Party Is A Mess President Trump More Popular Than Democratic State Legislature CA Will Pick Next President?

  • Episode 10 - CA Strapped For Cash When Papa Trump Says "No More", Fatal Blow to Single Payer Healthcare, and a Conservative Ninth Circuit

    03/06/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    Mueller drops a big stink bomb before heading off into the sunset and stokes the flames of impeachment. But is it enough to ward off the impending "Spygate" investigation?  Is the Alabama Abortion Bill good or bad for Republicans in 2020? Governor Newsom is starting to find out that it's hard to take on big pet projects when you can't use federal money. Like a child who was spoiled rotten under President Obama, California is having to deal with the repercussions of a stern adult in the White House with President Trump.  Will you believe that the Ninth Circuit is on its way to flipping conservative in the next couple of years? Say hello to expanded Second Amendment rights! (And so much more) Links Trump Administration Takes Back $930 million for Cancelled High Speed Rail Ninth Circuit Heading Towards Flipping Conservative in 2020

  • Episode 9 - Leftists Unhappy With Ending to Story, The Comeback Kid, The Great "Mystery" of High Gas Prices in CA

    13/05/2019 Duration: 59min

    Similar to how Game of Thrones fans are upset with the ending of the show, Leftists are upset with how the Mueller Report ended and making desperate attempts to try and change the ending to fit their narrative. Desperate attempts like banning conservatives on social media before 2020, and illegally obtaining President Trump's tax returns.  Speaking of which, the Left may have given President Trump a gift by showing how he was the comeback kid in the 90's. Going from billions in debt to back on top of the world. There is nothing Americans love more than a good comeback story, and the Left has just given President Trump the best story to tell ahead of 2020.  California politicians are scratching their heads to figure out why gas prices are so high (could it be all the taxes and regulations?). Even though people brag about California being the 5th largest economy in the world (according to a new Bloomberg study), it doesn't change the fact that California is also number 1 in state debt, poverty, and

  • Episode 8: 9/11 Was Not "Just Something" - Pres Trump Calls Leftists' Bluff on Sanctuary Cities - CA Hits "Taxuration"

    15/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    As someone who grew up in New Jersey, 9/11 was not "just something some people did." Representative Omar's remarks are disgusting and insulting to millions of Americans who remember it, and thousands who were directly affected by it. It's becoming more and more clear this Justice Democrat is working to tear down American institutions.  President Trump makes a brilliant move to show the hypocrisy of Leftists regarding Sanctuary Cities. They used to say how Sanctuary Cities were much safer, the economy was better, yada yada yada. Basically they were heaven on earth. But now with the threat of (in their words) the federal government "dumping" illegal immigrants into their cities, they are calling foul and worried it will cause problems.  A recent study shows that California citizens are starting to approach "taxuration" where citizens can no longer stand anymore taxes. What does this mean for Gavin Newsom's ambitious plans going forward?  That and much more in this episode.  Links  

  • Episode 7 - Being a Leftist Means Never Saying You're Sorry, Smollett Walks, and Newsom Asks El Salvador for More Migrants

    01/04/2019 Duration: 56min

    With the Mueller Report now out, leftists continue to grasp to their decaying reality they have been telling themselves for two years. Instead of feeling bad about spreading so much disinformation and lies, they double down and believe there must be something on President Trump they can use to get him out of office.  Jussie Smollett walks free and instead of leaving gracefully and thanking his lucky stars that he got off so easy, he turns around and says he will sue the City of Chicago for slandering his name. Then his attorneys continue to believe he was really attacked, except they were in white face which is why he couldn't identify them.  Governor Newsom heads off to El Salvador to ask them how he can help them send more migrants to our cash strapped state for more freebies. Instead of worrying about the tax paying citizens of California, he goes to Central American countries on bended knee asking how he can better help them. Never mind that we have crumbling roads, housing that is unaffordabl

  • Episode 6 - It's Mueller Time! Gavin Newsom Continues His Transformation Into Mad Dictator

    25/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    It's finally Mueller time! And the result? A big nothing burger. But just because you think the Mueller investigation is over, doesn't mean the Far Left has given up. They are calling for more investigations because they now believe Mueller may have been compromised. So while the chapter closes on this 2 year long episode, it doesn't stop leftists from coming after President Trump with everything they got.  In California news, Governor Newsom continues his transformation into mad dictator of California. After flaunting his power and enacting a completely unconstitutional Executive Order, he now threatens to withhold money from localities if they don't comply with his vision for affordable housing. All while he critiques President Trump for withholding funds for the now defunct high speed rail that will never get built.  And in closing, should conservative be our mantra moving forward? What are we trying to preserve? Because right now if we are trying to preserve the status quo, it would be pretty

  • Episode 5 - Never Bow to the Mob, Cartels = Terrorists?, and the Hypocrisy Over Newsom's Death Penalty EO

    17/03/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Tucker Carlson made an important point this week when he said that it is important that we never bow to the mob, ever. When it comes to them trying to silence anyone who dissents from the far left narrative, we can't let them do it. 2020 is right around the corner and they are amping up to make sure there isn't a repeat of 2016.  President Trump states that he is looking into declaring Mexican cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. This will have a huge impact on battling against a crisis at our border.  This past week Gavin Newsom declared that he was putting an end to the death penalty in California via Executive Order. However, according to the California Constitution, you can't repeal an amendment via EO, nor does the language in Prop 17 (the one that instituted the death penalty) say it can be repealed via EO. So why is the Left screaming about how President Trump is a dictator when he's exercising his Congressionally approved powers, but not when Gavin Newsom is clearly violating the Ca

  • Episode 4 - Welcome to the Church of Climate Change, Stacks of Bills, CA Sets Dangerous Immigration Policies

    03/03/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    Welcome to the Church of Climate Change, where your personal rights and property come second, no questions asked. If you think it sounds a little cultish and fanatical, it's because it is.  California is walking a tight rope with its budget and reliance on the highest earners in the state. What happens when a couple thousand of those high earners decide to head towards the exit in favor of greener pastures? It's not pretty and California could be in for a world of hurt.  In no surprise to anyone, we dive into whether the Sanctuary State law was put into place to benefit a Democratic lawmaker's personal family. California continues to thumb their nose at the federal government and the Supremacy Clause when it comes to immigration. At what point do lawful California citizens get tired and push back? Articles Referenced in Podcast: California's Rendezvous with Reality California Lawmakers

  • Episode 3 - CAGOP Caves to the Establishment, Cash Me Outside Socialism, and the Fall of Jussie Smollet

    25/02/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    In this episode the main topic is how the CAGOP caves to the establishment and votes for a swamp creature in Jessica Patterson and how this spells doom and gloom for the future of conservative politics in California.  Bernie Sanders enters the race for President, but several videos of him going full pinko commy surface and show how the thought of pushing back on communism makes him physically sick.  The Ballad of Jussie Smollet comes to an interesting close as the Chicago PD figure out that he staged the whole thing. The Looney Left is caught flat footed and abandon their support of him.  Plus I play with audio clips for the first time.  --- Send in a voice message:

  • Episode 2 - High Speed Rail Bust, Homelessness in CA, and the Green Pipe Dream

    19/02/2019 Duration: 56min

    On this episode I discuss how Governor Newsom's fiscal conservatism is merely for political gain and not for the benefit of Californians.  In national news, there is the issue of President Trump's national emergency on the border wall and how RINO's and puritanical conservatives cry foul whenever he doesn't live up to their expectation. Then I touch upon the Green Pipe Dream (aka the Green New Deal) and how the Looney Left keeps marching down the road of socialism.  In state news, I discuss the race for CAGOP Chairman and how Jessica Paterson is a swamp creature hoping to keep the CAGOP a party of losers. Then I dive into the rampant homelessness in California and how in the end, California and it's spending on social welfare has become just like the High Speed Rail, a train to nowhere.  Links: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: San Diego Lifts Ban on Living In Vehicles: http

  • Episode 1

    05/02/2019 Duration: 43min

    The pilot episode! I dive into the goal of the California Underground and what its goal is. I discuss how the Left has gone completely looney and is racing faster and faster to socialism.  I discuss an article from The Federalist on Senator Kamala Harris (and confuse how to say her name numerous times) and the hard questions she should be facing but won't be facing.  Then I discuss Governor Newsom, the new hypocrite sitting in the Governor's Mansion about his recent move to a mostly white, upper class neighborhood far away from the diverse Sacramento neighborhood where the Governor's Mansion is.  Welcome to the California Underground!

  • California Underground (Trailer)

    04/02/2019 Duration: 28s

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