Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning



    10/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    how you determine the best entry and exit points As a trader, you are always making predictions in the market You are predicting the direction of the market, the price at which you will exit a trade, and the probability of success or failure This is why you will often hear traders say, don€™t try to make money, try to not lose money This may sound like a contradiction, but if you think about it, it makes perfect sense The fact is, if you can make a profit by not losing money and cutting your losses short, it€™s a great way to make money --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - Inspiration Is Like Water in the Desert

    10/12/2022 Duration: 05min

    We came to earth to get a body and to learn to love through trial and tribulation. Love is the human heart. It should be our all. When we lose what we love, it should and will hurt. Loss is part of the great plan. Enduring to the end is suffering loss and pressing forward with steadfastness and hope. We will be restored to what we have lost. It means seeing the big picture and a long way down the line. Sometimes it is hard to see the big picture. As mortals, we don’t see or recognize the light God provides and shines on us. We can’t see what full recovery is like. We keep going a little at a time. It will be greater and better than we thought. Life is not perfect, easy or fair, but it is good. The journey of life is long, but eventually, we need to arrive at the end of our journey with honor and dignity. We feel proud of our accomplishments. The journey of life is gaining relationships and doing things for people—serving others as God would have us serve them. God will review with us our life ev


    08/12/2022 Duration: 08min

    many people have become very familiar with the current financial system, but I have found that many people do not really understand why the current financial system works the way it does. Financial systems are designed to create scarcity and exclusive privilege for the elite. Inflation is causing money death. More money is transferring to the top. One class is gaining more power over the other. This affect is called slavery. A slave depends on his master for food and lodging. A slaves task master is harsh. The task master can take what he wants from the slave without compensation. A slave had no dignity. A slave can not have a family or own property. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Tiger global patterns of capitalization and sell off

    07/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    Bears vs bulls --- Send in a voice message:


    07/12/2022 Duration: 03min

    It is all about the tax incentives --- Send in a voice message:


    06/12/2022 Duration: 03min

    There are a number of reasons for this Firstly, the project may fail to engage the people it is trying to help and may not achieve the desired outcomes This lack of engagement is at the heart of many projects and can be attributed to a number of factors including a lack of ownership, a lack of trust, a lack of commitment, a lack of engagement and a lack of empathy They also often have a lack of clarity over who they are trying to help and why they are doing it Many projects are often far too complex to deliver and are so large scale that they can overwhelm the communities they are trying to help A lack of understanding of the culture of the people they are trying to help is also a major problem A good example of this is a project to help the street children in South America The project was very well meaning and the social workers had done their homework and tried to understand the culture of the people they were working with They had also tried to understand why the children were on the streets and ha


    06/12/2022 Duration: 02min

    In the early 1990s, GE was losing market share and was in dire financial straits General Electric boss Jack Welch adopted a corporate culture that was focused on continuous improvement and a belief that technology could solve all problems Welch added Six Sigma as a way to improve quality and productivity, and GE achieved remarkable results 1 Find the right people 2 Remove barriers to change 3 Ensure that everyone is trained 4 Ensure that everyone understands the process 5 Set clear goals and targets 6 Provide clear rewards 7 Pay attention to signals of change 8 Strive for perfection 9 Motivate with contests and other incentives 10 Use data for feedback --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - Zion prospers

    05/12/2022 Duration: 23min

    The prophet spent time explaining the position and views of the saints. People were thrilled to see the Prophet Joseph Smith. Some said to shake his hand was electrifying and thrilling. There was excitement to meet a living prophet of God in this, the dispensation of the fullness of times. One person said the experience was too sacred to mention out loud. The prophet was an accomplished and powerful chief—powerful and eloquent in appearance. His countenance was affable, beaming with intelligence and mild mannerisms. The prophet’s countenance matched his mood and emotions. The listener was fully engaged in the message of the prophet. The congregations listened to the prophet for hours, laughing and weeping sometimes in poor weather conditions. The prophet had the physical and mental state to fear no combat nor turn down any test of strength. He had an indomitable will and was brave as a lion. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - It Is Important to Please God

    03/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    We do not need to trust in the arm of flesh. People can betray our loyalty in pursuit of their own self-interests. God has asked us to trust Him. He wants us to become like Him, a person who is loving, kind, unselfish and patient. These attributes are charitable and beneficial to others. God can help us change bad habits in our lives. He can help us overcome these habits in favor of compassionate and understanding behaviors. We can feel that we belong in God’s home. We can feel accepted by the Lord. We can feel He cares for us. We can feel our lives and actions matter to God. We can feel alive and blessed. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Hypothesis testing with multiple categories

    30/11/2022 Duration: 07min

    Finding deviation from the mean data --- Send in a voice message:

  • Hypothesis testing

    28/11/2022 Duration: 07min

    The outcomes of probability --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - can we learn anything from history

    28/11/2022 Duration: 14min

    Prior to the Civil War, the south was losing to the north’s industrialization and resulting wealth. Slavery was not popular among both groups. The south could not get back their former power through technology change. The south believed they could get back their former power through slavery. The south privately knew that slavery was not sustainable, but their pride would not allow them to accept the poverty status they were in. The end result was a Civil War over the issue of slavery. The south could not use slavery to maintain their power. When empires become rich by inflation, people become dependent, morality decays, consumer spending becomes excessive, and entertainment rules supreme; but liberty is lost. Empires require the support of the people. The real wealth of the middle class declines in an empire. It is during periods of high economic volatility that politically dominant groups transfer the cost of warfare and social programs onto the working class and class division forms. More middle cl

  • The hedge fund sell off high tech

    25/11/2022 Duration: 09min

    Why is mattered --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - stand for liberty

    24/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    Russia, with the help of China’s money, will win the war against the Ukraine. America has known there exists no missile shield against a Russian first strike missile attack. The U.S. will enter into a world war against Russia as it attacks with nuclear weapons the eastern coastal U.S. cities. Russia will lose the ground war to the U.S. and it’s allies and cease to exist as a political and economic entity. The ground war will spread across the world including North Korean ground troops. There will be some fighting in America against North Korean ground troops transported by Russian aircraft to five airports which the Russians know how to navigate. Chinese troops will march from Canada down through Washington into California. The primary goal of these troops is to open a trade route for agriculture goods from Idaho, Oregon and Washington. This region will be known as the United Nations biosphere. Large corporate control of these resources will be managed by the Chinese. Chinese troops will push upward t

  • Bible imagery - we can be happy

    20/11/2022 Duration: 07min

    As captivity in Babylon feels hopeless and cold to those not seeking God, we can feel warm and comforted by knowing and feeling that God loves us and he is aware of us. Christ can smile upon us and heal our broken hearts. He can bring understanding to our minds. We can see a better way of living. We can help others in need and have joy in service to others. We can give of our money to help others. We do not need to feel afraid of scarcity. We can invite others to our home to learn of their interests and their challenges in life. We can become connected to the human family. We can learn what it means to be human and compassionate. We can gain deeper insight into the dynamics and perspectives of others as intelligent and dynamic children of a loving God. We can be happy. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - the corporate god

    18/11/2022 Duration: 07min

    God’s mysteries are deep, and He only can reveal His mysteries for the hard questions in life. It is not our job to explain to others the mysteries of God. Many are just for our own use and understanding. Occasionally, if the circumstances are right and we feel safe in sharing our personal experiences and understandings, we can do so to edify others in need. We learn the mysteries of God because of who we are. We can ask questions of God, expecting answers over time because God loves our experiences, insights and good works. --- Send in a voice message:

  • The quantum cellular automata - the race to replace the transistor

    18/11/2022 Duration: 07min

    Quantum scientist have also shown that an array of Single electron Transistor - SETs create a form of neural network." SETs construct computers that use individual electrons to carry information. SET biggest problem is operating at room temperature. Quantum tunneling means the can "interact capacitively rather than by current flow throught the wires." "When their interactions result from the quantum tunneling of electrons, quantum dots can collectively behave as a form of quantum cellular automaton, QCA. QCA computers may show associative memory. If Decoherence can be avoid a qbit can form with a 0 or 1 or superposition state of both at the same time. 5 qbits could handle 32 states (2^n), simulateously; a conventional computer would handle 32 sets of 5 bits, or 160 bits in all. 64 bit encryption could be processed with one 64 qubit operation, whereas, a conventional computer requiring 2^64, 1.84 x10^19 operations or 292.5 years, 18 billion billion times more powerful than a 64 bit binary computer. --- Se

  • Regular expression repeat a capture group

    11/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    The power of regular expressions --- Send in a voice message:

  • Understanding Nanotechnology Quantum Dots , Colloids , Cantilevers , Dendrimers , Nanoshells

    10/11/2022 Duration: 09min

    Quantum Dots contain only a few hundred atoms. Because the electrons in a quantum dot are confined to widely separated energy levels, the dot emits only one wavelength of light when excited. The size of the dot determines its electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. Quantum Dot Corporation has developed a QD cadmium selenide nanoparticle for use as biological labels. Researchers can tag proteins and nucleic acids with QD and illuminate them with ultraviolet light and the crystal will fluoresce at a specific wavelength and show the location of attached proteins. How does a QD work? An organic dye molecule absorbs only photons of light with just the right energy to lift its electrons from their quiescent state to one of the higher levels available to them. The incident light must be exactly the right wavelength or color. The molecule will emit a photon when the electron falls to a lower energy level. Colloids: nanoparticles in suspension. IBM is exploring using colloids to build ultrahigh density data sto

  • Bible imagery - trust in the lord

    08/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Restoration of Israel --- Send in a voice message:

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