Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning



    08/07/2022 Duration: 04min

    The principle of hierarchy is essential for solving problems in the real world We are presented with a vast amount of information, and much of it is irrelevant or too complex to develop in detail It is not always practical to review all the information, to make all the calculations, to check all the possibilities, to pursue all the options When we deal with a large number of possibilities, we must arrange them in some sort of hierarchical classification When we try to solve a problem, we must identify the relevant information, select the most important possibilities, and isolate the crucial choices If we deal with a complex system, we must understand the principles operating at higher levels and the principles of organization at lower levels When we see a large number of possibilities, we can often simplify them by arranging them in an orderly list; we can classify them according to general categories When we see a large number of objects, we can often simplify them by arranging them in a hierarchy acco


    08/07/2022 Duration: 08min

    The Indian government has been working on a plan to trade with Iran in rupees and the first test of this will be the sale of crude oil to India The Iranian government has given permission to the Indian government to use Indian rupees in the payment of crude oil imports from Iran The payment will be carried out through the rupee-rial account This arrangement is expected to be a big boost for the rupee as the Indian rupee will become a recognised global currency The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also agreed to the USD-free trade with Iran and has given its approval in this regard to the Indian government The rupee-rial account will be a beneficiary of the IMF decision The rupee-rial account was activated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) with an aim to facilitate the trade between India and Iran and the opening of the account was a part of the payment mechanism under the India-Iran-Afghanistan Trilateral Agreement on Establishment of International Transport and Transit Corridor The rupee-rial accou

  • Dollar crisis part 2

    07/07/2022 Duration: 10min

    14. Deflation occurs when supply exceeds demand. World War I, when the began and 1917 when the U.S entered the war, U.S gold reserves rose 64%, as Europe exchanged its gold for U.S goods. Once the war end, gold continue to flow into the U.S as allies repaid their war debt. The credit base double during this time period, industrial machinery and equipment output rose by 205% and all producer durables increased by 257%. This surge in industrial capacity created an oversupply by 1926 and as a result the wholesale price declined. In 1921 the fed sold large amounts of government debt and caused credit to contract by 8% through the economy into a brief recession. When the dollar earnings of the surplus nations are deposited into their domestic banking systems, those dollars, being exogenous to those banking system, act as high powered money and spark off an explosion of credit creation. Excessive credit creation permits over-investment, which, in turn, causes excess capacity and deflation. So long as the huge US cu

  • Dollar Crisis - part 1

    07/07/2022 Duration: 16min

    1. Gold Trade created equilibrium in the trade deficit. Here's how it worked. Gold leaves the country to pay for the commodity. Since gold leaves credit would have to contract. The economy would recede. Price would become cheaper and gold would enter back into the country as exports of cheap products were purchased by foreign countries with gold payments. The inflow and outflow gold would seek equilibrium. A country experiencing a trade imbalance would accumulate more gold, the surplus would be credit, expanding credit would fuel an economic boom, provoke inflating prices, and inflated prices would slow down exports and import rise. 2. Gold reserves prevented budget deficits. With only a limited amount of credit available to the government, borrowing would drive up interest rates making it more difficult for business to borrow money. The government would crowd out the private sector with its borrowing. Government deficits also tend to result in trade deficits and gold outflows. Initially the government spend

  • Trade deficit

    06/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    Trade deficit The reason for the trade deficit can be boiled down to the United States as a whole spending more money than it makes, which results in a current account deficit. That additional spending must, by definition, go toward foreign goods and services. Financing that spending happens in the form of either borrowing from foreign lenders (which adds to the U.S. national debt) or foreign investing in U.S. assets and businesses—the capital account. The deficit has averaged $535 billion since 2000, much higher than in previous decades, when it accounted for well below 2 percent of GDP. The United States ran a $419 billion goods deficit with China in 2018. The next largest contributor to the goods deficit, at $151 billion, is the European Union, followed by Mexico at $81.5 billion, Japan at $67.6 billion, and Malaysia at $26.5 billion. Beijing undertook deep economic reforms and implemented policies to subsidize production, accelerate industrialization, and boost exports. In the process China earned th

  • What went wrong with orange county’s derivatives trades

    06/07/2022 Duration: 04min

    Orange county misread the credit market trend and experience massive losses and bankruptcy from a derivatives collapse. $1.6 billion upside down in trades, no exist, panick, forced restructuring. Buying and selling derivatives is gambling. Someone is a winner and someone is a loser. Some of the biggest users of derivatives are government sponsered enterprises (GSE): Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae, and Freddie Mac. --- Send in a voice message:


    06/07/2022 Duration: 07min

    Stockton, Calif , is the latest city to file for bankruptcy protection It€™s a city of nearly 295,000 people that can€™t keep up with its bills Stockton is the largest city in the state to ever file for bankruptcy Its a city that depends heavily on the agricultural industry But the city wasn’t€™t hit by a natural disaster It€™s been struggling for years because of its own poor fiscal management Stockton has struggled with its finances for years, including a campaign promise to give every citizen of the city a free garbage can They also had a generous pension plan for city employees But Stockton was in denial They had been spending money they didn€™t have The city was spending more than they were bringing in, and they weren’€™t paying their bills The city was also spending money on a sports arena The city was paying $300,000 a year on a loan the city could never pay back The city had been spending money they didn’€™t have, and it only got worse The city’ €™s bond rating kept dropping The city


    05/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    the answer is to get their money out of China Chinese banks are tightly controlled and regulated by the Chinese government Chinese companies have been heavily controlled and restricted by the Chinese government The Chinese government€™s control over the Chinese economy has been tightening over the last decade --- Send in a voice message:


    05/07/2022 Duration: 24min

    Chindia 1. China and India share many characteristics as future growth markets: immense upwardly mobility, an emerging middle class whose aspirations and outlook on life differ from those of the previous generation. Rapid social changes and greater diversity means companies must employee more sophistication in tailoring their message and products to a different consumer segment. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - The Fall of Babylon

    05/07/2022 Duration: 09min

    Enoch and Jehovah will ride a white horse. Jehovah the law giver will ride a white horse called faithful and truth, and a host of army will follow Him on white horses. Enoch and his people were celestial beings and taken up into heaven. Enoch and his people will return prior to the millennium. The saints will have departed from association with Babylon lest they become like them. The saints’ departure from Babylon prevents them from experiencing the plagues reserved for the harlot. Repentance provides the way to not to pay the penalty of the broken laws of God. The harlot teaches men she is doing what the Lord told her to do: to eat, drink and be merry. The Lord will burn up the wicked. The destruction will come quickly, and there will not be signs prior to the pending destruction. He will come suddenly to do His work. --- Send in a voice message:


    05/07/2022 Duration: 02min

    Japanese pension funds are scooping up a growing number of U S Treasury bonds, pushing them to the top of the list of foreign holders of U government debt foreign countries held a total of 7.55 trillion U.S. dollars in U.S. treasury securities as of September 2021. Japan held 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars. In 2021, the United States had a total public national debt of 28.43 trillion U.S. dollars With the worlds largest public debts and a shrinking population, Japans pension funds have looked overseas for yield in recent years, and have been particularly attracted to U bonds, which pay higher returns than similarly rated debt While a small portion of the total, the purchases are a boon to the U Treasury, which has been looking to raise cash to finance record budget deficits, and analysts said they could also help the Federal Reserve as it tries to unwind its bond portfolio The Japanese have been buying U Treasuries f


    03/07/2022 Duration: 02min

    The purchase of stock is expensive It is more expensive than the purchase of bonds The dividend that is paid from the firm to the shareholder is much less expensive than the purchase of stock Thus, if the firm cuts its dividend it will not be able to sell as many shares of its stock as it otherwise would have sold The firm may not be able to raise enough money to finance its investment plans In general, the firm will want to pay out a dividend that is large enough that the stock price is above its normal (equilibrium) price The firm will want to avoid a dividend cut For example, if the firm's stock is selling at $100 per share, the firm will want to pay a dividend of $2 50 or 3 percent This is just enough to keep the stock price above $100 If the dividend is cut to, say, $1 50, the stock price will drop, perhaps to $90 The firm will experience a stock turnover, and thus a loss of potential revenue from the sale of the stock The dividend cut will have hurt the firm The dividend payout ratio is one

  • Bible imagery - your thought and actions matter

    01/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    It will seem like the wicked are prospering and that they don’t have to pay the consequences for sin. This pattern of behavior will flourish for a time. Satan and his archtyrant will terrorize men. Fear will fill their hearts as stability will be lost. The laws and commandments of God will be dismissed by a secular group following their own moral relativism. The Lord will then suddenly appear to the world after the olive harvest of gathering and smash down the wine press, having trampled the wicked. Judgment and reckoning will come upon the unrepentant. The Lord does not delight in destruction. However, he does uphold His laws and justice. Satan will be bound, and the millennium will start. --- Send in a voice message:

  • China announces it will build a thorium salt based reactor

    30/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    1. In 2011, lightbridge share price was $6 or 4.8 times book value. 2. Lightbridge technology could reduce radioactive waste from nuclear weapon production 3. The Thorium reactor design could lead to a 50% reduction in volume of Uranium 4. Lightbridge reactors could result in a 90% reduction in long term radio toxicity, after 200 to 300 years 5. Thorium technology could increase reactor power by 30% and lower the cost per megawatt of energy 6. Why is Lightbridge still reporting a loss? (Reference Link) 7. China announced it would build a new thorium based molten salt reactor. 8. Kirk Sorensen’s company Flibe Energy is developing a small thorium powered reactor using a liquid salt core. 9. The world has an estimated 4.4 million tons of Thorium (Reference Link) 10. U-233 can be bred from thorium in a blanket 11. U-233 is better than uranium-235 and plutonium-239, because of its higher neutron yield per neutron absorbed 12. When U238 absorbs a neutron, it transmutes into U239 rapidly decaying into nept

  • Thoughts on the Tesla autopilot

    30/06/2022 Duration: 08min --- Send in a voice message:


    30/06/2022 Duration: 08min

    The best explanation for the existence of Venus is a comet collision with mars The debris from the collision would have been ejected from the system in the direction of the Sun and then would have followed a highly eccentric orbit around the Sun in the same manner as a short-period comets Some of the mars debris would have rained down on earth. The highly eccentric orbit would have allowed the debris to be captured by the gravitational field of the Earth The result of the collision would be a mass of molten rock orbiting the Sun and the formation of the Moon would be the ejection of the molten rock from the collision what if the comet collision formed the Moon and Venus Leaving mars without an atmosphere and with less mass. The moon may not been the result of a mars sized object colliding with earth. HOW DID THE PLANET MARS BECOME SO LITTLE AND SO DRY? The early planet Mars was much larger than the planet Mars is today The planet Mars had a large atmosphere and water on the surface At some point after th

  • Bulls eye investing

    29/06/2022 Duration: 11min

    What is the 20-year horizon? Mauldin observed that every period of 9.6 percent market returns started with low P/E ratios. The P/E ratio amount strongly correlated with the trend in Market P/E ratio and none of the strong gains occurred without rising P/E ratios. Looking at the market trend, half of the investors realized compound returns less than 4 percent and 10 percent generated gains more than 10 percent. Subtracting inflation, taxes, and dividends the historical growth in earnings has been 2 percent. Only new companies have been able to produce 3 percent. Pensions need 7 percent in real growth. Is it possible some pensions are 1/7 their value? It is impossible to get a 9 percent growth assumption in a 5 percent bond market. Companies often make a 70/30 balance of stock to bonds. The cost for companies to drop their expected rate of return from 9.2 percent to 6.5 would be $30 billion according to CSFB assuming no recession that would correct the DOW to 6,000. --- Send in a voice message: https://ancho


    28/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    Thoughts on silver --- Send in a voice message:

  • Near earth collision with a comet twice

    28/06/2022 Duration: 08min

    Venus passed by the earth in close proximity to its Lithosphere causing catastrophic change on the earth: volcanoes, earthquakes, violent storms and hurricanes. Venus impact on Mars caused debris to float in spacing and asteroids rained down on the earth for nearly two decades. The book, “Earth, Moon, and Planets” Dr. Whipple predicted and postulated worlds in collision 1,500 and 4,700 years ago when a comet collided with and disrupted the planetoids that revolve by the thousands between Mars and Jupiter. Dr. Whipple studies the comet Encke and its last encounter 1,500 years ago. The first visit to the earth by the comet was in 1500 BC at the time of Mose and caused the dividing of the Red Sea. The result of the earth pass through the tail of the comet was intense heat, enormous tides, incessant violent electrical disruption between the comet and the planet. The second visit by the comet was 52 years later and coincided with Joshua’s attempt to make the sun and the moon stand still. Professor Hans Petters

  • Crash proof - Current dividend income must justify the purchase.

    28/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    When new money or credit is added to an economy, thus diluting the existing supply, the general level of prices (aggregate prices) will rise, assuming the amount of goods and services within the system stays the same." This dilution causes the banks to raise rates to cover the devaluation. More dollars are required to buy a given quantity of goods. The dollar value is diminished. Inflation is monetary expansion: more money chasing a diminish supply of goods and services. "Anything that artificially increases aggregate demand for goods and services is inflation." The demand is artificial because it does not result from increased productivity, but from inflation. Inflation is paying today's debts with cheaper money in the future. The result is that prices rise. In true economic growth, price fall, as increases in productivity output raise the supply of goods relative to the supply of money. --- Send in a voice message:

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