Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning



    27/06/2022 Duration: 07min

    Sovereign Wealth Funds have been around for decades, but were not seen as a serious player in the global economy until 2005 when the US Federal Reserve, who were worried about the growing US budget deficit, made it clear they would not tolerate sovereign wealth funds buying up US assets This was seen as an attempt to protect the US economy and the US Dollar from the China threat€ Shortly thereafter, the US Congress passed the Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007, and China announced that they would no longer buy US assets With the US out of the picture, Chinese investors started to look elsewhere in the world for opportunities In 2007, the Chinese government created a sovereign wealth fund called the China Investment Corporation, and the next year it was announced that the CIC would be buying 10% of Blackstone Group, a US private equity firm The CIC's investment in Blackstone was seen as an investment in the US, and it was also seen

  • Bible imagery - the plan of salvation

    27/06/2022 Duration: 04min

    Thoughts on family --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 a home energy system for electricity and hydrogen

    25/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    Thoughts on home energy production --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Age of the Unthinkable Way ( Financial )

    24/06/2022 Duration: 13min

    1. Prosperity is based on the law of righteousness. America is a land of promise because the people are righteous God fearing people. 2. God blesses those who are righteous 3. The people that possess that land of America must remain righteous to preserve their inheritance. 4. America is a choice land above all other lands: freedom, liberty, resources, law, and vision. 5. God will not tolerate an unrighteous people to possess America 6. Repentance from unrighteousness is restores a people to productivity, industrialism, and safety. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 producing electricity from bacteria and sunlight and waste water

    24/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    1. Yat Li developed a solar-microbial device to produced hydrogen. The Microbial fuel cell (MFC) uses bacteria to degrade organic matter and produce electricity. The Photoelectrical cell generating the electricity splits the water using electrolysis. 2. The Li, hybrid device is self-sustaining, “bio battery”. The two energy sources are waste water and sunlight. 3. The device relies on a bacteria known as electrogenic bacteria. The bacteria generates electric by “transferring metabolically generated electrons across their cell membrane to an external electrode.” --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 nasa lenr model

    24/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    1. LENR uses slow moving neutrons in a lattice with 1 ev of energy, one millionth of a fast moving electron 2. LENR slow moving neutrons do not create ionizing radiation nor radioactive waste 3. hydrogen ions are put in a nickel lattice. The lattice is vibrate between 5 to 30 teraherz forcing the nickel electrons into the hydrogen ions forming slowing moving neutrons. The nickel absorbs the neutrons making it unstable. To regain stability, the nickel strips a neutron of its electron becoming a proton. Nickel is turned into copper and products alot of excess heat. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 Sun cell 40x the power of hydrino ions

    24/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    22 years to create a breakthrough energy production available in 2018 Suncell He solved why an electron does not give off more energy as it gets closer to the proton. Randall says the electron defies conventional physics. He says electrons position is predictable and quantum infinities and parrell universe theory is nonsensical Randall discovered a form of hydrogen that does not emit light. This new form of hydrogen has massive power density. Hence the commercial application in the production of energy. Hydrinos ions have 16 times the energy characteristics of normal hydrogen ions. Hydrinos ions were used to create an arch reaction of 5 million watts at a micro second at ultra high frequencies. 40 x power output was achieved. The bursts were increased in frequency by automation to create sustainable power output. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 Hydrogen is cost effective. 1 kilogram of hydrogen cost $1 and yielding 73 miles

    23/06/2022 Duration: 08min

    Hydrogen cost $1 per kilogram or the equilivant of 1 gallon of gasoline, to produce. It takes three gallons of water to produce 1 kilogram of hydrogen or 1000 gallons of water to produce a 333 kilogram or 50 gallon drum. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0. Japanese future is hydrogen

    23/06/2022 Duration: 06min

    : 1. Japan believes hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are the future 2. 40,000 hydrogen power car will be on Japanese roads by 2020 and 200,000 by 2025 and 800,000 by 2030. 3. There are 1740 fuel cell cars in Japan and 4000 world wide. 4. Japan wants energy independence. Hydrogen as a fuel source will provide Japan an energy independence. Reference Link 5. A cars fuel cell stack and hydrogen tank can power a home for up to a week in an emergency. 6. After Fukashima, Japan lost one third of its energy production due to nuclear plant shutdowns. 7. Toyota release 5,600 patents for companies to use to bring fuel cell cars to market, faster. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 hydrogen from salt water

    23/06/2022 Duration: 11min

    1. Solar energy water splitting panels create hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles. 2. A small amount of silicon and cobalt grown into a nanostructured thin films of iron oxide convert sunlight into electrons needed to form hydrogen from water. Cauliflower like structures have high surface area for splitting water. The silicon improves electron conductivity in the material. The cobalt acts as a catalyst. (Reference Link) 3. hypersolar generator produces hydrogen from salt water. (Reference Link) 4. Waste water can be used to produce electricity or hydrogen. (Reference Link) 5. The Electrolytic Cation Exchange Module is being used by Navy research to produce synthetic fuel ( liquid natural gas ) and hydrogen from salt water. (Reference Link) 6. Nanoflowcell uses salt water to create an electric charge which is stored in super capacitors. The car cars two 200 liter tanks with a 373 mile range and four electric motors in the tires. (Reference Link) --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 magneto hydro dynamic generator decentralized power plan

    23/06/2022 Duration: 06min

    1. Black light offers the potential for decentralized energy production. 2. Black light Magneto Hydro Dynamic generator will generate 10 megawatts in a one square foot of space. 50,000 kilowatts of energy is required to create the plasma that the generator will convert the plasma into electricity. The plasma passes through an electromagenetic field creating electricity. 3. A high electric current passes through water creating a hydrino particle, a new molecule with a high energy state. The hydrino energy is released in high energy plasma. The power generation capability is 10^10 watts of power per liter of water. The hydrino fuel generates 10 kilo Jouels of energy per pulse with gear rotating at 200 rpm. The pulse cycle is in the milisecond range producing 10 kilo jouels per pulse yield 10 megawatts of power continueously. The plasma is expanding at supersonic speed passing through copper plates in a magneto hydrodynamic drive plasma to electric current converter. The generator has a water recycling system.

  • Energy 1.0 Lenr for hydrogen production on demand

    22/06/2022 Duration: 11min

    The Nickel 58 to nickel 62 change does not create low energy fusion. It may create radiation. Nickel at temperatures between 250 and 600 degree have the best energetic state. Nickel with excess nickel 63 isotope is required to create lenr. A three layer core is required: The inner layer based on electrical current; an fuel layer with nickel and 1% Nickel 63 isotope with the nickel at 20 microns and 30% lithium; and a outside layer called the monazite layer used to transfer heat. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 Wiffle ball 7 50x wiffle ball 6 solving energy and water problems with fusion

    21/06/2022 Duration: 16min

    2005, WB 6 has no metal attracting electrons. Space the coils with a place for the magnetic fields to go out. DD pulse produced the world record of fusion reactions . Electrons went to the center where the fusion reactions occurred. Retrofit Power plants with DD fusion reactors. Nuclear powered ships with no radiation, 2 mega volt output. Electric Fusion plants can make cheap ethanol replacing gasoline, burn up nuclear waste, fresh water from the sea, and practical space flight. The main driver is global economic stability. Desalination plants for irrigation or arid lands, 1/20 the cost; stabilize the middle-east. --- Send in a voice message:


    17/06/2022 Duration: 04min

    First and foremost, college students are not saving One reason is that credit cards are so easily accessible And secondly, many students are balancing multiple jobs, which leaves less time to focus on saving WHAT ARE THE RISKS OF CREDIT CARD DEBT? When it comes to credit card debt, there are several risks One of the biggest risks is that you can end up paying exponentially more for an item than you would have if you had saved up for it But credit card debt also has several other risks: A higher interest rate Longer payback time Lower credit score Added stress Negative impact on your financial future HOW CAN YOU DEAL WITH CREDIT CARD DEBT? One of the best ways to deal with credit card debt is to not get into it If you are buying items with your credit card and not paying off the balance immediately, you are carrying a balance, which is debt Start by avoiding any emergency credit card purchases, as they can become a bigger problem than you may realize If you already have credit card debt, you


    16/06/2022 Duration: 05min

    Before addressing the question of partnerships, it is important to make the distinction between technology transfer and technology sharing Technology sharing is often confused with technology transfer and the two terms are used interchangeably technology transfer as the process by which an innovator, who is an inventor, or a firm that is the developer of a new technology, shares the technology with another person or business, who is the transferee, for the purpose of its commercialization Technology sharing is basically a form of technology transfer that occurs when two or more firms/inventors in the same geographic area are involved in the development of a new technology In contrast, technology sharing is when two or more partners from different geographic areas collaborate on the development of a new technology The benefits of technology transfer and technology sharing can be classified into two broad categories The first is the technology itself The transfer of a particular technology can bring about


    16/06/2022 Duration: 06min

    The Japanese government and the central bank thought that if they lowered the value of their currency, they would increase their exports and grow the economy The thinking was that a weaker currency would make Japanese products cheaper for foreign buyers and would make foreign products more expensive for Japanese buyers Japan's export economy had been the engine of its economic growth for much of its postwar history In the 1980s, however, Japan's export industries began to face increased competition from foreign producers To increase its exports, Japan needed to lower the value of its currency compared with the currencies of its trading partners Japan's export-led growth strategy had been successful in the past, but the country had grown in step with the rest of the world By the 1980s, Japan had the second-largest economy in the world, but it was still only about half the size of the U S economy The Japanese government had been urging the Bank of Japan to lower the value of the Japanese yen through ex

  • Why is chaos theory important in business and generalized Ai

    16/06/2022 Duration: 23min

    Chaos theory is a type of mathematics used to explain complex behavior of nonlinear systems. Nonlinear dynamic systems are systems that, like weather, move, grow, or change. It's difficult to predict the outcome of future state of a nonlinear system, because the variables are interacting and changing constantly in response to each other. Most of the world is made up of nonlinear systems. A predictable attractor is the end state into which a system settles. For example a handful of marbles thrown into a bowl settle at the bottom, the attractor. A chaotic system that never settles into a predictable or steady state are said to be strange attractors. A tornado is an example of an energy system held together by a strange attractor. No external container or funnel gives a tornado its unique form. The strange attractor coalesces the energy and creates the system boundaries, while at the same time allowing dynamic activity within its boundaries. Strange attractors have an unique shape and form. A nonlinear system re

  • Python match

    15/06/2022 Duration: 10min

    New functionality --- Send in a voice message:

  • Why are hedge funds at risk in the future

    15/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    why are hedge funds at risk in the future A new development in the investment world is the introduction of quantitative strategies€ These strategies use mathematics to develop computer algorithms that trade in markets to generate profits These strategies are far from perfect, as it is impossible to predict what the market will do at all times Despite this, many funds have decided to use these strategies to trade in the markets Some believe that these strategies can be applied to the OTC markets, while others believe they are doomed to fail The OTC markets are the over the counter markets, which refers to the fact that they are not traded on a formal exchange, such as NYSE However, quant strategies have not proven to be very effective in these markets, as they are far less liquid than the futures and equities markets, which are much more popular with these strategies According to analysts, the introduction of this style of investing will likely not have a large impact on the OTC markets The OTC m

  • Gato - transformer for text and images and actions with 1.5 billion parameters

    14/06/2022 Duration: 17min

    Why foundational models are becoming popular in business and robotics and media --- Send in a voice message:

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