Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning



    14/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    The answer to this question is based on the chemical equation describing the reaction of water and hydrogen peroxide, which is essentially the same as the chemical equation describing the reaction of water and oxygen: In the presence of an acid catalyst €”for example, a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice—the reaction between water and hydrogen peroxide can be dramatically accelerated by this so-called chemical reaction, which is not a chemical reaction at all but only a physical process, which some chemists like to call a mechanical chemical reaction The hydrogen peroxide and water are first mixed together in the presence of a little acid, and the mixture is then vigorously shaken or whipped up As the chemical equation above indicates, the vigorous shaking or whipping of the mixture generates a lot of heat, which serves to accelerate the decomposition of both the hydrogen peroxide and the water In the case of the hydrogen peroxide, the decomposition process generates oxygen gas (O2) and hydrogen peroxid

  • Why are fractals important

    14/06/2022 Duration: 06min

    Why are fractals important A fractal is a never-ending pattern that repeats, in the same way that a coastline or a snowflake never stops repeating Fractals are very important in art and science For example, fractals are used in weather forecasting, to help predict a day's weather patterns They are also used in computer graphics, and in the design of highways, bridges, and buildings Fractals are all around us There are fractals in art, music, and nature Mathematics and art are not the only places where fractals appear In nature, there are many things with fractal patterns the fractal patterns that are found in a pinecones When you look at pinecones from a distance, you only see a pattern of points But when you get closer, you can see that the pattern is made up of smaller patterns, which are made up of smaller patterns, and so on If you look at a pinecone through a magnifying glass, you will see even smaller patterns Fractals are also found in the leaves of plants, like the fern If you loo

  • Bible imagery - The Book of Mormon Can Absorb and Nullify All of the False Doctrines of the Devil

    14/06/2022 Duration: 06min

    The Book of Mormon will help restore the Lamanite to the House of Israel and be a powerful tool for the gentiles to bring the gospel of Christ to the Lamanites and convince them this is the Creator’s gospel. The Book of Mormon will help the Lamanite to believe in Jesus Christ. God will bring to light the doctrines in the Book of Mormon for those seeking the truth and righteousness. The Book of Mormon testifies and demonstrates how and what revelations are being or will be fulfilled. Uh --- Send in a voice message:

  • India move towards decentralized solar power could be the future

    11/06/2022 Duration: 42min

    175 gigawatts of power needed --- Send in a voice message:

  • Thoughts

    10/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    Thoughts --- Send in a voice message:


    09/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    When yields move above 3 00%, it is my opinion that the Federal Reserve no longer fears deflation and is coming to believe that the recovery is gaining traction When this happens, the Federal Reserve responds by increasing the Fed Funds rate As a result, money markets and bonds sell off Here is the logic: when the economy is weak, the Fed Funds rate is kept low, which increases the demand for money When the economy is strong, the Fed Funds rate is raised, which reduces the demand for money As a result, when the Fed Funds rate is raised above 3%, money markets and bonds sell off because investors fear that the economy is gaining traction and that there will be an increased demand for money WHAT IS INFLATION? Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices for goods and services in an economy over a period of time This is often expressed as an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) WHY IS INFLATION IMPORTANT? Inflation is important because it erodes the purchasing power of the dollar For exa

  • The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software

    08/06/2022 Duration: 09min

    Paying attention to neightbors. “Local wisdom can lead to global wisdom”. “The primary mechanism of swarm logic is the interaction between neighboring ants in the field; ants stumbling across each other, or each other’s pheromone trails, while patrolling the area around the nest. Adding ants to the overall system will generate more interactions between neighbors and will consequently enable the colony itself to solve problems and regulate itself more effectively. --- Send in a voice message:

  • how does change occur in complex organization

    08/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    I suggest that to understand this question, we need to consider how a "dynamic process" operates Two key questions then arise: "What are the activities that make up this process?" and "How do these activities interact?" In other words, what is the nature of the process, and how does it work? i suggest that the activities that make up this flow of work can be divided into three categories First are the "technical activities" by which an organization accomplishes its work These activities "involve the application of knowledge and skills to the production of goods or services" Second are the activities of "organizing and controlling work" These activities focus on creating a set of procedures and practices that foster the efficient performance of technical activities Third are the "human resource activities" These activities focus on the recruitment, training, and development of people who perform technical activities Next, we need to consider how these activities interact As an example, i suggest that "in

  • Why is accountability the ability to rise above circumstances

    08/06/2022 Duration: 03min

    Accountability is the ability to take responsibility for your actions and make everything work to your advantage What does accountability mean? It is the state of being responsible for something It is to be answerable for something It means to be liable for something or to be called to account for something Ask yourself: Am I accountable for my life? Am I responsible for my own actions? Am I in charge of my life? Am I personally responsible for creating my own reality? If you believe that you are not accountable for your life, then you have given control of your life to other people and to external circumstances In other words, you are giving up control of your life One of the greatest tragedies in life is to give up the control of your life If you are not responsible for your life, then you can only blame other people and external circumstances for your problems Sometimes when we are growing up, we give up control of our life We often blame our parents for our problems We blame our friends, our

  • Python pep8

    07/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    Thoughts --- Send in a voice message:


    07/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    The Chinese government is buying dollars, euros and other currencies at a record pace to prop up its currency, the yuan, and to keep its export machine humming The open-market purchases of foreign currency are aimed at keeping its exchange rate from rising too quickly, which might dampen exports and economic growth China has $1.36 trillion dollars in foreign reserves. For investors bought $159 billion in Chinese bonds seeking high yields on yuan-denominated debt. Banks are buying yuan instead of dollars. An appreciating yuan invites hot money inflows making Chinese exports more expensive . China has been buying dollars and euros to the tune of $2 billion a day in recent weeks, according to the Financial Times At the same time, Japan is now selling dollars and euros at the fastest rate in five years, while the United States is selling its foreign reserves -- the first time since the 1960s,

  • Bible imagery 24 Elders and the Hinge Point

    06/06/2022 Duration: 07min

    White signifies purity and obedience to God’s laws. Pride goes before the fall. Satan desires to corrupt individuals through politics, sexual immorality and pride. If Satan gets a hold of the heart, he stirs the individual to anger. The primary tool is pride. Once pride sets in, the individual refuses to feel mercy. At this point, there can only be warning of judgment. The teaching of the gospel stops. The anger and wrath of god turns against the actions of the hard-hearted and rebellious. The end result is destruction of morality. The tragedy is no healing occurs. The media is launching a war of profit. Big business uses all the scenes that peak interest. Big business’ goal is to generate sales. Movies like Dr. Strange and Harry Potter become folklore status among the youth of today. Evil content is ignored in place of character development and story line. Witchcraft and satanic symbolism become part of the story. The story builds suspense and sales. Movies are filled with war and sex. Dr

  • Travel before you die

    06/06/2022 Duration: 04min

    WHY ARE PEOPLE LESS AFRAID TO TRAVEL TO THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES THAN TO GO TO THE STORE? The answer is: Because we have been conditioned to fear the unknown And it is not that we aren’t aware of our fear, it is just that we have learned to live with it The human brain is constantly working to build a story of what is going on around you If we were aware of every little thing that was going on around us, we would be paralyzed with fear As a result, our brains are constantly trying to fit events into the greater context of our life Our brains try to make sense of everything by using previous experiences as a comparison This is the reason that people are afraid to travel to places they are unfamiliar with We are afraid to travel to places where we have no reference points, no previous experiences to rely on This is why we fear the unknown We fear the unfamiliar We fear what we dont know And, as a result, we tend to limit ourselves to only the places we are comfortable with We have a routine We


    04/06/2022 Duration: 17min

    In 2007, purchase power parity was stronger in India and China; therefore, they contribute more to global growth than the United Kingdom, Japan and the U.S. In 2018, China consumers are beginning to consume and invest. In the past, sovereign wealth funds have helped emerging markets grow. China is helping grow emerging markets. As more emerging markets come online, the global economy grows. Over time, the emerging markets will shift from exports to consumables. Trump's tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum will slow emerging market growth. Trump's duties were 25-percent on steel and 10-percent on aluminum. Countries most affected by the import tariff are Brazil, South Korea and China. South Korea is the third largest exporter of steel to the U.S. China exports aluminum to the U.S. increased exports. In 2016, a dollar bought 6.5 yuan; however, the purchase power parity (PPP) was 5.7 RMB per dollar. The dollar was stronger against the yuan but bought less goods and services in China because of PPP. The Rembmi

  • Bible imagery - surrendering your will to God by taking a personal inventory of your behavior

    04/06/2022 Duration: 05min

    Pride is the great barrier between us and God. The process of overcoming pride is continuous. If we can feel the love of the lord for us we can change. We start by writing our feelings on paper knowing our skill maybe lacking. As we write our thoughts the spirit can bring to mind new perspectives. We ask God to take away our defects in thought and feeling. We learn to be honest in our accounting of our behaviors and we write our contribution to another persons joy or pain. The lord helps us to heal within. We reflect upon the thoughts we have written. We are patient with ourselves and realize in time the way will be revealed. We don’t have to be right . We do need to feel. As we acknowledge our feelings the lord can extend his atonement. Being humble and contrite is our gift to God. It means we are in a state of mind and attitude where we can be taught. It means we are capable of receiving correction from God. The lord shows he loves us by correcting our defects that keep us in slavery. What i

  • Mastering python environments

    03/06/2022 Duration: 15min

    Thoughts on pip and dependencies and poetry and lock files --- Send in a voice message:


    02/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    We are living in a globalized world and China is the third largest economy in the world Although China has been a net importer of gold, the Chinese government sees value in gold as a way of diversifying an economy that is currently dominated by exports If China were to accumulate $2 trillion of gold, this would be a lot of money based on the current gold price However, if China were to start purchasing large quantities of gold, this would have a big impact on the gold market The more gold that China buys, the higher the gold price would go China would also be sending a signal to the rest of the world that gold is a valuable asset CHINA IS THE LARGEST EXPORTING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD The United States is the world's largest importing country This is because the United States has a large population that consumes a lot of goods China is the world's largest exporting country As a result, China is a net seller of goods to the rest of the world . China exports $3 trillion of goods per year to the world in 2


    30/05/2022 Duration: 03min

    Profit margins for oil and gas are low compared to many other industries The low profit margins are the result of several factors Oil and gas companies have large capital expenditures (equipment, exploration, drilling, etc ) that are necessary to make sales The return on these investments can take years to realize The price of oil is set on the world market Once the cost of production is covered, the price of oil goes to the market price The oil market is very volatile Oil companies have to pay taxes Oil companies must pay taxes in the countries where they operate and then pay taxes in their home countries The cost of oil production is constantly changing The price of oil is constantly changing The cost of production is a result of many factors that must be evaluated WHAT IS TAX RATE? Tax rate is the rate at which a company pays taxes on its income The tax rate is based on a combination of factors including the companys income and the jurisdiction in which the company is located WHAT IS TH

  • Creating hydrogen from sea water

    28/05/2022 Duration: 02min

    Electrolysis But negatively charged chloride in seawater salt can corrode the positive end, limiting the system’s lifespan The researchers discovered that if they coated the anode with layers that were rich in negative charges, the layers repelled chloride and slowed down the decay of the underlying metal. They layered nickel-iron hydroxide on top of nickel sulfide, which covers a nickel foam core. The nickel foam acts as a conductor – transporting electricity from the power source – and the nickel-iron hydroxide sparks the electrolysis, separating water into oxygen and hydrogen. During electrolysis, the nickel sulfide evolves into a negatively charged layer that protects the anode. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - freedom to choose

    28/05/2022 Duration: 06min

    In the pre mortal existence there was a war between good and evil, a war between a good messiah and an evil messiah. There was one father and he chose the good messiah to represent him and his plan of salvation. The evil messiah and was angry and he rebelled taking a third part and he was cast out by Michael the arch angel. The devil would could continue his fight against the children of god as the great deceiver and liar to man. Men would be confronted with choices or morality. They would be left to chose life eternal through Jesus Christ or captivity and bondage through the devil. Revelations 12 7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Our free agency is a power.

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