Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning


  • Nlp spacy

    05/05/2022 Duration: 05min

    Nlp --- Send in a voice message:

  • Thoughts

    05/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    Thoughts --- Send in a voice message:


    04/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    Rickards noted, eventually the aftermath of a coming collapse will follow the current expansion, which has been going on since June 2009 called quantitive easing, a failed Keynesian theory practiced in Japan leading to a forty plus year economic depression. Central banks took the pressure off with money printing, zero interest rates, currency swaps and other guarantees behind the scenes, but the underlying imbalances remain. Debtors hate deflation because they are repaying with expensive money. Likewise during inflation they are paying back money with diluted money with less buying power. During inflation it hurts less to pay down debt. During inflation your paying with dollars with less value than you borrowed with. Deflation puts stress on the banks. The fed job is to stabilize the banks. Therefore the fed fights deflation by increasing the money supply causing inflation. There are only so many ways to fight deflation, however. The natural cure is growth, but extremely high debt loads are likely to c


    03/05/2022 Duration: 03min

    e main reason is the economy The housing market has been hot in recent years Home prices are rising, but generally not as quickly as in other cities The number of jobs in the city has been growing faster than the number of homes San Francisco added about 10,000 jobs in the past year, about half of them in technology Economist Steven Levy at the Center for the Continuing Study of the California Economy says that makes it the fastest growing big city in the state Levy says San Francisco's job growth is fueled by the boom in technology Many of the new jobs are in industries that require workers skilled in math, science and technology "The San Francisco economy has been adding jobs at a faster rate than the other big cities in the state," Levy says "It's been a tech boom " The growing economy has helped attract thousands of new residents to the city But San Francisco also has advantages over other cities It's close to Silicon Valley, the headquarters of many technology companies It's a great pl


    03/05/2022 Duration: 05min

    With regard to the question of why China embraced capitalism, it is important to note that in Mao’s time, the Soviet Union and China were allies Mao’s China was a communist country, but it was still very much in the midst of a revolution China saw the Soviet Union as a revolutionary ally, and Mao had always been an admirer of Joseph Stalin, who was the leader of the Soviet Union at the time The Chinese saw the Soviet Union as a potential guide in the revolutionary process Mao’s China was a communist country, but it was still very much in the midst of a revolution But there were also critical differences between the Soviet Union and China The Chinese had always been more radical than the Russians During the Cultural Revolution, Mao had attacked Soviet revisionists and accused them of trying to undermine the Chinese revolution What this meant was that Mao’s China was in a different stage of development than the Soviet Union The Chinese revolution was still in the midst of its own revolution, while the


    02/05/2022 Duration: 03min

    there are a number of reasons why emerging market currencies have been weakening against the US Dollar… 1) Excessively loose monetary policy in the developed markets (The Fed, The ECB, The BOJ and the Bank of England) 2) Speculation that the Fed will not hike interest rates as previously expected 3) Emerging markets economies are slowing down…China is slowing down…Brazil, Russia and India are slowing down…this will lead to a slowdown in the global economy and will put downward pressure on the US Dollar 4) Emerging market economies are a lot more sensitive to a depreciating US Dollar than developed market economies Here is an excellent article on the subject from the Wall Street Journal… One of the most interesting questions in the current global market environment is why emerging-market currencies, which are down year to date and have been hit especially hard in the past two weeks, have been so weak The dollar has appreciated against every G-10 currency except the Japanese yen The answer is that most


    02/05/2022 Duration: 04min

    Shale gas is a natural gas found in sedimentary rock This rock is found thousands of feet below the earth's surface The energy companies drill or frack for the natural gas (Fracking is a method of drilling that involves pumping high-pressure water and chemicals into the rock to release the natural gas ) Why is shale gas so important? For one thing, it's a very cheap source of energy It will lead to lower energy prices That's good news for the average consumer It's also very important in terms of foreign policy The United States imports a lot of its energy from overseas That's becoming more and more expensive Shale gas gives the United States a new source of cheap energy That will reduce the US trade deficit Shale gas will also lower US oil imports That's important because the United States has a lot of enemies in the Middle East It's nice not to be dependent on them for our energy It will also create a lot of new jobs The energy industry is one of the most important industries in the United Stat

  • Thoughts for the week

    30/04/2022 Duration: 41min

    Thoughts --- Send in a voice message:


    28/04/2022 Duration: 06min

    A A manager must stay current with developments in technology and people management in order to ensure the continued success of the organization B A manager must stay current with developments in technology and people management in order to ensure that the manager is able to stay competitive in the workplace C A manager must stay current with developments in technology and people management in order to ensure that the organization remains competitive in the marketplace D A manager must stay current with developments in technology and people management in order for the manager to stay competitive --- Send in a voice message:


    27/04/2022 Duration: 04min

    A history of House of Israel in North America . A national document of morality for right and wrong in the 21st century --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets

    26/04/2022 Duration: 27min

    1. Invest in foreign companies with a. high dividend earnings b. participating in global exports c. part of an economy that is growing (China, India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico). --- Send in a voice message:

  • Future edge

    25/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    Gambling instead of taxes: State-run gambling is replacing taxes and undermines the requirement of democracy that its citizens make choices about how their taxes are raised and distributed to support the public will. Gamble supports the concept of fate as the mechanism for distributing the bounty of the world and subverts the idea that hard work and learning pay off. Gambling organizations will appeal to 1 in 120 million odds by putting winners out front in the media and promoting these individuals, who have received a distribution of the population wealth just because of luck. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Karate vs kung fu currency wars

    24/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    In 2012 Japanese banks are buying us treasuries to reduce exposure to the euro and prevent rates to increase in the real estate market. When rates increase real estate valuations decrease. A decrease in valuations decrease asset values in Japanese bank portfolios in their shadow accounts. The no reported valuations represent loses to the bank. The stock market anticipates these losses and lowers price expectation based on demand. The bank stock will begin to decrease. The large Japanese banks represent a quarter of the Japanese stock market. A sudden drop in the bank stock price would trigger a sell off. Therefore, Japanese banks are forced to buy us treasuries to keep rates low. Karate verse kungfu currency wars. --- Send in a voice message:


    23/04/2022 Duration: 10min

    Russia has 80 billion barrels of oil in its reserves and exports 10 million barrels of oil a day Bond yields climbed after Russia seized the Crimea peninsula in Ukraine in 2014 The conflict led to Western sanctions against Russia and a collapse in the price of oil The resulting economic crisis sent Russian bond yields up to 11 5% Russia turned to China and other Asian countries for financing WHY DID RUSSIA BECOME AN OIL EXPORTER? Russia has the third largest proven oil reserves in the world and is the second largest oil exporter A series of discoveries in the 1960s and 1970s in Western Siberia made Russia an oil producer However, Soviet planners and engineers did not build a pipeline to export the oil and gas In the 1980s, they did not have the technology to develop new fields The Soviet Union ended its oil exports in 1991 Former Soviet oil fields began exporting oil and gas again after the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia became an oil exporter in 2004 Russia exports almost all of its oil and

  • Thoughts for the week

    23/04/2022 Duration: 42min

    The answer can be found in the complexity of the work of organizations As described in the previous section, flat organizations with more fluid processes allow more people to participate more often in shaping the future of the organization This is a key, but insufficient condition for productivity The theory of complexity shows why this is insufficient In our experience, we find that organizations that achieve high levels of productivity do so because they have developed a sufficiently complex and adaptive structure These organizations have created polycentric organizations, in which authority and influence are distributed in many different places Within these polycentric organizations, people are able to exercise their judgment and develop new ideas and initiatives In contrast, traditional hierarchical organizations have a very simple structure, which is adaptive only under very specific circumstances For this reason, they are very resistant to change, which, in turn, makes them very inflexible That

  • The Pareto Principle

    22/04/2022 Duration: 11min

    The Pareto Principle is the idea that 80 percent of your revenue comes from 20 percent of your customers In other words, 20 percent of your customers are making you 80 percent of your revenue The Pareto Principle is also the idea that 80 percent of your problems come from 20 percent of your customers In other words, 20 percent of your customers are causing you 80 percent of your problems The Pareto Principle is also the idea that 80 percent of your opportunities come from 20 percent of your customers In other words, 20 percent of your customers are providing you with 80 percent of your opportunities The Pareto Principle is also the idea that 80 percent of your complaints come from 20 percent of your customers In other words, 20 percent of your customers are giving you 80 percent of your complaints The Pareto Principle is also the idea that 80 percent of your profit comes from 20 percent of your customers In other words, 20 percent of --- Send in a voice message:

  • Managing for the future, 32 talking points, Drucker

    20/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    Latin America needs to stop inflation by turning off the spigot of government spending; dismantle the unproductive monopolies owned by the government or the military; cut excessive nominal tax rates that discourage honest enterprise, but increase tax collection. --- Send in a voice message:


    19/04/2022 Duration: 02min

    The industry has suffered from a lack of new issuance in the past several years, as well as a lack of demand for the existing supply The result has been a steep drop in the prices of high-yield bonds as investors have rushed to sell bonds to raise cash for their deals With fewer bonds available, investors have been forced to buy longer-dated maturities, driving up the average maturity of the high-yield market --- Send in a voice message:

  • Drucker on the profession of management

    19/04/2022 Duration: 09min

    The activity oriented decision model is a conceptually definition and the practical discipline proposed exciting possiblities. Activies are analyzed, defined, and sequenced. Resources are allocated to the activity. The activity outcomes are measured to determine, if they are meeting requirements. Managers weight the risks by asking "what are the benefits of the activity?","What are the fallout impacts for failure to implement the activity?", and "what are the impacts to the organization long term by implementing the activity?" Analysis of the process, results in time and budget allocation estimates. Schedules provide time lines and sequences linked to a resources. Managers must coordination various organizations to gain access to a resource. A resource represents a individual in a specialize field of knowledge. Communication and coordination are necessary to effectively manage various resources, so each individual understands, what is expected and what to produce. Budgets and time provide the boundary of the


    18/04/2022 Duration: 04min

    The short answer is that holders of T-Bonds don’t want to hold T-Bonds They want cash T-Bonds are “collateralized” in that the government really does have collateral for the T-Bonds In the event of a default, the government would be able to seize that collateral So this is what the Fed is doing It’s buying up T-Bonds in order to support the price of T-Bonds The stated goal is to keep the price of T-Bonds from falling too far If the price of T-Bonds falls too far, then the government will have to pay higher interest rates on its debt If the government has to pay higher interest rates, then it will have less money to spend on programs that it wants to spend money on It’s a vicious circle If you have to pay higher interest rates on your debt, then you have less money to spend If you have less money to spend, then you have to raise taxes more If you have to raise taxes more, then people have less money to spend And so on The government needs to keep the price of T-Bonds from falling too far Bu

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