Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning


  • Social engineered robot design

    16/05/2022 Duration: 02min

    The idea is that robots will be able to learn how to recognize, classify, and even behave in certain situations by interacting with people like a child does: by watching and listening to what people do and say, and by trying to imitate them. My research focuses on a small part of this bigger picture: on the design of learning algorithms that help robots learn from people. Implementing a social robot requires designing a robot that can recognize and classify people, and then interact with them in a meaningful way. To do this, we need to develop learning algorithms for robots that can help them recognize and classify people, and then learn how to interact with them. The problem of learning from interaction is a hard problem. It is difficult because interactions are complex and dynamic. People are complex Robots need to interact with people, but people are complex. People have a rich set of physical, verbal, and non-verbal behaviors. People have a rich set of goals. People have different personalities. People ar

  • Bible imagery - the time of man

    16/05/2022 Duration: 09min

    We can be grateful that the Lord will restore the plain and precious truths of the gospel. We will experience the love and understanding of Christ, and our hearts will love Him. Just as we adore a lamb, His kindness and strength will be a joy to us as Satan rages. We will look to Christ in every thought. We will come upon to the Savior and be saved. He is the way, and His name and infinite atonement redeem us. Man. The revelator saw the salvation of man through the Savior who is plain and precious to us. We love Him because He first loved us. There is one great Shepherd over all the earth, and that is Christ. Salvation is made possible through the covenants. We walk the covenant path back into the presence of God, the creator of heaven, the earth and the universe. --- Send in a voice message:

  • K129

    15/05/2022 Duration: 19min

    The rising of the k129 target object nuclear submarine --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery the two prophets

    15/05/2022 Duration: 03min

    Revelation 11 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Elijah had power to call down fire from heaven to burn up the altar of Baal. 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. Moses had power to bring plagues against pharaoh. The Jews know Moses and Elijah. Christ, in the feeding of the 5000, was connecting to the miracle of Elijah. He was saying I am the Messiah that Elijah represented in his miracles. Moses likewise connects to Christ. Moses, like Christ, was tempted by Satan to worship him. The parting of the Red Sea was like Christ in that He provide a way for man to escape death and sin on dry land. The dry land represented the stability and sureness of God—the path of safety through a wicked world. Christ’s atonement creat

  • Uss liberty

    15/05/2022 Duration: 52min

    What happened and why --- Send in a voice message:

  • Thoughts for the week

    14/05/2022 Duration: 33min

    Thoughts --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - the great and abominable church

    13/05/2022 Duration: 08min

    We deserve what we get for allowing the constitutional protections God caused to be raised up be replaced by an arm-of-flesh system that can so easily impoverish and enslave the people. It is leaving us all as paupers and serfs in the land our forefathers fought to make free. It isn’t free. We have allowed Gadiantons to get above us and have not awakened to our awful situation as Ether warned us in the Book of Mormon. --- Send in a voice message:


    13/05/2022 Duration: 03min

    And that brings us to a big question why are bond yields so low and why has this phenomenon been going on for the last several years? It is a puzzle we have been trying to solve for some time but the more we learn, the less we understand The orthodox view is that it is a rational response to the economic conditions The argument goes that the economy is still fragile, unemployment is high and inflation is low, so people are not demanding much of a return on their investments But we have been here before In 1999, the world was in the midst of a technology bubble, the Nasdaq index was hitting record highs and Australia was in the midst of a construction boom with house prices rising by more than 15 per cent year-on-year in some markets Yet the bond market wasn't behaving like this Ten-year bond yields were 4 5 per cent Low bond rates happen every decade as a result of central banks buying bonds The first time was in the late 1940s, when 10-year yields dropped to about 3 per cent The next time w


    13/05/2022 Duration: 05min

    The answer is in Chinas monetary policy China has been pumping credit into the economy for over a decade We call it printing money€ in the west The Chinese call it credit growth China€™s monetary policy is similar to Japans in the 1980s, just on a larger scale The Chinese are not printing money to cover its deficits as Japan did But they are pumping money into the economy to promote economic growth, and they are doing it at a much faster pace than Japan ever did China is running the largest credit bubble in history The total amount of credit in Chinas economy, including loans and bonds China is at least four times larger than the US in terms of credit market debt China is also growing its credit at about twice the rate of the US Thats why the Chinese economy is growing much faster than the US But it€™s also why China is more vulnerable to a collapse in the yuan If the yuan keeps falling, the Chinese will have to print more yuan to cover their dollar debts that€™s why they hav already started

  • Imagery of the Bible - Joseph Sold Into Egypt Prototype of Christ

    12/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    Joseph was son of Jacob and Rachael. He was a visionary youth. Jacob loved Joseph realizing he was highly-favored of the Lord. There seems to be jealousy among “sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah” with Joseph. Joseph reported the evil to his father. The jealousy among the brothers increased towards Joseph because of his integrity and his favor by his father. Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors as a sign he was the birthright son the chosen one of Israel. Joseph was the son to whom the priesthood rights of presidency would be given. Joseph would be the savior to the family. Jacob loved Joseph, and his brothers hated him. Joseph was a visionary man and a seer. In vision, he sees his brothers bowing to him. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Thoughts on data assumptions

    12/05/2022 Duration: 26min

    Judging and criticizing and contempt generating realities from data --- Send in a voice message:

  • Mechanics of natural force. Replacing Higgs field theory with flow theory

    11/05/2022 Duration: 21min

    LENR occurs when special circumstances exist causing the electromagnetic and weak nuclear reaction break down. The flow bond model between quarks makes more sense. If the quark twister pump configurations change than the flow charges change and the structure of the atom changes because a proton becomes a neutron. For a neutron to become a proton, one of the up quarks must become a down quark. How would this happen? We have to look at the mechanical forces creating the electromagetic field according to flow theory. According to flow theory, the concept of the electron is replaced with the flow theory of the twister flow. Electrical and magnetic fields are created by oscillations of the twister flow. The oscillation between the blaring particles in the twister flow collide with the free bolgarinos around the atom. The free bolgarinos particles surrounding the twister flow begin to vibrate at the same frequency of the twister flow. The vibrations dampen intensity over distance, square of the distance decreases i

  • Higgs fields vs quark theory

    11/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    Quarks explain the mechanical forces of nature --- Send in a voice message:

  • Why does E=mc2

    10/05/2022 Duration: 12min

    Energy is conserved, "you can increase energy here, but you will have to lower it there". Raw mass provides a potential source of energy. Energy can be in the form of mass or kinetic energy. E = mc^2 + 1/2 mv^2 suggests that 1/2 mv^2 is the kinetic energy of the moving mass. Energy, mass, and momentum combine into a single spacetime object. Space and time can not be thought of as separate entities. At Brookhaven on a 14 meter ring a muon should make 15 laps, but in reality it completed 400 laps, a factor of 29, or 60 microseconds. Solving of lamba lamba= 1 / sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2) = 1 / sqrt(1-(.9994)^2) = 28.87 or 29 The prediction is that the muon should live 29 times longer than a muon that is still because of its kinetic energy and speed. The Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP) managed to make over 20 million Z particles through electron/positron collision. Z particles are not stable and last 10 pow –25 seconds before dying. Z particles sometimes decay to produce an electron and positron pair and other


    10/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    Some people believe that the energy in the Universe is limited They say that there is only so much energy, and when it is used up, we will all have to stop In fact, according to the Standard Model, the amount of matter and energy in the Universe is not limited It is infinite --- Send in a voice message:


    09/05/2022 Duration: 05min

    The most obvious explanation is that investors around the world, who will eventually be the buyers of the S&P 500, are being suppressed by the monetary authorities in their home countries The European Central Bank (ECB) is purchasing Italian and Spanish government bonds in their secondary markets The Bank of Japan is conducting an unprecedented money printing program The U S Federal Reserve is buying $85 billion in mortgage bonds each month The Bank of England is buying gilts The Bank of China is buying "blue chips" on the Shanghai exchange The list goes on The collective net purchases of these central banks is near $4 trillion annually The net purchases of the central banks of the 30 countries in the MSCI All-Country World Index is $1 7 trillion annually So, even though the S&P 500 is up $8 trillion since the bottom in March 2009, investors around the world have added $8 trillion to their equity positions since the bottom in March 2009 The central banks are responsible for a good porti

  • Thoughts on business process before predictive analytics

    07/05/2022 Duration: 26min

    Weekly thoughts of efficiency --- Send in a voice message:

  • Jack Straight from the gut ( Jack Welch )

    07/05/2022 Duration: 10min

    What would GE be like without Gary Wendt, Dennis Nayden, and Mike Neal? Nayden the brainpower to structure big complex deal; Neals the people connections negotiator; and Wendt the idea man and acquistion proposing machine. Wendt and Nayden drove GE towards global growth: The 1983 purchase of American Mortgage , 1984 purchase of Employers Reinsurance Corp (Stanger and Dammerman), private label credit cards, commerical finance deals (Wendt), 1994 $12 billion in asset acquistions, 1995 $25 billion in asset acquistions, Banks in Poland and Czech Republic, (Wendt and Nayden close 400 deals involving $200 billion in assets). The numbers are convincing that the acquistions in themselve created wealth. Welsh did not condemn Wendt's asset collection drive with GEs total assets excessing $400 billion. Wendt and Nayden were the real wealth creators of GE. Harvard Business Review would use GE as a model of successfully integrating acquired businesses. GE's exporting Financial services to a global economy drow GEs growth

  • Why when credit expands does the risk of default increase

    06/05/2022 Duration: 09min

    When a bank extends credit, it issues debt in the form of a claim against the borrower It might be a mortgage on a house, a car loan, a credit card, or some other kind of debt instrument The important thing about the debt is not so much its type as its size relative to the borrower’s balance sheet If the bank makes a loan of $100,000, for example, and the borrower’s balance sheet is $1,000,000, then the loan is a relatively small percentage of the borrower’s assets If the balance sheet is $10,000,000, then the bank loan is a much smaller percentage of the borrower’s assets When banks extend credit, they also extend bank deposits The borrower puts the loan proceeds in an account at the bank This deposit is just an accounting entry, but to the bank, it is a liability In a fractional reserve banking system, the bank can hold only a fraction of its deposits in reserves In the United States, the Federal Reserve requires banks to hold reserves equal to only 10% of their deposits The other 90% can be lent

  • Imagery of the Bible

    06/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    The sabbath is a sign to the Lord we desire to delight in what he delights in. We need to be the kind of person that delights in sabbath day worship and learning. If we don’t delight in the sabbath we can work piece by piece until the sabbath is a day we look forward too. Isaiah 58 13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: 14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. The sabbath is a foreshadowing and type of the millennium. Men will be focused on doing the work of salvation and temple work during the millennium. The spirit of Elijah will be felt by the saints. The sabbath is a sign to the lord how we feel about him. Exod

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