Jonny Gould's Jewish State



The Jewish and Israeli podcast ranging from Israeli HealthTech to Labour antisemitism, from the greatest pop music to Jewish comedy and from peace with Palestine to Holocaust testimony. I raise funds to produce this and you can help by donating at Thank you.


  • 139: Einat Wilf in London: Israel SHOULD demand the Palestinians declare, “our war with Israel is over”

    29/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Support Jonny's podcast here, buy Jonny a coffee! It’s always a pleasure to see Einat Wilf, here again on a whistlestop tour of London, she met with politicians of all parties at the Houses of Parliament, plus journalists and Jewish leaders and their communities.  And it’s her clarity which is arresting. She elevates Zionism above politics, creating unity for Jews of every stripe to coalesce around.  Not to mention the millions of non-Jews who  believe in the Jewish people’s right to self determination too.  And she’s been on a metaphoric journey too. Originally from the peace camp, she believed like so many right across the political spectrum in surrendering land for peace - but today - we all face the chilling reality of October 7 to show what Palestinianism is really about.  They keep telling us, she says. Let’s believe them.  Einat, who co-authored The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace, with Adi Schwartz, believes Israel needs to negotiate with

  • 138: Loay Alshareef in London takes your calls on TalkTV and rejects claims of "Israeli land grabbing"

    25/02/2024 Duration: 43min

    Loay Alshareef came on my TalkTV show to talk about the peace which remains between Arabs and Jews despite the October 7 massacre by Hamas terrorists in Israel.  And it’s good news.  The Abraham Accords which bound the UAE, together with Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan with Israel in September 2020, remains steadfast and though the pogrom exacted on Israel is a “setback”, the opportunities for peace are still there.  Loay has become a good friend since he invited me to Abu Dhabi in 2022 and it’s always a privilege to spend quality time with him discussing pragmatic ideas for peace in a world consumed by hostilities. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 137: Loay Alshareef in London: "It’s bad news for the enemies of peace”

    20/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Support Jonny here. Loay Alshareef has been on quite a journey. Growing up in Saudi Arabia and brought up a religious Moslem, he was exposed to antisemitic schooling about Israel and the Jews. “Jews are the fierce enemies of the Arabs and you shouldn’t have them as friends. Christians too. But first, Jews.”  Loay was part of a generation of young Saudis who stood no chance. Isolated from the world, taught to hate. It still goes on - although less so.  But the poisoning of his young mind was challenged when he visited France with the Accord school, a homestay program in Paris so he could learn French. He was housed with a Jewish family.  Initially he refused, preferring to be with a Tunisian Arab family. But in the end, he stayed with the Jewish family.  His host Rachelle of Yemeni tradition said, “stay with us a couple more days”, and so began a journey to conciliation. But it started with confusion.  These people are nothing like what he’d been told. Rachelle was a good person, so were the Koranic texts abou

  • 136: Nicole Lampert: I confronted Gary Lineker in public about his Palestinian tweets

    10/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    If I'd been asked which journalist might one day confront Gary Lineker face-to-face about his views on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, I might well have said, "it's going to be Nicole Lampert!", such is her journalistic courage. And so it was, as Nicole and a small handful of other journalists were invited to a Broadcasting Press Guild Lunch to hear from Lineker about his burgeoning podcast business. The Press all introduced themselves and Lineker admitted to feeling scared. He was right! He'd retweeted a BDS demand to ban Israel from international football. He took it down later amid a brou-ha-ha. Nicole asked him why he'd broken the BBC's social media rules. The usually polite and deferential event suddenly took a turn. There was clapping at the end of Gary's presentation, but Nicole didn't join in the applause, so Gary went to look for her. We take up the story in this fascinating episode. If you like these podcasts, you can support Jonny here with a coffee. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megapho

  • 135: Itamar Marcus: UNRWA, the worst thing that ever happened to the Palestinians

    06/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    Support Jonny here. Itamar Marcus is the founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch, started in 1996 to monitor the consensus of the Palestinian world. They started reading the papers for the views of their leaders and found school books and television programmes indoctrinating children in Jew hate. But with 75% of Palestinians supporting Hamas’ October 7 massacres with 60% “extremely supportive” and 98% “feeling a sense of pride as a Palestinian”, what future peace for Israel? This episode discusses the damage UNRWA has done to peace in the Middle East and also includes Hillel Neuer’s stunning testimony to the US Congress about the UN agency’s complicity in Hamas terror. Jonny Gould’s Jewish State is proudly supported by Dangoor Education. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 134: President Reuven Rivlin of Israel defies Poland's Holocaust Remembrance laws on Polish soil

    28/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    Support Jonny here. In this exclusive interview, Reuven Rivlin, the tenth president of Israel pushes back on Polish law on remembering the Holocaust in Krakow. President Rivlin was among world leaders in politics and industry at the European Jewish Association’s delegation to Auschwitz-Birkenau and taking part in a symposium on the growing threat of antisemitism in Europe, entitled NEVER AGAIN: Lip Service or Deep Commitment? Also with us, former French prime minister Manuel Valls, a strong voice against antisemitism and Israel’s minister of the diaspora, Amichai Chikli. In 2018, Poland amended their domestic laws on National Remembrance to penalise speech in public laying responsibility for the Holocaust to Poland or the Polish nation. There was international outcry, relations between Israel and Poland were frozen. Israeli school trips to Poland’s death camps were suspended. The tours are back now - although the law still applies. Poland was the first country invaded and occupied by Adolf Hitler. Members of

  • EXTRA: Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro return from Auschwitz with their first impressions

    22/01/2024 Duration: 49min

    Support Jonny here. Elon Musk returns fresh from visiting Auschwitz and here are his initial reflections. He’s interviewed by Ben Shapiro. I’m with him and other delegates in Krakow at the European Jewish Association symposium. The episode starts with a stirring Holocaust Kadesh, recited by EJA Founder and Chairman, Rabbi Menachem Margolin. It was called "NEVER AGAIN: Lip Service or Deep Commitment?" Among the world leaders I managed to speak to are former Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, who pushes back on Polish Holocaust denial, former French prime minister Manuel Valls, who conducts our discussion on in French, and Israel’s minister of the diaspora, Amichai Chikli. This is my recording of Elon Musk’s interview from inside the conference. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 133: Haviv Rettig Gur and Jonathan Spyer: “Deathblow” to Hamas would aid Gulf vision for stability

    17/01/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Support Jonny making his podcasts by buying him a coffee. How has the October 7th massacre challenged Israeli public opinion on the conflict with the Palestinians? What about 'day after' planning? Has it seriously begun? And does peace lie with the Gulf states? Just how much do the Saudis and the UAE want Israel to win? Who in Palestinian society is there to deal peace with? Is there anyone? Has the Israeli left anywhere left to go? Is war from Lebanon inevitable? While the Houthis, another Iranian proxy, bomb western ships in the Suez Canal, how many fronts could this war open? Is the escalation so inevitable that Iran joins the fray directly? Russia in Syria, Iran’s land bridge there. Let’s update that too. Why is it imperative that Israelis from both the north and south return to their towns and kibbutzim? Two of Israel’s leading journalists and analysts join me here in London thanks to Elnet UK, a bipartisan, cross-party international organisation, who stand above politics, working to advance UK-Israel re

  • 132: "Golda": producer Nicholas Martin, "We knew we were winning when Assad shot his generals"

    03/01/2024 Duration: 01h26min

    Help support Jonny's coverage of Israel and the Jewish diaspora by making a donation here or you can buy him a coffee here. Our guest today is Nicholas Martin, movie producer and writer of the biographical drama, “Golda”. Golda was seven years in the making, and as you’ll hear, Nicholas has delved so deeply into her story - and by extension Israel’s story from independence to the 1970s - which makes this such a captivating interview. He’s also made deep friendships with Golda’s family and throughout Israel. A highly experienced and talented filmmaker who’s become a world authority on the period, but didn’t know a great deal about Israeli history before he started. Nicholas’ previous film was the hilarious, Florence Foster-Jenkins. Golda also stars Liev Schreiber as Henry Kissinger and Camille Cottin as Lou Kadar, Golda's assistant. Our episode music has just been composed in support of Israel by my friend Bryan Edery with concert violinist Miriam Kramer. He’s called it “Israel in my Heart, ner Tamid”. Thank y

  • 131: “Another How To Make Peace In The Middle East" TalkTV Special

    24/12/2023 Duration: 02h19min

    This is “Another How to Make Peace in the Middle East", building on the success of the first Talk TV Special, with more highly informed guests from the worlds of politics, the military, frontline medicine, journalism, diplomacy and think tanks. In this episode, British-born Israeli hand and trauma surgeon, Dr Elliot Sorene explains how he's operated on Hamas fighters, who after successful surgery have "promised to see him on the battlefield". He also tells us how his son survived the Nova Festival massacre and saved other’s lives too. Hen Mazzig is a former IDF humanitarian soldier, who insists his experiences in Judea and Samaria give him belief in a path to peace from the younger generation of Palestinians. Jonathan Sacerdoti reveals yet more evidence of human shields and Gazan tunnels. Barak Seener has troubling statistics on just how radicalised the Palestinian population is and the extent to which hearts and minds must be changed after the war with Hamas is won. And Benjamin Anthony believes the war agai

  • 130: Dov Forman: “My trip to Kfar Aza and the Nova Festival site will change me forever”

    19/12/2023 Duration: 38min

    Dov Forman, 20, co-author of New York Times bestseller, Lily's Promise: How I Survived Auschwitz and Found the Strength to Live, was invited to Israel by ELNET UK on a solidarity mission to see for himself the trail of death and devastation left by Hamas through Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7th. Scenes and smells he says have changed him forever. ELNET’s been running constant missions ever since for European influencers and Parliamentarians. Almost 100 MPs from eight European countries have been to Israel to bear witness. And amid new denials from enemies of Israel and the Jewish people, Dov tells us how important it is to tell the truth about the depravity and murder which took place and why talk of a ceasefire will only make the possibility of this horror happening again. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 129: Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Jerusalem's deputy mayor: "250,000 Israelis are displaced"

    11/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    "Israel's a self-starting civil society, which takes so much on itself", so says Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, who talks about her city's response to the 250,000 displaced Israelis who've left their homes in the south. But there is a determination across the whole nation for them to return home and rebuild their lives and communities after the terrible pogrom of October 7th. Jonny Gould's Jewish State is proudly supported by Dangoor Education. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 128: Bring Them Home! Orit Meir: mother of Gaza hostage, Almog, 21.

    28/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    On my TalkTV show, I spoke with Orit Meir, mother of Almog, 21, who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7th, then seen in a Hamas propaganda video shortly after. Nothing has been heard or seen of him since. Orit says he MUST remain front of mind amid the release of other Hamas hostages. I can’t remember conducting a more emotional interview in all my years in broadcast journalism. This is a vital message to transmit through a mother’s agony and anxiety as you’ll hear. Bring Them All Home Now. Jonny Gould’s Jewish State is proudly supported by Dangoor Education. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 126: Chaim Oren: “A crisis can lead to rebirth”. How to build emotional resilience

    09/11/2023 Duration: 33min

    Our guest is Chaim Oren, an expert on resilience, wellbeing and high performance, who advises professional sportspeople and leading CEOs on fulfilling their human potential. When it comes to strengthening personal resilience, Chaim quotes Victor E. Frankl, Auschwitz survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning: “If you have the why you can endure any how”. Frankl, who conceptualised “logotherapy” a therapeutic approach to find personal meaning in life, believed anyone, anywhere could “rise up to any challenge”. “If you develop a life meaning you can overcome any difficulties, dangers and hardships". Chaim is the son of two Holocaust survivors who arrived in British mandate Palestine on the Exodus ship in 1947. His late uncle Dov Shilansky, the 12th speaker of the Knesset, was a close confidant of Menachem Begin. He’s famous for saying, "we don't have another choice, we must fight for our life. I won't put up my head in the handing rope again." We develop our conversation into how Israel comes together in t

  • 125: Relief work in Ukraine and Israel. Elnet UK's reception at the Houses of Parliament

    04/11/2023 Duration: 49min

    In these times of danger in the Middle East, even on one’s own doorstep, it was both heartening and morale boosting for everyone who attended a Parliamentary reception at the Palace of Westminster. Led by Elnet UK with United Hatzalah of Israel and World Jewish Relief, we learned of support on the ground for victims in the Ukraine and Israel. Meant to mark the 600th day since the war started in Ukraine, the Hamas terror attacks meant the focus shifted - though we were urged not to forget the war in Europe. In both conflicts, we were reminded of the “sickening suffering” inflicted on innocent civilians. And not just of concern to Israel, but wars for the future of good overcoming evil. Shocking testimonies don’t seem to get easier to hear. We heard Noam Sagi’s heartfelt story of his mother’s kidnap from her kibbutz Nir Oz home. He gave a news conference to London-based media. It’s coming up. I hosted the panel discussion with Assaf Admoni of United Hatzalah, Marta Kubica, chief executive of Elnet (Central and

  • 124: Lies, libels and lack of probity. Israel fights more than just Hamas, now also the UN and BBC

    25/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    Words are important. In times of war, their importance is magnified. Never has my mission for Jonny Gould’s Jewish State seemed more urgent: to combat the slurs, the lies and the distortions of history which threaten Israel and Jewish people. The media has a responsibility - at the very least - not to fan conjecture and untruths, because it comes with a by product: incitement. And the media column seems found to be woefully short of moral purpose. Hundreds of thousands Britons felt emboldened to head for Central London in support of Hamas, which prompted a disagreement between the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman and the chief of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley about the small amount of arrests. We hear from Sir Mark outside the Home Office as he left the meeting. As the weeks went by the protests, which became weekly got bigger, swelling from 100,000 to over 350,000 by week 4. Ms. Braverman eventually lost her job, describing the anti-Israel rallies as “hate marches” in a Times newspaper article. We

  • 123: Bring Them Home! says Entebbe survivor Benny Davidson, "I know what our hostages in Gaza are going through”

    19/10/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Israel’s collective spirit is rekindled. After eight months of street protests, of political turmoil and the societal divisions it scored arising from judicial reform proposals, the nation has responded in unity to the terror committed by brutal Hamas murderers, rapists and kidnappers on October 7th. The people have risen “ground up, not bottom down” in the best ideals of Israeli and Jewish society. The IDF, the collective “us” has brought Israelis together once more. And it’s a phenomenon our guest today says will change both the Middle East and Israel for good. Benny Davidson is an Entebbe hostage survivor. Now aged 60, Benny was just 13 when he and his family were among those rescued in the legendary Israeli raid in July 1976. He gives talks across the world on hostage trauma and says he’d go anywhere to do so. This episode is his insight into what the hostages are going through and what can and should be done to get over 200 babies, the elderly and whole family groups out of hell. He calls for more suppor

  • 122: Chuck Freilich: Catastrophe in Israel. What now as Hamas shows the world its true intentions?

    09/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    Israel is heartbroken, the house of Israel is heartbroken. Israel is at war again fighting genocide. It’s resilient people are traumatised by shock, horror and grief. A quiet Shabbat morning, also the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah where Jews celebrate finishing reading the Torah and then start to read it again, “In the Beginning”, was shattered by a mass invasion of Hamas terrorists, smashing through the concrete border wall, paragliding into Israel, before rampaging through a music festival killing 364, machine gunning people at the bus stop and in their own homes in Sderot and on kibbutzim. Gruesome videos and pictures swiftly circulated on X, horror one can never unsee. The elderly and babies slaughtered, women raped, bodies taken in to Gaza paraded and desecrated, mothers with children in their arms abducted are all now hostages in Gaza’s terror tunnels and tower blocks. Depravity and barbarism reminiscent of the European Holocaust and Russian pogroms. How did Israel’s famed security services miss

  • 121: Bill Browder, Putin's thorn. “We all need to be leaders, to stand up against wrong and for right”

    27/09/2023 Duration: 22min

    This is a special episode featuring a competition winner from North West London Jewish Day School, who won the chance to make an episode of Jonny Gould’s Jewish State with me. I ran it for Year 6 pupils and was delighted when 11-year-old Bella Bolot stepped up to the plate and secured us an interview with Bill Browder. Bill is a London-based American-born financier, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management, once the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia. On discovering that taxes he was paying to the Russian exchequer were being stolen by middlemen officials, he started to expose large scale systemic corruption in the country. With his Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, he took on large companies like Gazprom and Sidanco. But as they confronted faceless power, the consequences were fatal. In retaliation, in November 2005, Bill was refused entry to Russia, deported to the UK, and declared a threat to Russian national security. But Sergei was tortured and murdered in prison for testifying on

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