Jonny Gould's Jewish State



The Jewish and Israeli podcast ranging from Israeli HealthTech to Labour antisemitism, from the greatest pop music to Jewish comedy and from peace with Palestine to Holocaust testimony. I raise funds to produce this and you can help by donating at Thank you.


  • 9:

    12/03/2019 Duration: 23min

    My two guests are MPs taking the fight to Jeremy Corbyn over antisemitism. While Ian Austin became the ninth MP to leave Labour since Corbyn became leader, John Mann MP says he'll "have to be thrown out". But both are united in their fight against his leadership. I share with Ian a deep respect and affection for the Black Country, where he's MP for Dudley North, and we discuss our shared heritage of family who sought refuge from the Holocaust in the industrial Midlands. Jonny produces these podcasts for free. You can help support the show at¤cy_code=GBP&source=url

  • 8: Israeli HealthTech: the remarkable rise of digital health impacting the lives of millions

    06/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, I focus on an industry at which Israel leads the world, HealthTech. In a matter of years, Israel's digital health industry has evolved from a small group of innovative start-ups to a rich eco-system around Tel Aviv. In a partnership of private and public sector investment, Israel's HealthTech industry is training AI algorithms, using massive data based on twenty years of medical records from half of Israel's population. This was presented at the third UK Israel Business HealthTech Forum at which I spoke to UKIB's Hugo Bieber, Clalit's Professor Ran Balicer and Eyal Gura of Zebra Medical Vision. Israel has the equivalent of four NHS’s serving its population with a top-up private sector with additional benefits. So what can Israel teach the UK about public healthcare provision? This is a good news story from the start-up nation! Jonny makes these podcasts in support of Israel and the Jewish diaspora and you can help support him at Learn more about your ad choices

  • 7: Trevor Horn, Frankie Goes To Synagogue: pop and Jewish ideals

    27/02/2019 Duration: 48min

    "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city of your exile, pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper", Jeremiah 29:7, recited to me by the remarkable Trevor Horn. The Grammy, Brit and Ivor Novello Award winning record producer, coined "the man who invented the 80s", gives me a very personal interview about his current projects, (touring and a new album) plus a rundown of his musical career and influences. He also discusses his journey into Judaism; something he says he "believes in more than anything else". It turns out Frankie goes to Synagogue! Jonny produces these podcasts for free. You can help support the show with Gift Aid at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 6: Champions League Jews, Ivor Baddiel & David Bolchover: "Y Word" & football's top Jewish hero

    26/02/2019 Duration: 39min

    This episode goes some way to explaining the Jewish relationship with football, both today and in the twentieth century. My guests today are Ivor Baddiel, the comedy writer and biographer David Bolchover, who wrote "The Greatest Comeback", the amazing story of football's greatest Jewish hero, Bela Guttmann. If you've been to the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, you'll almost certainly have heard the word, "Yid" chanted in support of Spurs - or worse, AGAINST them by opposition fans. You may have even chanted it yourself. But what does it mean exactly? Do you think it still has a place on football's terraces? Campaigner Ivor Baddiel and his brother David began a campaign eight years ago with a short film, "The Y Word" which explained that it's a derogatory term for Jewish people - like the P or N Word. The podcast includes an excerpt from Ivor and David’s short film, The Y Word starring Gary Lineker and Frank Lampard. Would you like to help Jonny in the production of these podcasts which support Israel and the

  • 5: Jassem Tamim and Richard Millett, British Islam and English Irony: the fight for values

    12/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    My two guests today are from very different parts of British society - but united in opposing Jeremy Corbyn and the scandal of antisemitism sweeping Labour. Jassem Tamim (pictured hugging our own James Marlow at the 2021 Israel Solidarity Rally in Kensington, London) is a Sunni Muslim originally from Morocco, who considers his opposition to antisemitism as payback to Britain for the tolerance and acceptance he's found since moving here. He also believes it's his Islamic duty to defend Israel and Jews. And Richard Millett is the longtime activist who the Labour leader famously called “lacking English irony”. I ask both of them what the hard-left takeover of Labour has done to Britain? LISTEN to their insightful answers and fascinating stories here. Jonny produces these podcasts to support Israel and the Jewish diaspora. Want to help him? Buy him a coffee here. You can help support the show at¤

  • 4: My Grandma Olga’s Holocaust story: From Hitler's Vienna to Birmingham's Freedom

    25/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    Dov Forman and her great-grandmother Lily Ebert have co-written a book, “Lily’s Promise” about her Holocaust story. But 35 years before, I recorded the same idea with my own grandma. Grandma Olga’s recorded voice and when and where we recounted her life story will always be my most treasured episode. This is her eyewitness testimony of leaving Nazi-occupied Vienna for a new and as yet, uncharted home in the UK. She rebuilt her life in Birmingham where I grew up and where back in 1984, we recorded a chat on cassette in her front room. At the time, she was 77 and I was just 17. The motivation to record this way back then was to explain, to my as yet unborn children, who we are and how we got here. Grandma began life in England as a 32-year-old housemaid in a faraway London suburb before meeting my fellow refugee grandpa at a friendship club in Birmingham. They got married and lodged in an upstairs room next to Sutton Town's football ground. Eventually, they managed to buy their own home and set up a typewriter

  • 3: Labour Against Antisemitism and Grandma's Holocaust Testimony

    20/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    This is a very special episode for me. I rediscovered an old cassette I’d recorded of an interview with my late Grandma in 1984, when she was 77 - and I was 17. Thursday afternoons were always lunch at Grandma and I’d always wanted to record her voice for future Gould/Posaner generations. She narrates her own escape from Hitler's Vienna in 1938 and arrival in Birmingham. It’s her story of rebuilding family life destroyed by tyranny, the upheaval of leaving a place that made her - mixed with the heartache of saying goodbye to her parents, who she would never see again. She learned years later, they were murdered in a Polish death camps. There's also an extensive interview with Euan Philipps, spokesperson for Labour Against Antisemitism on his tireless campaign against the worst excesses of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour and what he hopes will happen. Jonny produces these podcasts. You can help support the show and see all of his latest episodes here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 2: Mark Lewis: Libel Lawyer, Campaigner and new Israeli

    05/01/2019 Duration: 26min

    Mark joins me to discuss moving to Israel with his fiancée, Mandy Blumenthal, what prompted their decision to leave the UK and the Israeli health system which promises him the world’s best treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, a condition he’s had since his twenties. He’s had a remarkable legal career, the highlight was when he represented more than 120 victims of phone-hacking and exposed the News of the World’s role in the scandal. When specialist hacker, Glenn Mulcaire and royal reporter, Clive Goodman, were both charged in 2006, Mark noticed what others had missed. Although the charges related were mostly to youngsters of the Royal Family, Mark was concerned that Mulcaire’s wider targets included five others, among them the chairman of the professional footballers Association, Gordon Taylor. “I saw the news and thought ‘They hacked Gordon to get that story’.” He calls it his “light-bulb moment”. Mark exposed the full scale of criminality inside Murdoch’s paper and then later inside Mirror Group Newspapers.  L

  • 1: Is the only route statehood for the Palestinians through "divorce" from Israel?

    04/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    “We ought not deal in the soft bigotry of low expectations of the Palestinians” – Benjamin Anthony, CEO, MirYam Institute. This is the first podcast in a series on Jewish and Israeli issues - so let's start with the biggest of them all: peace with the Palestinians. Brigadier General Amir Avivi (ret.) and Sgt. Benjamin Anthony of The New State Solution were in London to meet Egyptian officials to discuss their plan to create a Palestinian state from Gaza to North Sinai. Egypt is key to realising their vision as they would have to cede land for the New State. But then so is the agreement of the Arabs of the West Bank and the Gazans too. Can they do it? Is there a window of opportunity opening with the thawing of relations with Saudi and Oman? Listen to the opportunities they believe are available. Jonny asks for your support to help him make these podcasts. You can help support the show right here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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