Jonny Gould's Jewish State

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 118:15:58
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The Jewish and Israeli podcast ranging from Israeli HealthTech to Labour antisemitism, from the greatest pop music to Jewish comedy and from peace with Palestine to Holocaust testimony. I raise funds to produce this and you can help by donating at Thank you.


  • 28: Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Jerusalem’s Rock from Gibraltar

    16/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    “Jerusalem is the laboratory for the regional solution”. Fleur Hassan-Nahoum has been Jerusalem's Deputy Mayor since November 2018. I met her in London as she prepared to join a cross-party delegation in the House of Lords urging Britain to cease funding UNRWA to which they’ve just pledged a further £65.5 million. It’s supposed to aid Palestinian refugees yet funds the “glorifying of martyrdom” to Palestinian schoolchildren. With age-old communities in Israel’s capital living side-by-side, Fleur wants to close the gap between equal opportunities and equal rights, particularly in East Jerusalem. Born and bred in Gibraltar, Fleur says it’s her “oracle” for harmony and believes her Anglo-Spanish Jewish background helps her fulfill her job. She's not been without controversy, lending Katie Hopkins a helping hand to promote her movie, “Homelands” and attending a far-left Emek Shaveh event but she can't stand political correctness and is happy to argue her point. So much so, she’s too tired to argue with he

  • 27: Baroness Ruth Deech: Why the Holocaust Memorial shouldn't be built in Westminster

    19/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    Baroness Ruth Deech gave me more than I bargained for in this wide-ranging interview. I asked a question, she replied with 120% of an answer. Ruth discusses the rise of British antisemitism, the post-Holocaust record of Poland, campaigning to ease tough abortion laws, restoring university maintenance grants to aid social mobility and the role of the BBC. Baroness Deech tells me: • about her lack of surprise at Sir Richard Evans’ decision to vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour before claiming to change his mind after an open letter in the New Statesman by Anthony Julius. Sir Richard, a world authority on the rise of Nazism, was an expert defence witness of Deborah Lipstadt when holocaust denier David Irving sued her and her publisher for libel. • she believes EU Council President Donald Tusk should “sort his own country out first before interfering in ours”. • leaving Europe will be “absolutely excellent because we will not be sucked into anti-Jewish sentiment sweeping Europe. Our democracy and tolerance of minori

  • 26: Together Against Antisemitism rally as Corbyn’s General Election loomed

    08/12/2019 Duration: 33min

    Together Against Antisemitism, a rally outside Parliament just days before the infamous 2019 General Election featuring Jeremy Corbyn. To say this gathering at Parliament Square organised by Campaign Against Antisemitism attracted a cross-section of society is an understatement. All the present to show their support for the Jewish community. The anxiety ahead of the poll was palpable in the crowd. This episode includes excerpts from rousing speeches made by TV Judge Robert Rinder and actor and writer Tracy-Ann Oberman. It seems the Jewish community has many friends. Listen to Pakistan’s Christian community in support of Israel, comedian Al Murray who has a personal history of opposing antisemitism, Jewish and Zionist activist Damon Lenszner and Jewish communist, Jonathan Silberman who stood in the 2019 General Election against David Lammy in Tottenham. Jonathan might be workers first but he also fights antisemitism on the left and supports Israel’s right to exist. Communism isn’t for most - but give him a lis

  • 25.1: Mrs. Thatcher LIVES! Zoom Rockman's Churchill and Steve Nallon's Thatcher

    16/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    If only I could go back in a time machine and interview Mrs. Thatcher. This is the next best thing! As an extra to the Zoom Rockman interview, I was delighted to bump into Steve Nallon, the unforgettable Spitting Image voice of Mrs. Thatcher during her years as Prime Minister. Steve was there to add his support to Zoom's Portraits of Churchill launch at the Hyatt Regency Churchill Hotel in London. Relive his great impression from back in the day with updated political gags - and very funny Ann Widdecombe and Homer Simpson impressions too. Jonny produces these podcasts as a vountary effort. You can help support him and find the rest of his episodes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 25: Teenage Kicks: Zoom Rockman and Harry Markham are both 19 and incredible

    14/11/2019 Duration: 33min

    I'm giving this episode over to two brilliant 19-year-olds who energize the worlds around them. Zoom Rockman’s a magazine & newspaper satirist, a cartoonist and commissioned artist who at such a tender age has already left the Beano for Private Eye and from the Savoy to the Churchill hotels, where his distinctive sketches of Sir Winston Churchill now grace the walls. Harry Markham’s a self-declared "unapologetic” Zionist, who confronts Jew-hate on university campuses. While that role is important to him, he stresses an even greater emphasis in wanting to shake both Jews and Israelis into a greater appreciation of Zionism. I repeat, they’re both just 19. LISTEN to this episode to hear how this time and place is producing such inspiring young Anglo-Jews. I make these podcasts voluntarily. If you enjoy them, please consider helping me right here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 24:

    31/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    David Collier is an extraordinary researcher and his facts and figures on Labour antisemitism and the deligitimization of Israel have at times, dominated the news agenda. In this interview profiling his work and background, we get behind the computer screen to reveal more about the man and his mission. He says his undercover work online has revealed extraordinary levels of Jew hate within the highest corridors of British politics. He explains antizionism as nothing more than antisemitism. David’s most recent projects include lodging a complaint against the publisher, Pearson over an anti-Israel textbook about the Middle East, which he says has been lifted in large part from Wikipedia - and a report into Amnesty, which he says obsesses about Israel. While they overspend time and resources on the conflict in Gaza, David says they’re missing out on enormous disasters elsewhere. He doesn’t mince his words over the EHRC investigation into the Labour Party either, which he worries will not tell it like it is:

  • 23: US Special Envoy Elan Carr LIVE from Westminster addressing Parliament on antisemitism

    25/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    US Special Envoy Elan Carr spoke to Parliament in his role as the United States' leading diplomat in the fight against antisemitism. The address was hosted by Henley MP John Howell and I was given the honour of presenting Elan on behalf of Our Soldiers Speak and quite a platform to explain what the organization is about. In this tough yet uplifting speech, Elan clearly defines the three disparate sources of antisemitism, describing its 21st Century manifestation and how if not confronted, tyranny follows for everyone, not just Jews. Jonny produces these podcasts to support Israel and the Jewish diaspora. You can help support him here at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 22: Col. Richard Kemp OBE: fighting evil becomes personal

    26/09/2019 Duration: 59min

    Col. Richard Kemp has "seen evil at first-hand" and says fighting it "becomes personal". In this wide-ranging interview, Richard discusses his military career over three decades, starting in Northern Ireland, culminating in Whitehall as a senior government advisor and as commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. This episode opens with Jeremy Corbyn claiming we in the West don’t understand Iran’s “inclusivity, tolerance and acceptance of other faiths, traditions and ethnic groupings”. But Richard’s response is withering. He says Iran is the world’s greatest threat and predicts growing menace from Russia, China and ongoing Sunni extremism. He explains his unwavering respect for and friendship with Israel and warned of "hundreds of years" of damage that Britain could have self-inflicted had Jeremy Corbyn become Prime Minister. Col. Richard Kemp speaks in measure with the immense experience of a senior soldier and the gravitas of a world authority. It made for a fascinating interview and memorable meetin

  • 21:

    16/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Palestinian Mudar Zahran is Jordan's self-styled opposition leader but lives in exile in the UK after denouncing his country as an apartheid state. In his absence, he was found guilty by a Jordanian military court of inciting hatred against the Hashemite kingdom, which handed down a sentence of imprisonment and hard labour. But he continues to speak out against the 82-strong royal family who rule over the majority Palestinian populous and believes one day, he’ll return to Jordan as president in a bloodless coup, which will herald new peace and cooperation with Israel. His view of Palestinian identity makes mockery of Jeremy Corbyn's so-called support for his people. He even accuses the British Labour leader of “hating Jews more than any love for the Palestinians”. Mudar also predicts President Trump’s plans for Iran as the theocratic terror state sponsors rebellion and destabilization across the Middle East. Jonny produces these podcasts for free. You can help support him at

  • 20:

    29/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    Ashley Blaker and Bennett Arron are the two most prolific Jewish standup comedians in the UK. Their journeys are different but their comic routines are both rich in life experience and observation. As Ashley says, ”Jews are funny people”. Bennett grew up in Port Talbot in the town’s last Jewish family. His father ran a glazing business staying there long after the rest of the community had moved on to Swansea, Cardiff and Manchester. He says his dad remembers a time when he couldn’t get a seat in the synagogue. Ashley is a ba'al teshuva; highly observant but not born religious. He was a BBC comedy producer directing among other shows, Little Britain, but changed direction in 2015 becoming a standup the day before his 40th birthday. They both say comedy has changed rapidly even in the last decade, so how do they find laughter among new and diverse audiences? LISTEN as I go behind the punchlines with these two thoughtful and talented funnymen. Jonny Gould's Jewish State is supported by Dangoor Education

  • 19:

    24/07/2019 Duration: 27min

    My guest today is legendary BBC Panorama documentary maker, John Ware. John has yet more revelations and assesses his view of Jeremy Corbyn since his Panorama programme, "Is Labour Antisemitic?" was aired on primetime BBC1. “What we transmitted is not everything we have. There’s a sizeable iceberg beneath the surface”. I like and respect John because as a libel barrister once told him, ”report the facts, don’t rant!”. And it’s his evidence-based journalism that make his documentaries so robust. In this candid interview recorded in the days after the show was shown, John revealed how "livid" he was at Labour's allegations that he was “motivated to mislead”, predicted how it panned out and delivered his own verdict on whether the Labour leader is antisemitic. (Cover picture by Inc. Monocle) I make these podcasts voluntarily. If you enjoy them, please consider helping me at¤cy_code=GBP&source=u

  • 18: US Special Envoy Elan Carr: The White House fight against antisemitism

    15/07/2019 Duration: 28min

    US Special Envoy Elan Carr’s White House role is to monitor and combat global antisemitism. But the tragedies of the Pittsburgh and Poway synagogue attacks have ensured his focus has become more domestic. He was appointed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in February 2019. Mr Carr's message is like Jonny Gould's Jewish State's: unity; for the Jewish community to stand together to fight anti-Jewish hatred - and to bridge the gap in an increasingly polarized America to work on bi-partisan solutions. He is an Iraq war veteran, a former deputy US attorney in LA and a Republican in an historically Democratic district of the House of Representatives. Elan is of Iraqi Jewish heritage and served the US military in Baghdad, lighting Chanukah candles and leading Shabbat services in the palace of deposed President Saddam Hussein. We discuss issues of free speech, protected and unprotected speech plus where he sees the role of the IHRA definition of antisemitism in the future protections of Jewish people, and by ex

  • 17: Hen Mazzig, Bad Progressive or True Progressive?

    04/07/2019 Duration: 53min

    Hen Mazzig is truly a modern Israeli. A social media manager for major corporations and a writer and campaigner. Born in Israel in 1989 to a Mizrahi family originally from Iraq and Tunisia, Hen campaigns for the advancement of Israeli Jews from the east and LGBTQ rights as an openly gay man. He actually came out in the IDF serving in Ramallah and Jerusalem in a humanitarian role. His life experience includes being blown out of an ice-cream shop by a suicide bomber when he was 12. It was an attack which killed a grandma and her granddaughter. Identity is a huge part of modern day political discourse, where it seems being a Jewish progressive puts you at odds with non-Jewish ones. In doing so, I encounter the word, “pinkwashing” for the first time. We unpack some complicated concepts because I think it's important we all understand where both Israel and antisemitism is going in the 21st Century. Hen's very engaging and I learned a lot about parallel histories and Jewish lives to my own. Jonny produces these pod

  • 16: "I was a British-Jewish soldier who witnessed the liberation of Belsen concentration camp"

    18/06/2019 Duration: 29min

    This episode is dedicated to the 60,000 British Jews who fought for their country during 1939 to 1945. One of them, Stanley Fisher (100-years-old in August 2024), is my first cousin Samuel Posaner's great-grandfather - and we met by chance at Samuel’s Bar Mitzvah in Birmingham in the very 75th anniversary week he landed on Normandy’s beaches in 1944. Stanley is living history. Not only a teenage soldier arriving in Arromanches in the week of D-Day, he also fought at Arnhem, a terrible and bloody defeat for the allies - and then witnessed the shocking aftermath of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. He says it gave him nightmares, silencing him from telling his wartime story for decades. Eventually though, a desire to recount his experiences prompted him to speak up - for the benefit of the next generation. It's a profound privilege to bring his story to a wider audience. With thanks to Ben and Rachel Posaner, Esmond Rosen and of course, Stanley who came to the Bar Mitzvah with his wife Evelyn,

  • 15: Lyn Julius, Uprooted: 3,000 years of Jewish life in Arab lands is over

    04/06/2019 Duration: 41min

    Author, historian and campaigner Lyn Julius promotes the culture, history and lives of Mizrahim, the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa. Mizrahi is the Hebrew word for Easterners - and their exodus from Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Morocco, Lebanon, Iran and Algeria has perhaps been overlooked in the last century. After 3,000 years of vibrant Jewish life, interspersed with persecution and exile, the Mizrahim are all but erased from those countries. Most live in Israel now - but there's also a diaspora in the UK, France, Canada and the USA. So what can and should we learn from the sudden flight from their generational homes? Lyn's book "Uprooted: How 3,000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight" is the culmination of a decade of research. It's a story we mustn't ignore. This podcast also contains Hillel Neuer's famous "Where are your Jews?" audio by his kind personal permission. Jonny produces these podcasts in support of Israel and the Jewish diaspora. Would

  • 14: Lance Forman, smoking salmon, leaving Europe: the story of London's last salmon smokehouse

    16/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    Jonny produces these podcasts in support of the Jewish diaspora and Israel. You can help support the show here. My guest is a fourth generation smoked salmon purveyor and a former EU politician (if not a European Union supporter). Lance Forman was elected as a Brexit Party MEP in the 2019 European election, which he says shouldn't have happened in the first place. He accuses the political class of being fast and loose with extremist rhetoric, while being cowardly in making the big decisions lest they lose votes. He plots a 115-year history of the family business, H Forman & Son and describes the challenges of succession, planning and adapting to modern times. He harks for a return to the days of Margaret Thatcher, says Nigel Farage is "Maggie in men's clothing" and "antisemite" Jeremy Corbyn and allies' vision of "Britain as Venezuela" needs preventing. He's proud to be a Jewish member of the party, shrugging off the unpleasant daubing of a swastika on his factory shutter by what he describes as an “extinctio

  • 13: Lord Leslie Turnberg, Balfour Declaration, Lord Balfour and the formation of the State of Israel

    07/05/2019 Duration: 56min

    You can help support the show at Today's guest is distinguished academic, medic, historian and legislator, Lord Leslie Turnberg. Born in Salford in 1934 to Polish and Romanian immigrant parents, Leslie grew up to enjoy a successful career in medicine including presidency of the Royal College of Physicians. He took his place in the House of Lords when Tony Blair was prime minister and now speaks with authority in the upper chamber on medicine, the NHS and Israel. Agile of mind with a lifetime of experience and achievement, Leslie has applied his considerable intellect to becoming a historian. To mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, he wrote a book on its place in today's Middle East. In an extensive conversation, we discuss the history of Israel's formation, the key Zionist characters, those who helped them, today's Palestinians - and as a Labour peer, what he thinks of the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. Jonny produces these podcasts for free. You can help support

  • 12: Tuvia Tenenbom, “stand up for your rights or face annhilation”

    17/04/2019 Duration: 25min

    Tuvia Tenenbom, theatre director, playwright, author, academic and unapologetic, uncompromising Jew. For six months in 2019, he travelled the length and breadth of Britain, uncovering “a deep psychological Jew hate”. He warns the Anglo-Jewish community’s in denial - just as they are in Poland, where he also gives examples. His UK experiences make up the fifth book in a series, The Taming of the Jew, which was released towards the end of 2019. He spoke to many voices in British Jewry and found a refusal to admit to the extent of antisemitism. He says, "I feel like a plumber, clearing out the sewage. I don't want to do antisemitism - but I have to." Tuvia says that if Jews hide their identity, they face extinction. He says Israel needs to be cherished, it's the future but losing it would spell the end of Jewish life in the world - but for a few isolated Chasidim. I met him in the week he visited a pub in Derry, Northern Ireland, creating world headlines as the regulars openly told him, “Hitler hadn’t finished t

  • 11: Bela Guttmann’s Greatest Comeback and UK Lawyers for Israel’s Greatest Hits

    09/04/2019 Duration: 50min

    Today we focus on champions for our people in law and football. We talk to CEO of UK Lawyers for Israel, barrister Jonathan Turner and David Bolchover, author of a biography on Bela Guttmann, “The Greatest Comeback”. Jonathan describes the remarkable successes of his organisation despite limited manpower and resources and David recounts the ultimate Jewish football hero, Bela Guttmann, who survived the Holocaust to become a twice-winner of the European Cup with Benfica. Jonny produces these podcasts for free. You can help support the show by buying him a coffee and looking back at every episode he's made so far at http://www/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 10:

    27/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    Yaakov Peri has dedicated his life to public service. As director of Shin Bet, Israel's internal security, he was answerable only to the Prime Minister and oversaw the agency for nearly seven years. He was also in the opposition Yesh Atid party from 2013 including a spell as Minister for Science, Technology and Space. Yaakov tells me his hopes for peace with Palestine, the deeply problematic situation with Hamas in Gaza, how the flurry of Israeli elections will shape the future and changes to the Basic Law, which concern his instincts for equality. Jonny produces these podcasts for free. You can help support the show at¤cy_code=GBP&source=url

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