Brown Vegan

40. Why A Juice Cleanse is Much More Than Weight Loss



It was awesome having Jovanka Ciares on the show to share her vegan story and strategies on how to embrace a juice cleanse in a way that works for you. Not only can you lose weight with a juice cleanse, but the greater benefits are being more present, disciplined and to heal your body. Get all the resources mentioned in this episode here...   Tips on how to have a successful cleanse: [Newbies] Start with a combination of food and juices, so you don't feel overwhelmed Drink every couple of hours - don't limit yourself Around 4 PM enjoy a small smoothie of banana, plant-based milk (almond, coconut, etc.) Drink lots of water and herbal tea is okay Write/track your feelings in a journal   Quotes from the episode: "You cleanse to let your body heal" "Every choice...every bite needs to honor your body."Support this podcast at — Inquiries: https://re