Shuds Fitness

S23 | E14 | What is Hypertrophy? | How Protein Builds Muscle (In Simple Terms)



Hypertrophy: The growth/enlarging of tissue or an organ, typically in reference to skeletal muscle. (Ex., cardiac hypertrophy means “growth of the heart tissue.”) Metabolism:  Broadly refers to the cumulative cascade of anabolic and catabolic reactions going in your cells. Protein: is the foundation of muscle fiber, being the core class of molecules that control muscle hypertrophy and function Intuitively, you need to consume plenty of Protein so the ribosomes in your muscle cells have the necessary amino acids to create new muscle proteins, actin being just one of them. Consuming Exorbitant amounts of protein will not lead to “extra” muscle growth when compared to a more sensible high-protein diet. In fact, if your body is significantly deprived of essential amino acids and energy, it will eventually break down the existing muscle proteins for survival purposes. Basically, your muscles become catabolic. For muscle hypertrophy, you want the opposite. 1. The Information and / or Content provided is not i