Future Bachelor

Episode 256 | “Flabbergasted”



Si & Veronica are feeling 100% confident for episode 256! Week 7 was a big week for Zach and his ladies and included lots of Hungarian bath houses. Greer gets shipped from Estonia post-quarantine to just get dumped in a hotel room. Kaity secured the first hometown date rose and seemingly the front-runner spot after revealing more about her daddy issues on her second one-on-one. The group date is a mindfuck for all the girls as a mentalista reads their minds and reveals some unsavory thoughts. Brooklyn gets a second one-on-one that is mostly Zach realizing he isn’t all in on her and can’t meet her sweet grandpa. Kat spiraled more this week and it causes Zach to lose confidence in their connection and send her home. Hannah Brown is becoming the reality show winning darling after winning Special Forces.  (Bachelor talk ends at time marker 51m:32s) The Hailey/Justin Bieber vs. Selena Gomez drama continues as many think JBiebs bday party favor referenced how he was happy to not be with Selena… but also that Ha