Beauty Bytes With Dr. Kay: Secrets Of A Plastic Surgeon

216: Minimizing Radiation Exposure, Blue Light, and Living Mindfully in Today’s Technology-Driven Age with August Brice, Founder of Tech Wellness



On this week’s episode of Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon, I’m joined by Tech Wellness founder, August Brice! In today’s day and age, there’s no way to escape technology, so we sit down and discuss all the risks that come with it and how we can be proactive in minimizing these risks and protecting our health. After discovering she had EMF hypersensitivity when she picked up her first cell phone, August started Tech Wellness to help people live more digitally conscious, healthy lives in today’s hi-tech world. Listen now to hear why some doctors say that you shouldn’t get your first phone until 24, and how wearing Airpods could have harmful effects on us. Learn how high exposure to radiation and EMF can contribute to infertility, cancer, and even anxiety, and why we should be taking these issues more seriously. Tune in to get the full scoop, as well as August’s top 3 tips to living mindfully in today’s tech-heavy environment! You can check out all of August’s nifty EMF and radiation-prot