Regular Joes Podcast

469: The Stars are Aligned



We have arrived. The nexus is upon us! We have achieved nerd nirvana! We are at the singular moment in time when we can expect weekly streaming doses of good (no, not yet great) Star Trek and Star Wars episodes. As, for the next several weeks, both Star Trek: Picard, and Star Wars: the Mandalorian will work their way through their respective third seasons. Some people are Star Trek fans, others are Star Wars fans, but the Regular Joe’s happen to be fans of both. So for the next few months anyways, they will revel in the weekly opportunity to boldly go … to a galaxy far far away. In other news Discovery is ending, so that’s something. The Joes also catch you up on the streaming shows they been catching up on. The Last of Us … wow. You’ll want to pace your self with that one. There’s also the usual Random Topics and a round of What’s in the Box. Thanks for Listening!