Kita All Day

2021 #MindsetReset let's go!!!!



How did I get out of my rut!? What are my plans moving forward!? Listen to get a few tips to get out of a rut and look forward to 2021. $600 stimulus checks are coming. Don't spend it just yet. Hold on too it why you get your mind right so you won't regret later what you do with it and get deeper in a funk. I have been in a funk. Everything that could go wrong went wrong in 2020. Hindsight is just the past year. What am I learning from that and leaving behind!!? My horrible mindset!!!!! I sabotaged myself. I forgot I had a way to communicate. MY PODCAST!!! I am so sorry. It was a rough time and instead of following my calling to give a voice to the voiceless I silenced myself.