Kita All Day

Societal harm through food E9



I started the vegan challenge 22+. To go vegan for 22 days+. I alluded to the fact I am pregnant. I had a meat aversion in my first trimester and was already pretty vegetarian. I love sushi and I use eggs as a meat substitute. Don't even need to mention dairy. Lol I put that in everything. Lol (not hot sauce). Society has been debating the validity of the vegan diet ranging from forcing people to eat gmos as a sense of population control to the same for more meat pumped full of hormones bring encouraged more as a form of population control. My solution is simple. Grow your own organic veggies. Farm your own fish chicken or goat if you can't house a cow. Nut and seed milks are my new thing. Why do we drink another animals milk and shame women for best feeding their babies? Breast have been oversexulized. Talk for another day.