Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Episode 185 - The Void & The Fertile Void



Many people are completely unaware of the mysterious, unfathomably potent “place” from which all form — anything that exists in any and all realities — comes. If you don’t know about this place, if you don’t understand its nature and develop comfort with it, it’ll be much, much harder for you to effectively create-manifest, and nearly impossible for you to maintain momentum as you move through the natural, inevitable stages of the cycle of growth and transformation. The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will focus on starting to help you come into alignment with the Void. If you would like an opportunity to ask me questions in real time, join me when I go live on YouTube. Subscribe to the Spherical Luminosity YouTube channel and click the reminder bell to be notified when I am live: For the latest news about upcoming events and to be notified when sessions with me are released, subscribe to our newsletter: