Agile Rabbit

Can I Trust Science?



CAN I TRUST SCIENCE? From anti-vaxxers to climate deniers, not everyone trusts science. A special live event with a panel of international experts to look at why there is mistrust and positive antidotes to deal with it. This discussion explores the Open Science movement, which is sweeping the globe promoting practices to make science more transparent and less biassed. One method is sharing data – that increases trust through openness and accelerates the quality of research. There are hurdles to sharing data: who owns it, how it’s arranged, and the motivation of scientists when their careers are driven by publishing results. But are there limitations, a tyranny of openness? Sharing data without acknowledgement or payment may lead to exploitation of those who produced it. The panel examines the ethics of data and share positive solutions to make science more responsible, so we can all trust it. TIMANDRA HARKNESS SABINA LEONELLI TRAVIS COAN CAROLE GOBLE CBE FRENG FBCS JAMES COOMARASAMY