Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

13 Truths About Being Alive || Part 2



Part two of the 13 truths I have learned about being alive. Part 3 coming next week! 3. Don’t underestimate yourself. If you don’t have the necessary skillset now, you can develop it. If you don’t have the resources now, you can get them. If you haven’t met the right people yet, you’re just getting ready for them. Everything is possible if you just want it bad enough.
 4. Slow down. Stay in bed an extra hour. Sip your coffee while watching the clouds drifts. Read the instructions one more time. Fast is no longer useful. Slow, steady, conscious, and aware—that’s the way to go. 5. Uncertainty can grow into excitement if you learn to trust your own path. 6. Friends are hard to find. Take care of them when you do. Find all my books, music, and story here: Find me on IG: @justaglasschild Signed copies of my books: