Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Do I Need A Website? - WN 033



Welcome to episode 033 of the Write Now podcast! Today I am answering the question, "As a writer, do I need a website?" I am also answering the inevitable follow-up questions of "Why?" and "How?" Stay tuned! Though as you listen, please note: I am not a lawyer! So please take what I say in this episode as my own thoughts & opinions and not official legal counsel. :) As a writer, do I need a website? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yessssssssssssssss. Seriously, a website is a great tool for any writer, whether you're a novelist, a blogger, a journalist, a poet, or... you know. Any other kind of writer. First, I'd like to establish the need for every writer to have an online presence of some type (if not a website). Whether that's a Twitter profile or an Instagram account, there's a community of other writers and (perhaps more importantly) readers online that you can't afford to ignore. So why would you need a website if you already have a digital presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Ello,