Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Writing With All of Your Senses - WN 029



I'm back from my mission trip to Jamaica, my friends. And I have several stories and writing insights to share with you. It's all here in episode 029 of the Write Now podcast. Is travel a "must" for writers? Travel is a great way for writers to learn, grow, and gain an entirely new perspective. The only downside is that it's not feasible or accessible for everyone. Travel can be expensive, and not everyone can take an extended leave of absence from work, family, or other duties. This is why I'm so grateful to my employer, Click Rain, for sending me on an annual overseas mission trip to inland Jamaica for the past three years. In today's podcast episode, you'll hear all about my trip and how it affected me as a writer. A more complete and engaging story. I acknowledge the irony of lauding "writing with all of your senses" in the same episode in which I visit a village for the deaf. But I'm not saying that you need all five senses (or only five senses) to be a good writer. Not at all. I think that films and mov