Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

My 10 Favorite Books - Part I - WN 024



Help support this podcast! >> DID YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE BOOKS? This is a good thing, because episode 024 of the Write Now podcast is all about books. Hooray! This week's episode is sponsored by my good friend Dave Booda at the Darken the Page podcast. Dave is passionate about exploring the creative process, and his interview-style podcast lends some great perspective. Check it out! What are your favorite books? As writers, we tend to love books. Many books, various books, perhaps even all books. But we still have our favorites -- those books that we've had since childhood, books that comforted us when we were afraid, that kept us company when we were lonely. Those books that contain characters we count closer than our friends and remind us of all the possibilities life can bring. Here are 5 of my 10 favorite books, along with the reasons why. My favorite books! Today's podcast is about 5 of my 10 favorite books, and it gives you some background on why they're so important to me: Pattern Recognition by William