Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Fail A Lot - WN 018



Help support this podcast! >> Hey there, friends. In episode 018 of the Write Now podcast, I'm going to give you some advice that I'll bet you don't hear all that often: Fail a lot. As writers, why are we such perfectionists? Why do we expect perfection from ourselves? Shouldn't we understand better than anyone else that the human creature is inherently and beautifully flawed? I know, I know. I'm guilty of this, too. But let's do something we writers tend to be not-super-great at and dive headfirst into REALITY and admit: We are human. We are not perfect. And that is okay. Go ahead and repeat that a couple times, whether out loud or simply to yourself. Because it's true, and it's true of everyone. Especially if you're the type of person who protects yourself from failure -- and by doing so also prevents yourself from trying. And protects yourself from success. Failure fun facts: Failure is not rejection -- rejection is subjective feedback. Failure is not the opposite of success -- failure is a step towar