Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Who Is My Audience? - WN 007



Help support this podcast! >> Welcome to episode seven of the "Write Now" podcast. This episode is kind of a two-for-one special, in which I talk not only about finding and writing to your audience, but how to deal with that irritating little perfectionist who lives in your brain and doesn't want you to finish anything. Ever. Should I be writing for myself? My audience? Help! You want people to read and like (and buy!) your novel/book/etc. A great way to do that is to write stuff that people want to read. But who are those people, and how do you engage them? Should you focus on engaging everyone on the planet, a mid-sized audience, or one single person? Or should you simply write for yourself and hope that others share your interests? So many questions. But I have answers! You'll find them by listening to this week's "Write Now" podcast. Spoiler alert: My advice is to write for yourself, and edit for an audience of one person you respect and who encourages you. For me, that person is Walt Wangerin, Jr., one o