Macabre London Podcast

The Time Peasants Took Down The Government in a Fortnight! | The Peasants Revolt Pt2



England in the 14th century was in crisis. Famine had torn through the country in the first half of the century & extreme weather had battered the residents' properties, ports and farms causing widespread damage, taking years to recover from. The black death had swept over the world killing an estimated 25 million people globally and half of England's population overall.A poll tax was the final straw for the working people and contempt for the monarchy and the law makers began bubbling under the surface.When the king died and his 10 year old son took to the throne, the peasants knew what they had to do in order to convince the young boy that things needed to change. However, this wouldn’t be a peaceful process, they wanted blood. Today on Macabre London, we uncover the story of the Peasants Revolt. Podcast: so much for watching! If you are new here, you may not know that Macabre London is a fortnightly podcast and YouTube.If you like it here,