Macabre London Podcast

36: Violent Femmes - The Victorian Girl Gang That Terrorised London | The Forty Elephants



The grimy back streets in elephant and castle in south London during the Victorian times were definitely not a desirable place to be. The packed slums, workhouses and transient nature of the area meant that at times the residents would find themselves competing for resources, often turning to crime in order to make ends meet. Even though the area was destitute in some parts, it didn’t mean however that all the locals were poor, some were ridiculously affluent and alongside wealth comes opportunity for the less fortunate but not by legal means.Much like sparrows seek out humans to steal their fallen crumbs, one particular gang began to see the potential in blending in with a non threatening presence, being able to carry out deeds no one would expect of them. Building a criminal empire right under the noses of those who would never suspect them and doing it so successfully, that it lasted for over 80 years.Today on Macabre London, we uncover the story of the Forty Elephant Gang.---------------------------------