Macabre London Podcast

17: Tragedy Erupts From The Ashes Of Other People’s Mistakes.



Tragedy Erupts From The Ashes Of Other People’s Mistakes.A sequel to our most popular episode- Trains, Pain and Underground Squeals. This time on Macabre London, we uncover one of the worst fires to have ever happened in the history of the tube. The Kings Cross Fire happened in 1987 but it’s legacy lives on even today. We discuss how the fire happened, how it got so out of control and the strange fire phenomenon that scientists discovered as a result. How does the fire link with modern day improvements and how can today’s government learn from the past and maybe put safety precautions into practice before lives are lost again, as was seen in 2017 with the Grenfell disaster.———————————————————You can now watch our episodes! There are hosted versions of each podcast available on YouTube by me, your host Nikki Druce! Make sure you check it out and subscribe if you like it and tell your friends. Just search Macabre London on the YouTube website and you’ll find the show. As we’re brand new on YouTube we’d love it