Macabre London Podcast

12: An Eye For An Eye, A Life For A Murder



Capital punishment- Not something to be taken lightly and definitely not a job many human beings would willingly opt in to. When hanging in England and more specifically London was a practice enforced by the government, people actually wanted to sign up to be the one to rid the world of trialled criminals. Were hangmen trusted professionals or professional serial killers?In this weeks episode we learn about one of the most interesting and compassionate hangmen that served the UK for over 20 years but can one person bear the weight of all those souls on their conscience, particularly when they don't think the person they're hanging is guilty?This time, we tell the tale of John Ellis, London's chief executioner.---------------------------------------------------------find us on social media@macabrelondon across all platforms or email if you'd like to get in touchDon't forget to rate review and subscribe.----------------------------------------------------------***To enter the giveaway