Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

13 Truths About Being Alive || Part 3



7. Don’t think you know yourself. You're an ever-evolving incredibly vast thing. You’re not static. Wake up every day excited to discover new sides of yourself. New passions, new hobbies, new talents. Be your own biggest change-supporter. 8. Have less, do more. Simplicity is the key to everlasting peace. Learn to live on as little as possible. 9. Embrace unexpected opportunities. 10. You can never save people, but you can inspire them to believe they can save themselves. 11. Build a connection with the natural world. Greet Father Sky, thank Mother Earth. Meditate. Walk barefoot. Eat foods from the ground. We’re all under the same sky. 12. It’s ok to spend a year on your own if that’s what you need right now. It’s okay to go quiet. It’s okay to pause that dream, pause that project, cancel the contract and just sit and watch the waves come and go in some lonesome town in Portugal. It’s all ok. Trust your story. Be where you are and don’t be sorry. 13. Your only task is to live.