Big Scary Show – Episode 289 – Charity Home Haunters



Episode 289 As we move through the month of May and the ever increasing temperatures, Let the Big Scary Show Episode 289 keep you cool with all the latest news, information, and segments to help pass the time as we head deeper into the build and hiring season. There are haunts out there still putting out events in May and June, so get out and support your local haunts. Storm may be ranting about the Haunted Mansion Movie In a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim talks about hulks in another installment of Between the Corpses (No, not the big green guy). Badger reads the latest in Deadline news, and the Old Crone reflects on her 50th episode of ‘Ask the Old Crone’. Also, the Voice From Hell, Dick Terhune returns with his Marketing Morgue. And do we have a Gruesome Giveaway for the month of May? Stay tuned to find out. . The Roundtable of Terror invites several home haunters to have a seat and discuss their home haunts. What makes their home haunts so special is that each owner works with a local charity to give back