Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD262 [ENCORE] Hope for Reactive Dog Moms: 4 Remarkable Stories



If you've been struggling with understanding your dog and feeling uncertain about knowing what the right thing to do is,  I have got an episode for you! We're featuring dog moms, my amazing and brilliant students who had the same questions as you, the same struggles as some of you, and the same worry, overwhelm, frustration, disappointment as many of us feel, at least at times.  What I love about my students' stories is that they really paint a picture of what is possible and what it looks like to go from struggling, to feeling happy and enjoying life with their dogs. And I have a feeling that you're going to be inspired and more confident about creating a heart centered life of partnership, connection, and cooperation with your dog.  So, if you sometimes struggle as you try to understand your dog and create a meaningful connection with them … I want you to know that you’re not alone. Many dog moms before you have struggled with confidence in the fact that they are doing right by their dogs. Naturally, once t