Conversations With Cinthia

The Comparison Game



Cinthia explained at the outset that she sees lots of problems in her practice with people thinking they are not enough, not measuring up, and that this leads to comparing and contrasting themselves with others “twenty-four, seven.”  She also explained that she has struggled with comparison in her own thoughts and has worked hard over the course of her life to address this.  Cinthia stated that always wanting “to know we’re ok” is part of “the human condition,’ but noted that comparing ourselves to each other as an attempt to accomplish this is highly problematic.  How can we compare things that are each intended to be completely unique?  Our comparisons also tend to reveal the problems in our priorities.  Most of us tend to be dissatisfied with the amount of money we have or the way we look, but God is much more concerned with our morality and whether we are living out the design He made us to live. Comparison offers us nothing to gain and so much to lose; this is why Theodore Roosevelt stated, “Comparison i