
Wellness Wednesdays: Observing Your Thoughts, Honoring Personal Boundaries, 50K Training Update, Habits to Optimize Mental Health | #18



Note: We had some connectivity issues during this live broadcast so the audio will sound a bit choppy at times. We are working to ensure that our next episode returns to its normal quality. Here is what you can expect in this week's episode: 1. Mindful Moment - I will lead us through three rounds of deep breathing and an invigorating awareness exercise. Experience the grounding power of the present moment and gain a new vantage point to observe and understand our thoughts. Through this practice, we continue to cultivate mindfulness and develop a greater sense of clarity and inner peace. 2. Mindful Reflection - We delve into this thought-provoking prompt from the Balance Period Newsletter: "Do I have boundaries? If so, what are they and how do I honor them?" Engage in introspection and explore the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries. I share where I focus my boundaries and my journey to honoring them. 3. Check-In - I provide updates on my mental and physical well-being as I approach