Beer Me!

Homebrew Collective: Community Brewed Beer



Homebrewing conversations here on Beer Me often trumpet the same message: “It’s easy to get into! Just get a gallon kit!”. Well, what we don’t talk about is how the hobby is SO fun, SO engaging, next thing you know, you have a mini fridge in your garage with your own yeast strains and a mass of homebrew equipment slowly taking over your living space. Ok, maybe it doesn’t snowball to quite that level, but as someone grows as a homebrewer, so does the collection of equipment. What can be done to combat that? Say you’re a homebrewer who lives in a smaller space or travels a lot. Enter the “homebrew collective”! Think of this like a maker space of homebrewing. You pay monthly dues to brew in a collective space with other homebrewers. All the fun and community, without all the storage. About eight years ago, Andy Oetman founded “Fishbowl Collective Brewing” in DC. This is a brewing co-op that does about 6 brew days a year. Members of the collective are encouraged to participate in at least 3 per year. They take a