Non-corporate Girls

Ep. 29 What Action Looks Like



Every step in the journey is pivotal to the end goal. In this episode Ayanna and Delaila remind themeselves that although there is so much work to get done they are taking action every day toward building their empire. Listen to our #OffTheRecord which includes news on @NinaGarcia and @IssaRae. The ladies reveal their official media partnership with @TheLatinaConnect. #ObsessedWith this week is @NinaGarcia of @MarieClaire. #LetsTalkAboutit answers when is it a good time to introduce contracts in your work operations. Listen in for all this and More!Like, Comment & Subscribe!Follow @noncorporategirls / Email: This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. this podcast: the showDownload, Follow and Share on your favorite streaming platforms! Follow, Like, Comment and Watch us on social: Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.