Non-corporate Girls

Ep 103 - Commitment to Professional Growth



As usual, episodes of NCG plan themselves out. Through conversation Ayanna @the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) both spoke about what it really takes to leave a mark at your job so it can help level you up on your next move. But they both understand that with this new generation moving from job to job has become the norm and the way of moving up in your career. Listen to this episode to learn the insight both give on their experiences and lessons learned along their professional journeys.The ladies give some great thought starters in the #LetsTalkAboutSegment to help you strategize and create lasting impact.This weeks obsessed with is none other than actress MJ RodriguezDownload, Follow, Comment, Like and Share via our social channels @noncorporategirls. Have something to share, a topic you want us to weigh on, someone you want to shout out? We love hearing from you so feel free to send us a note to and check out our website Interested in creating