Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Live Events Matter



I talk a lot about networking online, you know I'm all about the power of connecting with people via social media. Here's the thing though those relationships can be made even stronger if you cement those relationships in person. Essentially using the two pieces of networking together makes your networking SUPER effective. Also it makes those quick connections at events go the distance because you're able to continue your conversations online. Dive in and listen to today's episode I'm sharing a few things, first up the latest here at Hit the Mic including a little more talk of the BRAND NEW Hit the Mic TV but also a few other places you can find me RIGHT NOW. Also I'm spilling the beans on what's happening on episode 100 which is about a month away!ResourcesEpisode 2 of Hit the Mic TV - Facebook Scheduling.My One Woman Shop Instagram takeover recapConnect with me on Google+  Connect with MeGet YOUR question on a future episodeEmail me at hello@thestaceyharris.comTweet with m