Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris



Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris is the must hear podcast for women entrepreneurs ready to get their message out online without feeling like a douchebag. Listen in as Stacey and her guests talk about marketing, social media, business, and making it all work in your life. Each Tuesday Stacey answers questions from listeners and shares the latest in information from the online marketing space.The Stacey Harris is a powerhouse online entrepreneur helping her clients reach rock star status with communities full of raving fans who follow them anywhere. She has a passion for building and being active in communities and teaching folks to use networking to build relationships that grow businesses.Her passion for rock stars goes back to her roots, she graduated with a degree in audio engineering ready to take the music scene by storm. She quickly started working with an up and coming record label finding bands to sign and feature on their web radio station. Now returning to her web radio roots Stacey is the host of her own show Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris.You can find out more and connect with The Stacey Harris at www.thestaceyharris.com and over on Twitter at @TheStaceyHarris.


  • How to Turn Listeners into Leads Without Losing Your Mind

    22/05/2024 Duration: 22min

    Share your thoughts with Stacey - Click here to send her a text directly.Too many business coaches are setting small business owners up for podcast disappointment, and honestly… podfade. You see, they’re selling the common misconception that podcasting should be primary about audience growth.Spoiler alert: It's not just about racking up those listener numbers. I'm diving deep into what kind of results you can get from your podcast when you start shifting out of only thinking of it as a growth tool and start turning those eager ears into solid leads. In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, we’re going to focus on the real power of podcasting for brands and small business owners. It lies not just in reaching more people, but in educating those listeners into a decision. Let’s build your plan so you can craft some killer content that does more than just entertain. We're talking strategy, baby! Let's get your podcast playing the long game. 1:05 - The dangers of following the traditiona

  • Pros and Cons of Adding Sponsors to Your Podcast as a Business Owner

    15/05/2024 Duration: 23min

    Share your thoughts with Stacey - Click here to send her a text directly.Small business owners using their podcast to generate, educate, and convert right fit clients often consider their show, self sponsored. This is precisely how I see our show. Uncommonly More sponsors this show, that allows me to be use the CTAs to promote things like The Podcasting for Profitability Roundtable or our Podcast Strategy Intensives.But does my business need to be the ONLY sponsor for my podcast? Maybe not.Podcasters often thing sponsorships can be a cash cow, but hold your horses—there's a fine line between being resourceful and turning your podcast into an ad fest. That’s why we’re digging deep the pros and cons of adding third-party sponsors to your small business podcast.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, we’re taking a no BS approach to podcast sponsorships for service-based businesses because there is never ONE right answer, or ONE right way, only you know what’s best for your podcast and your business

  • 3 Essential Steps for Relaunching Your Podcast After a Hiatus

    08/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Share your thoughts with Stacey - Click here to send her a text directly.Today we're diving into the art of the comeback. You know, that moment when you're ready to hit 'record' again after a little podcasting hiatus. But hold up – it's not just about pressing record; there's a method to the madness, and I'm here to spill the beans on how to relaunch your podcast with a bang, not a whimper.We've all been there, right? Life happens, maybe client delivery picks up, and sometimes our podcasts need to hit the pause button. But getting back into the groove isn't just about picking up where you left off. In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, I'm getting real about the nitty-gritty of a relaunch. We're talking deep dives into the why's of your break, the fiery passion that's reigniting your podcasting flame, and – most importantly – crafting a comeback strategy that helps you build sustainability into your process. 1:15 - Stacey addresses com

  • 3 Sources for Generating Effective Solo Episode Ideas for Your Podcast

    01/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    Last week we discussed the HOW of getting solo podcasts episodes done, this week we’re shifting gears and taking about the WHAT. I’m sharing three places that provide you with a well of content ideas for solo podcast episodes. These are the sources that allow you to zero in on the core issues that clients and potential clients grapple with. This is the kind of content I make it my mission to address in my episodes, and if you’re looking to convert listeners, these are the key to doing thatIn this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, I'm not just here to talk; I'm here to challenge you to take action and actively seek feedback. It's all about evolving and improving. Let's make your podcast not just good, but great!4:19 - Prioritizing client conversations for solo episodes that speak directly to your ideal clients12:34 - Using sales conversations to identify specific questions and objections so you can build sales assets20:35 - Differentiating between solving immediate discomfort and unde

  • Mastering Solo Podcasting: Practical Tips for Engaging, Energetic, and Effective Solo Episodes

    24/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    You know those solo episodes that can feel like a one-person show in an empty theater? Yep, it’s not just you that feels that way. In fact, I recommend saving this for the next time you’re struggling to sit down and hit the mic to record your next solo podcast episode.There are three things you can do to make this process easier, no matter what the purpose of the episode is. These are the keys to making your next solo recording session a lot less painful. These episodes are a critical connection point with your listener, these are often the format you’ll be using for sales assets, so it’s time to get comfy doing it.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, learn the three pieces you can use to get your next solo podcast session rolling. We’re covering strategy, prep, and a special technique I use when I really can’t get it going. Essentially, this episode is your best tool in mastering solo podcasting, so let’s get started.1:18 - Solo episodes can be difficult, especially if your show has been a guest-d

  • How Can You Effectively Grow Your Podcast?

    17/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    Ready to grow? Let’s dive into three essential strategies for taking your podcast to the next level. Before we jump right to growing though, let’s discuss the importance of intentional growth, honing in on the idea that it's not just about increasing your audience, but converting those listeners into leads. And we’re doing this with real life examples, as I share why now is the time for growth in my own business.We’re going to dig into social media, podcast guesting, and the importance of integrating your podcast into every touchpoint of your marketing. All of this becomes possible, only when we’re thinning about our business, our marketing, and our content strategically. 2:16 - Understanding the 'why' behind your growth can make all the difference5:41 - Signs it was time for marketing shifts in my own business, and why now is the time for growth9:15 - How we can intentionally boost our podcast's visibility, especially on social media13:50 - Making social media easier by using smart conten

  • How to Identify and Leverage Your Podcasting Type for Success

    10/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    I'm going to let you in on a little secret – there are three kinds of podcasters out there. Whether you're doing it just for kicks, making your podcast the star of the show, or using it as your driving force of your sales engine. Get ready to align those podcasting actions with your goals and start building your more profitable podcast.Now, don't tell everyone, but I'm going to give you the inside scoop on my own podcasting journey. I even get the soapbox out briefly to share why we focus on just ONE of these podcaster types with our work at Uncommonly More. If you've been dreaming of a strategy fairy godmother, or are frustrated with the advice you’re seeing elsewhere, it’s time to tune in.I'm all about helping you figure out which podcaster type you are so you can craft the most kick ass, profitable, and downright effective show that's ever hit the airwaves. So stay until the end because I’m giving you some action items to evaluate where you are now, and get clear on where

  • How Podcast Hosts Can Leverage Existing Content to Ease Production Stress

    03/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, we’re diving into a topic that's super close to my heart – what to do when life throws a curveball and recording a fresh episode just isn't in the cards. We've all been there, right? Sometimes, despite our best plans, we can't get to the mic. But don't worry, I've got a few strategies to keep your feed flowing and your listeners engaged.Here's the deal: I'm a huge advocate for making the most of what you've got. That's why I'm all about the power move of re-releasing an existing episode. But it's not just about hitting the replay button; it's about being smart and strategic, and that what we’re breaking down as we kick off this episode. I'm a big believer in having systems in place – it's like having a secret weapon. You want to be able to grab those past episodes and marketing assets without having to dig through a digital mountain. And let's not forget about repurposing content from other platforms. There's

  • 3 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Using Their Podcast to Generate Leads

    27/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    There are three mistakes our team sees over and over again when business owners are looking to generate right-fit clients from their podcast. These come up again and again, and they’re fixable. So let’s fix them! In the last few weeks, I’ve been in the car a lot. I live in Orange County, California but often head up to LA for events or to meet up with friends, and for some reason, it’s been happening a lot these last few weeks. That means a lot of time in the car which obviously means a lot of podcast time.Instead of staying with my comfort shows and my old business favorites, I went to search and just organically started looking for shows that would probably be a fit to work with us. I wanted to see what was happening in the market. What are these hosts doing right now that works, and what are they doing that likely isn’t working? This episode is a look at what I discovered.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, we’ll talk about the three mistakes we see service-based businesses make time and again

  • What if Your Podcast Isn't Just Content But Part of Your Sales Team?

    20/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    Quick heads up: I’m planning to challenge you to rethink the role of your podcast in your business. Instead of viewing podcasts merely as content, I want you to treat your show as an active member of your sales team. This shift in perspective is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of podcasts in generating and converting leads.Don’t worry—I’m not just throwing this idea at you and running away. We’re going to talk through it step by step as we discuss the importance of understanding the "who, when, how, and what" of selling through a podcast. This includes knowing your audience, the timing of your messages, the method of selling, and what information listeners need to make a purchase.You’ll even get examples from inside the show, like when I remind you that the doors to the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind are open now. This program is designed to help podcasters like you audit their shows, develop a 12-week content plan, and establish processes for ongoing strategy implementation.05:00 - Uncove

  • The Real Reason You Can’t Batch Your Podcast (and why it’s costing you big time)

    06/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    This might ruffle some feathers; okay, someone is going to hate this, but there’s a fairly simple reason why you can’t batch record your podcast. It’s not that it’s just not how your creativity works or an energy issue. It’s a planning problem.Today’s episode is inspired by a message sent to me by a Podcast Strategy Intensive client after working together. After listening to episode 600 of this show, they sent me the following…“I've been podcasting for 15 years. I have heard people talk about the benefits of batching and I have never felt like I could do this. And I realized, listening to episode 600, why that is. It's not that I didn't have the time or the energy or the focus to produce more than one episode at a time. It was because I was coming up with my content plan one episode at a time. Now that I have a 90-day plan, suddenly batching--and all the benefits that attach to it--seems not only possible but logical and inevitable.”The problem is simple: you’re ONLY thinking about batch record

  • Build Credibility, Authority, and Connection As a Local Business Owner Through Podcasting

    28/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    Every business has nuanced needs. And sometimes, the advice you hear comes with caveats or might be the opposite of what’s best for your business.For instance, I’ve warned against the idea of a podcast guest format as the main structure for your show. Too often, it can distract people from your business (or just fails to bring right-fit clients in).However, a recent Podcasting for Profitability Roundtable brought something new to light on this topic, specifically for local-based service providers. A participant introduced an idea for their show that highlights something locally-based entrepreneurs need to consider and remote businesses typically don’t.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll learn why regularly having podcast guests isn’t a distraction for local service business owners. I’ll give examples of how it helps build credibility, authority, and connection and also teach you how to use nuance to better serve your business, even if you work with clients nationally/internationally and are

  • Defining Audience Education and How to Do It Effectively

    21/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    See if either of these scenarios seems familiar:You open your DMs, and someone asks you a question you’ve heard a thousand times. Or you experience sales call after sales call after sales call (after sales call) with yet another poor-fit client.Why do you constantly find yourself in these kinds of time-wasting situations? You need to not only have the pieces in place to use on the fly and maximize your time, but you also need to know the right pieces.That’s where too many podcasters go wrong and why they fail to generate the sales they want! So, let’s shift the way you think about how you build your podcast and how you understand the purpose of the episodes you release.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll learn about client or listener education and why it’s the key to moving them into the action you want them to take. I’ll teach you the difference between educating versus nurturing your audience, give examples of how to educate and reveal the benefits of an education episode library in your

  • Are You Growing Your Listenership Through Facebook Ads With the Right Approach?

    14/02/2024 Duration: 23min

    Facebook Ads have been the lead-generating go-to for many business owners for a while now. And despite how much things have changed since its inception, too many podcasters still just jump right into the platform expecting a giant result without considering whether their approach is even in congruence with their goals.See, for many podcasters, the audience is the product, and the customer or client is the sponsor who wants to sell advertising to listenership. But if you’re an entrepreneur using your podcast to sell a service to right-fit clients, how you approach Facebook (or any other platform) has to be different.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll learn an effective way of growing your audience with Facebook ads and how they affect the impact of your show. I’ll also reveal what you need to consider beforehand and why there’s a discrepancy between your audience and conversion rate.5:17 - How Facebook advertising is different now and the advice you should be wary of7:27 - The outdated stra

  • Choosing the Right Podcast Format (and How to Make a Change)

    07/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Have you always had the same podcast format and have never thought about changing it? Or has the thought of switching things come up recently, but you’re worried about possible consequences?If you’re like most podcasters, you’ve probably had the same overall format since day one. But should you make a change? If so, how? And do you need to announce it to your listeners beforehand?Good news! It isn’t complicated at all! And there are advantages and disadvantages to any structure you use for your show.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll learn the three most common formats we create for podcasts and the pros and cons of each. I’ll also discuss what to do when changing the format of your show (whether overall or for just occasional episodes), the strategic purpose behind whatever structure you choose, and why it’s not the format that matters in the end.4:55 - The guest interview format and why I call it the “lazy choice”8:10 - How we do roundtable discussions to highlight the advantages and mit

  • Social Media vs. Podcasting: Is One Really Better Than the Other?

    31/01/2024 Duration: 27min

    Everybody has an opinion about what kind of marketing is the best. And so many think they know the magic button solution for all businesses.If you’ve been around long enough, you’ve probably heard discussions about the virtues of avenues like blogging over video and vice versa. People even argue over platforms to use (or the types of content within the same platform, like whether Reels, Stories, or Posts are best for attracting attention on Instagram).However, I see this most frequently come up in regards to short-form versus long-form marketing, such as social media versus podcasting. Do you need to do one or the other, or do you need both? Which one is better?In order to answer those questions for yourself, you need to understand what button you need to press right now to get the results you want for your business model, needs, and personal capacity. And that’s what I want to dig into while using this podcast as an example to showcase what I’m talking about today.In this episode of The More Profitable Podca

  • How to Make a Well-Organized Podcast Even Better with Elizabeth Sherman

    24/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    How can the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind help you if you already have a good process in place for your show?Elizabeth Sherman has been podcasting for about three years. She’s a pretty organized, process-driven person who works ahead of schedule and with someone she trusts. Still, she felt the need for more support and a strategic approach to her show, particularly with a rebranding on the horizon.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll hear about how our work together through the ProfitablePodcaster Mastermind has moved Elizabeth from reactively releasing episodes to proactively using her show as an asset and how her perspective on her podcast has changed. You’ll also discover the secret to batching episodes without frying your brain and exhausting your energy.3:22 - Elizabeth discusses her podcast rebrand and her struggle with changing the name6:46 - Fun fact about why diets don’t work for midlife women8:55 - How the mastermind helped Elizabeth be more proactive with using her podcast as an

  • Generate, Educate, and Convert the Right Clients Inside the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind

    17/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    Do you have enough space to approach your podcast strategically? Or are you just focused on getting content out?While podcasting isn’t your business model, it is still a part of your business. But you can be more efficient in how you approach it so that it’ll be an asset that better serves your goals and helps make your business a profitable one.That’s where something like the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind comes in. And even though you’ve heard from a couple of mastermind members on this show about their experience, I’ve never gone in-depth on what the program itself is all about and how it works. So let’s change that!In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll learn what the mastermind is, how it operates, and who it’s for. I’ll take you through each month of the program so you can see how it helps you use your podcast to generate, educate, and convert right-fit clients.2:34 - Two reasons to listen to this episode even if you aren’t interested in the mastermind7:28 - What is the Profitable Podca

  • How Molly Watts Improved Her Relationship With Repurposing Podcast Episodes

    10/01/2024 Duration: 37min

    Re-releasing episodes of your show at strategic times of the year is one of the best, most efficient things you can do for yourself and your listeners. But sometimes podcasters hesitate repurposing their show in this way.Take my special guest today, Molly Watts, for instance. She joined a round of the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind with a production process that left less space and efficiency for her (and her editor). Today, though, I want you to hear from her how her relationship with repurposing has changed and continues to improve.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll hear about her biggest issue (and a very common one) before joining the mastermind, how she plans to start incorporating repurposing episodes into her plans over the next year, and other big takeaways as she wrapped up the program. You’ll also learn why re-releasing episodes isn’t just a big benefit for you as the host, but also for your audience, and more!3:42 - Molly talks about why she started Alcohol Minimalist and how w

  • How to Record Better Podcast Interviews

    03/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    Today's episode is your guide to creating guest conversations that not only educate but also convert listeners into clients.In this episode, we dissect the essential trio: mastering the tech game, prepping your guests for the spotlight, and structuring interviews to ensure they still highlight your expertise AND include the calls to action necessary to keep your show a marketing and sales asset (not just another expense).Learn how to prepare your guests for the podcast stage, even if they're new to the world of audio. Discover strategies that transcend the ordinary, ensuring your conversations resonate long after the episode ends.This isn't just about recording better interviews; it's about strategically using your guests to help your listeners make decisions and setting the stage for conversion and client success.Ready to amplify your podcasting journey? Hit play, and let's dive into the art of crafting unforgettable conversations.2:00 - Where to find tips on improving how we show up

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