Beauty Bytes With Dr. Kay: Secrets Of A Plastic Surgeon

539: Sunburn Summer Secrets



Peeling skin, redness, and pain - are you experiencing these symptoms after your relaxing summer vacay? You probably have sunburn! Sunburns develop as a result of being exposed to the ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted by the sun or artificial UV light sources. It's important to note that sunburns can contribute to premature aging of the skin and increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Taking proactive measures to protect your skin can help reduce the chances of getting sunburnt. Aloe Vera, for instance, is a great way to alleviate a sunburn. Tune into my Five Minutes Friday to learn some more sunburn remedies! To shop the best sunscreen to protect you from sunburn, click HERE. To shop other amazing product by KD Skin, click HERE. Learn about why it is important to know what's in your sunscreen, click HERE. To follow me on TikTok click HERE. To connect with me on Instagram click HERE. To subscribe to my Youtube Page click HERE. To learn my expert injection techniques click HERE.