Future Bachelor

Episode 275 | “Spiral of the Season”



Si & Veronica aren’t taking it easy for Episode 275! Charity and crew have made it to New Orleans for what has become a very speedy season. Hometowns are next week and on the minds of all the men. Joey got the first one-on-one of the week and they did a little tour around the streets of NOLA and received a little poem about their love story and a tarot reading. Joey is the first man to say he is falling in love with Charity and the first rose that solidified his spot for hometowns next week. Producers must really be racing because we got the most anticlimactic two-on-one with Sean and Tanner that results in no rose and Sean starting his “wait until my father hears about this!” level spiral. Meanwhile, Aaron B. is getting pissed that he, as a seven year resident of NOLA, isn’t getting the second one-on-one, but Dotun is. Dotun and Charity “run” a half marathon together and then he tells her how he is falling in love with her too. He currently seems like the one to beat. Charity planned to recycle both Sean