Ultraculture With Jason Louv

Ep. 170: Undreaming Wetiko & Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind Virus with Paul Levy



Paul Levy, author of "Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus," joins us in a profound conversation that delves into the depths of the human psyche and the insidious mind-virus known as "wetiko." A concept deeply rooted in Native American thought, wetiko represents a collective psychosis that is wreaking havoc on our world. Yet, as Levy passionately explains, within this very madness lies the key to our healing. In this enlightening episode, Levy explores the intricate connections between wetiko and ancestral trauma, revealing how the wounded healer/shaman archetype can be a catalyst for both individual and collective healing. We journey into the heart of multigenerational pain, understanding how it propagates through families and how recognizing the wounded healer within us can guide us through the dark underworld of the unconscious. Levy introduces us to the inner guide—a daemon/angel that resides within us, acting as an ally in our encounters with the daemonic energy of wetiko. We