Transcending Times With Tony Sayers

11: Are You Living Or Just Existing? - Tony Sayers Interview



Do you ever look around you and just think that this journey is all a little bit crazy? Why is everything laid out for us as soon as we are born to follow a certain path? Does this path even necessarily lead to fulfillment and happiness? Who runs the world and who are the architects of this path and why is there so much corruption at every turn? Why do we always live in a World of Wars, of poverty, yet others seem to thrive? A population obsessed with artificial intelligence and technology yet seemingly disconnected from Nature and what is real. Five years ago I asked the same questions to myself, was I living or just existing? This led me on a journey of deep research and discovery both of the outer World around me, and my own inner World. I realised that a lack of understanding leads to a lack of fulfillment and purpose in life, so this book is an honest assessment of hard-hitting questions about beliefs and traditions we as species have held for eons. I also seek to answer many of the questions behind Wo