Different View

Different View Episode 02 - Culture shock stories



In this episode of the Different View,I will start with with culture shock definition, concepts, and the main stages of the culture shock that we might face. Also, there is a story of a friend from Russia that lived in the United States and what culture shock she faced when she came to the US. In the end, a small tip that could help any immigrant who want to live in any new place and pass -or minimize- the culture shock experiment, which is "try to understand the culture differences". Resources: Culture shock definition ًWhat is it? http://teenshealth.org/teen/your_mind/emotions/culture_shock.html Stages of the culture shock What you don't know about culture shock http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum4/thread199177.html#.VMX4I9LF8nI Sound Effects: Chrissy Crowley - Last Night's Fun http://goo.gl/fipt1G License: creative commons | Recorded by Stomachache http://www.freesound.org/people/stomachache/sounds/49610/