Mckenzie's Podcast

Episode 12 - McKenzie’s Reality Check



McKenzie’s Reality Check It started as a tiny speckle in the far, far distance, in the macro-space behind McKenzie’s eyes. Sitting in his recliner easy-chair soaking up the sunshine through the window of his bedroom, he almost purred like a pussy-cat. McKenzie inclined his head towards the wall and watched the shifting shadows and dancing lights that were refracted through the trees from the garden outside. A cloud momentarily passed in front of the sun bringing McKenzie back from day-dreaming to the stark reality of the matter in hand; why was Helga murdered and who did it? He had no option but to walk away the night she was killed. To get involved with a murder would have complicated everything. He had been waiting on Helga returning with a contact name; a name that would take him to the leader of the Unilateral Disarmament Movement in Russia. Whoever killed Helga didn’t want McKenzie to have that name. McKenzie knew that this was more, much more, than a group of Ban the Bomb ex-hippie protesters. He wonder